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What do you guys think about the leveling in retail, where most players will take 10-15 hours to level from 50-60, meaning that those who pull a long nighter or take a day of work can Buy wow classic gold and do all the leveling experience in 1 day, and that is the only leveling expereience they will have for 2 years until next expansion - at least on their main?
10-15 hour leveling experience, on a 2 year expansion ?
Compare this to classic wow for example where the quests sometimes is not enough and you have to grind 200 extra mobs just to complete your level for example, and pulling extra mobs while going back and forth from quest is important for your progress etc.
Does the level up process dont apeal to retail players? I play mostly retail myself but the leveling experience is very short and we only do it once every 2 years.
I would personally want the leveling process to take around 50-100 hours, questing, mob farm,bg etc and that one source of content was not enough to get you all the way. After that it might be faster with alts.
But I guess not many retail players would agree
it meant jack ever since TBC got released.
The first wow expansion marked a drastic change in relevancy of content. Now the whole game containing 1-60 was pushed into obsolete realm. Everybody was rushing toward the new content which was the only thing that had relevancy.
I leveled alliance shaman and it felt horrible having to do the entire vanilla leveling (which was far worse than retail leveling) just to catch up to ppl that were already 60 and pushing into the new content. By the time i caught up to lv. 60 most of my friends were already 70 and pushing new reps to unlock HC dungeons. I was weeks behind, as it took me 3 weeks to get to 60. They nerfed the vanilla leveling later but that didn’t come until months after TBC launch.
By WOTLK people were -really- fed up with this and heirlooms were put there as a bandaid fix. And then in MOP instant character boost got introduced.
Let’s face it - leveling in WoW always sucked and it was a real part of the game only in Vanilla. Any other expansion - 10+ hours of mind numbing questing. Spending that much time doing the same fetch quest and killing the same auto attack mobs is extremely boring.
Which begs the question, if leveling in Shadowlands is going to be the same, then how the heck are we supposed to pick our covenants? Leveling by questing is just not relevant content, most of this content is single-player. How are you supposed to play around with those abilities, especially on healing specs?
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10-15 hour leveling experience, on a 2 year expansion ?
Compare this to classic wow for example where the quests sometimes is not enough and you have to grind 200 extra mobs just to complete your level for example, and pulling extra mobs while going back and forth from quest is important for your progress etc.
Does the level up process dont apeal to retail players? I play mostly retail myself but the leveling experience is very short and we only do it once every 2 years.
I would personally want the leveling process to take around 50-100 hours, questing, mob farm,bg etc and that one source of content was not enough to get you all the way. After that it might be faster with alts.
But I guess not many retail players would agree
it meant jack ever since TBC got released.
The first wow expansion marked a drastic change in relevancy of content. Now the whole game containing 1-60 was pushed into obsolete realm. Everybody was rushing toward the new content which was the only thing that had relevancy.
I leveled alliance shaman and it felt horrible having to do the entire vanilla leveling (which was far worse than retail leveling) just to catch up to ppl that were already 60 and pushing into the new content. By the time i caught up to lv. 60 most of my friends were already 70 and pushing new reps to unlock HC dungeons. I was weeks behind, as it took me 3 weeks to get to 60. They nerfed the vanilla leveling later but that didn’t come until months after TBC launch.
By WOTLK people were -really- fed up with this and heirlooms were put there as a bandaid fix. And then in MOP instant character boost got introduced.
Let’s face it - leveling in WoW always sucked and it was a real part of the game only in Vanilla. Any other expansion - 10+ hours of mind numbing questing. Spending that much time doing the same fetch quest and killing the same auto attack mobs is extremely boring.
Which begs the question, if leveling in Shadowlands is going to be the same, then how the heck are we supposed to pick our covenants? Leveling by questing is just not relevant content, most of this content is single-player. How are you supposed to play around with those abilities, especially on healing specs?
All in all, enjoy your selves in WOWclassicgp.com Black Friday Sale! In addition, you can also buy cheap wow classic gold from us forever!