API Security Tester
1000 XP
Here is probably the most advanced script for website, it is a little modified by me, it includes not only auto-rolls every hour but it also plays HI-LO game, buys bonuses in reward points and satoshis. There are lots of options in config which are explained below so you can set it up the way you want it to work.
Here I present to you script for website. If you don't know this website yet - it lets you roll every hour and win satoshis (up to 200$ in BTC) which you can withdraw to your address or play HI-LO game, place bets, buy lottery tickets. It has reward points system which you can use to redeem real life prizes (like iPhone) or buy bonuses on website for example bonus satoshis or reward points amount with each roll.
Source (Bookmark this page for updates and info how to edit config):
IMPORANT INFO: Before using this script you need to collect some reward points (RP) by doing free spins manually with checking the captcha. After you have around 1000 RP you can turn on the script but you have to remember to buy bonus to reward points (in REWARDS tab) so you dont run out of the RP. There is other script (link: which tries to click the reCaptcha box first before stupidly switching to the "play without captcha" button so you might want to have it installed too for the time you need to collect Reward Points for free spins it will help a lot with future enhancements in the script complicate systemto calculate when play, tolooks like a human. In low balances, captcha avoidance, paying RP, and roll.
Autonomous,tested for months. You can leave it running forever. Randomly play multiply game, Buy bonuses, Buy lottery tickets,create a status panel in the home page with all the useful infos.
It simulate a human playing,without risking loosing your account and your walletand letting youincrease your balancewith multiply game.
You can also roll manually if you don't want to wait, the script will understand that
It was made in 2018 for private use. Published in 2020 with lots of hours work on it
If you find any issues (script not working etc.) please report them in my PMs, also remember to disable adblock on freebitcoin website as rolls won't work if you block ads.
When a promo (reward bonus or multiply bonus) is active, if promo_mode is true, script will roll faster, avoiding losing time and rolling more times till promo is active.
When true, script will act really slower. Suggested if you keep script running long time
If true, script will be slower in the night, and faster in daytime. Calculated by your timezone clock
if true, script will buy rewards. It will buy the biggest RP bonus allowed with your RP points. Just if: It's missing less then 20 minutes before rolling. To avoid losing time just after a bonus is active. And if HOURS_BETWEEN_BUY_BONUS passed. If false, rewards function is disabled and no bonuses are bought.
[BONUS 1000
It will buy the 1000% roll bonus. Just if: It's missing less then 20 minutes before rolling. To avoid losing time just after a bonus is active. And if HOURS_BETWEEN_BUY_BONUS passed
Time to wait, in hours, between one bonus is active and buy the next bonus. If 0, script will buy bonus with no waiting time. One bonus ended, it will directly buy next one.
if true, script will buy lottery tickets. Function lottery is executed every time the page reload. It waits random time to buy, and is activated just 7% of the times. It will buy random number of ticket. Max number of lottery tickets is defined with the next variable.
Maximum number of tickets to buy
if true, script will play multiply. It will play multiply just after roll, not before, and not always, just 50% of the times.
To be specific, multiply function is called randomly by roll function. Roll function, after roll, sometimes call multiply, sometimes reload the page, sometimes do nothing. If false, multiply is not played.
The var rapresents maximum number of multiply bets played, in a single game. When used with auto bet, it's the number placed in the field MAX BET/WIN. When it's used with manual bet, it's the max number of bets, with some exceptions:
1) in martingale_manual, if last bet is lost and bet is less then max_bet, script will play to not lose the martingale logic
The BASE BET is the beginning value to start to play.
The MAX BET is the max bet it will played.
Script will wait those hours number to play again. Freebitcoin is proven to make you lose if you play continuosly or don't wait the needed times.
Martingale logic on the game. If lose, double, if win, go back to base bet, to win the base bet every win. It will play the auto bet part of the freebitcoin page.
Martingale logic on the game, but manual. Physically click on bet hi and bet low, and changing bet value at every play. It will wait random time between one click and the other, to simulate human behavior.
Olaer is a user that asked for a game logicc implementation, based on sequence HLLHHHLLLL etc, so If martingal manual is true, putting this var at true will change the logic of hi low bet sequence, playing HLLHHH...
If martingal_manual_olaer is false, HHHH is always played.
if true, script will play in low balance accounts and autoroll paying RP to play without captcha.
Change the loglevel of the script. 0 is no log, and 5 is debug. Logs are displayed in console. Visible with right click on the page -> inspect -> console
If false, reset_stat link is shown in the status panel. It's usefull to delete ll cookies relative to the script. It will cause to lose all stats relativee to the script, to begin from 0. You can use that when you play with a new created account.
