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My brother asked me to help him an episode of COPS on Fox. I think this was from one of the earlier seasons. This is my brother’s description:
Ok so im trying to find the CRAZIEST cops episode i ever saw. The cops arrange some kind of sting to buy coke (i think) off this suspect. When they try to arrest him, he overpowers the cop and runs off. And then the cameraman orders the other passenger onto the ground and puts his foot on him. But then hours later, at night now, they cut to someone's backyard where 3 or 4 cops and their dog are trying to arrest the guy. And this suspect is just kicking the crap out of these cops and their dog. The dog was even scared of him. And it turns out this guy was like a 5th degree black belt or something.
Does anyone know the episode or maybe the name of the cops dvd it may have been on???
Ok so im trying to find the CRAZIEST cops episode i ever saw. The cops arrange some kind of sting to buy coke (i think) off this suspect. When they try to arrest him, he overpowers the cop and runs off. And then the cameraman orders the other passenger onto the ground and puts his foot on him. But then hours later, at night now, they cut to someone's backyard where 3 or 4 cops and their dog are trying to arrest the guy. And this suspect is just kicking the crap out of these cops and their dog. The dog was even scared of him. And it turns out this guy was like a 5th degree black belt or something.
Does anyone know the episode or maybe the name of the cops dvd it may have been on???