Data Ghost
1000 XP
How I made over $50k+ from Hacking Roblox accounts.
Hello, I am Bigma and I have been in the
Nulled.to community for a few years. When I first started I always would read the Monetizing Techniques forum and would get inspired on new ways to make money. Well I am here writing my own contribution back and hopefully can help the community find new ways to make fast cash.
The game I found that had a surprisingly large marketplace was Roblox. There are markets such as https://beta.rbx.place/ that allow you to sell the items stolen in the game. The items you would hopefully be targeting are anything worth 100,000 robux or more. These items tend to sell at a rate for $2-3 per 1,000 robux. To hack into the accounts you either need to stub log the user, javascript them for their cookies, or other creative ways of gaining account access.
Once you had access to the account, you would trade the users items off to one of your alt accounts and proceed to sell them to the market for money.
There are many ways and methods to actually get into the accounts. A very known and old method is trying to get the users cookies by having them use a javascript link in their browser to get their cookies. This method was known and old.
I currently use an extension that grabs the users cookies when they add it to their browser. Id be willing to teach how to use it if this thread gains any traction. I just wanted to make a short post and see if people would be interested in learning the process that has made me over $50,000 usd in 8 months. Thank you for reading and let me know if you would be interested in learning.
If you want to contact me privately you can message me on nulled. My discords always get deleted.
Part 2 with an e-book released.
Hello, I am Bigma and I have been in the
Nulled.to community for a few years. When I first started I always would read the Monetizing Techniques forum and would get inspired on new ways to make money. Well I am here writing my own contribution back and hopefully can help the community find new ways to make fast cash.
The game I found that had a surprisingly large marketplace was Roblox. There are markets such as https://beta.rbx.place/ that allow you to sell the items stolen in the game. The items you would hopefully be targeting are anything worth 100,000 robux or more. These items tend to sell at a rate for $2-3 per 1,000 robux. To hack into the accounts you either need to stub log the user, javascript them for their cookies, or other creative ways of gaining account access.
Once you had access to the account, you would trade the users items off to one of your alt accounts and proceed to sell them to the market for money.
There are many ways and methods to actually get into the accounts. A very known and old method is trying to get the users cookies by having them use a javascript link in their browser to get their cookies. This method was known and old.
I currently use an extension that grabs the users cookies when they add it to their browser. Id be willing to teach how to use it if this thread gains any traction. I just wanted to make a short post and see if people would be interested in learning the process that has made me over $50,000 usd in 8 months. Thank you for reading and let me know if you would be interested in learning.
If you want to contact me privately you can message me on nulled. My discords always get deleted.
Part 2 with an e-book released.