Endgame Challenger
1000 XP
Well guys, here it is.
, also known as #L is shutting down on February 28-th.
Riot Games filled a lawsuit against them and it's inevitable.
Here is a link to the case :
Here is what teamjoduskame wrote:
, also known as #L is shutting down on February 28-th.
Riot Games filled a lawsuit against them and it's inevitable.
Here is a link to the case :
Seems we have to move on to some other thenDear Users,
You might have read the web notice already. This thread's purpose is to give you, our users, more information as to what you can expect from us going forward.
Some of you might have predicted this outcome. We have tried to be the best and deliver the best service. We have spared no expense and effort. The quality of service, at least in our impression, has declined over time when the lawsuit started. Defending the lawsuit required a lot of attention and resources and it exhausts you, physically and mentally. We have prepared for this lawsuit a lot and wanted to dive full head in, but eventually you start to comprehend the sheer scale of this issue. Even if we had won this lawsuit, multiple appeals would have followed and likely other lawsuits in multiple countries. Eventually, our efforts would have only delayed the inevitable. It could have ruined our personal lives, for a while at least. We came to a point where we realized that, instead of fighting this like we planned (and we did for a while), we can just get over it and work on another project in an area that is not that prone to lawsuits.
Without you guys we would have never become what we were. We have had a great journey, our ups and downs, and lots of fun for sure. We would have liked to keep doing this for many years, but eventually all things must come to an end.
LeagueSharp will shut down on February 28, 2017.It won't be possible to use LeagueSharp beyond that date, even if your subscription expires later than that. All LeagueSharp related content will be deleted from social media, GitHubs and the forums as well.
This is no goodbye though. Other products, like EnsageSharp, will continue to be supported in some way and you can use your subscription for that if you so desire. Thus, you can continue to buy subscriptions. Details will follow. The forum/website might possibly be rebuilt to support Ensage, or we might move Ensage to a different website after all.
Thank you.