Keyboard Warrior
800 XP
The method is based on clicking ads shown by the bot in Telegram App. For one click we get the equivalent of $1 (0.0001142 BTC).
Withdraw is available from 0.0025 BTC, but what's interesting is that in the guide you will see how to use a script that will show you how to make it completely automatically.
It means that you can have the script working on your computer and you can go to sleep. By that time you can earn even up to $800.
Using the script is optional. You can of course do it manually, but with the script you
can earn like $800 over night which is huge. You won’t find any method that pays
you better than this one. Enjoy guys!
Withdraw is available from 0.0025 BTC, but what's interesting is that in the guide you will see how to use a script that will show you how to make it completely automatically.
It means that you can have the script working on your computer and you can go to sleep. By that time you can earn even up to $800.
can earn like $800 over night which is huge. You won’t find any method that pays
you better than this one. Enjoy guys!