Here I present to you script for website. If you don't know this website yet - it lets you roll every hour and win satoshis (up to 200$ in BTC) which you can withdraw to your address or play HI-LO game, place bets, buy lottery tickets. It has reward points system which you can use to redeem real life prizes (like iPhone) or buy bonuses on website for example bonus satoshis or reward points amount with each roll.
Source (Bookmark this page for updates and info how to edit config):
IMPORANT INFO: Before using this script you need to collect some reward points (RP) by doing free spins manually with checking the captcha. After you have around 1000 RP you can turn on the script but you have to remember to buy bonus to reward points (in REWARDS tab) so you dont run out of the RP. There is other script (link: which tries to click the reCaptcha box first before stupidly switching to the "play without captcha" button so you might want to have it installed too for the time you need to collect Reward Points for free spins it will help a lot with future enhancements in the script complicate systemto calculate when play, tolooks like a human. In low balances, captcha avoidance, paying RP, and roll.
Autonomous,tested for months. You can leave it running forever. Randomly play multiply game, Buy bonuses, Buy lottery tickets,create a status panel in the home page with all the useful infos.
It simulate a human playing,without risking loosing your account and your walletand letting youincrease your balancewith multiply game.
You can also roll manually if you don't want to wait, the script will understand that
It was made in 2018 for private use. Published in 2020 with lots of hours work on it
If you find any issues (script not working etc.) please report them in my PMs, also remember to disable adblock on freebitcoin website as rolls won't work if you block ads.
- Click onTampermonkey iconon web browser fromFreebitcoin tab
on+on the right of the script
Click edit (like the image)
- Look for this part of code (in the image), at the beginning of the script., it says CONFIG.
When a promo (reward bonus or multiply bonus) is active, if promo_mode is true, script will roll faster, avoiding losing time and rolling more times till promo is active.
When true, script will act really slower. Suggested if you keep script running long time
If true, script will be slower in the night, and faster in daytime. Calculated by your timezone clock
if true, script will buy rewards. It will buy the biggest RP bonus allowed with your RP points. Just if: It's missing less then 20 minutes before rolling. To avoid losing time just after a bonus is active. And if HOURS_BETWEEN_BUY_BONUS passed. If false, rewards function is disabled and no bonuses are bought.
[BONUS 1000
It will buy the 1000% roll bonus. Just if: It's missing less then 20 minutes before rolling. To avoid losing time just after a bonus is active. And if HOURS_BETWEEN_BUY_BONUS passed
Time to wait, in hours, between one bonus is active and buy the next bonus. If 0, script will buy bonus with no waiting time. One bonus ended, it will directly buy next one.
if true, script will buy lottery tickets. Function lottery is executed every time the page reload. It waits random time to buy, and is activated just 7% of the times. It will buy random number of ticket. Max number of lottery tickets is defined with the next variable.
Maximum number of tickets to buy
if true, script will play multiply. It will play multiply just after roll, not before, and not always, just 50% of the times.
To be specific, multiply function is called randomly by roll function. Roll function, after roll, sometimes call multiply, sometimes reload the page, sometimes do nothing. If false, multiply is not played.
The var rapresents maximum number of multiply bets played, in a single game. When used with auto bet, it's the number placed in the field MAX BET/WIN. When it's used with manual bet, it's the max number of bets, with some exceptions:
1) in martingale_manual, if last bet is lost and bet is less then max_bet, script will play to not lose the martingale logic
The BASE BET is the beginning value to start to play.
The MAX BET is the max bet it will played.
Script will wait those hours number to play again. Freebitcoin is proven to make you lose if you play continuosly or don't wait the needed times.
Martingale logic on the game. If lose, double, if win, go back to base bet, to win the base bet every win. It will play the auto bet part of the freebitcoin page.
Martingale logic on the game, but manual. Physically click on bet hi and bet low, and changing bet value at every play. It will wait random time between one click and the other, to simulate human behavior.
Olaer is a user that asked for a game logicc implementation, based on sequence HLLHHHLLLL etc, so If martingal manual is true, putting this var at true will change the logic of hi low bet sequence, playing HLLHHH...
If martingal_manual_olaer is false, HHHH is always played.
if true, script will play in low balance accounts and autoroll paying RP to play without captcha.
Change the loglevel of the script. 0 is no log, and 5 is debug. Logs are displayed in console. Visible with right click on the page -> inspect -> console
If false, reset_stat link is shown in the status panel. It's usefull to delete ll cookies relative to the script. It will cause to lose all stats relativee to the script, to begin from 0. You can use that when you play with a new created account.