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Hey, I felt like people misunderstood our strategy when it comes to risk free betting. Let me explain you it real quick.
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What is it about?
Tennis matches are a great example, as there are only two outcomes (Player 1 wins or Player 2 wins). It is not possible for a match to end in a draw.
First step is the hardest:
- 1. Find two bookies that are offering different prices on a game at the same time like in the example above
(You can skip this part by checking out our signature)
- 2. Calculate your bet amount on each site. If you're having trouble use our calculator:
- 3. Bet on both to guarantee a profit.
- 4. Repeat
Why should you start?
Let's get to the, in my opinion, important part. I think to have the opportunity to grow your wealth daily by Ø4,5% without any risk, its very underrated on nulled. It's truly about consistency. I made a calculation about what your wealth will be after 4 months of doing this starting with only 100€. So basically 100€ with daily 4.5% for 120 days:
Revenue: Almost 20.000€
Edited by Sarogat, 07 October 2023 - 01:08 PM.
Make sure to like this post:
What is it about?
- When it comes to sports betting, you will find various websites (bookies) that offer you sport betting service.
- There are no regulations in between them when it comes to the odds.
- We can exploit this system and create ourselves a risk-free bet that is based on simple mathematics.
- We do multiple bets on the same event on different providers to guarantee a profit no matter the result.
- It’s usually a result of different sportsbooks offering different odds on the same event.
Tennis matches are a great example, as there are only two outcomes (Player 1 wins or Player 2 wins). It is not possible for a match to end in a draw.
- Unibet has for the betslip (Player 1 wins) x1,3 odd = Pinnacle has for the betslip (Player 1 wins) x 1,5 odd
- Unibet has for the betslip (Player 2 wins) x4,7 odd = Pinnacle has for the betslip (Player 2 wins) x 4,0 odd
= In this case we will bet on Team 1 using Pinnacle (x1,5) , and on Team 2 using Unibet (x4,7) this will guarantee us 13,7% profit whoever wins when you bet the amount that has been calculate here:
First step is the hardest:
- 1. Find two bookies that are offering different prices on a game at the same time like in the example above
(You can skip this part by checking out our signature)
- 2. Calculate your bet amount on each site. If you're having trouble use our calculator:
- 3. Bet on both to guarantee a profit.
- 4. Repeat
Why should you start?
Let's get to the, in my opinion, important part. I think to have the opportunity to grow your wealth daily by Ø4,5% without any risk, its very underrated on nulled. It's truly about consistency. I made a calculation about what your wealth will be after 4 months of doing this starting with only 100€. So basically 100€ with daily 4.5% for 120 days:
Revenue: Almost 20.000€
Edited by Sarogat, 07 October 2023 - 01:08 PM.