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Pattern Matching Engineer
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LEVEL 1 300 XP
GENERAL: New version available - 6.1.16450 (August 9th, 2017) AH TOOLS:* Fixed missing includes, bad map names, and improper syntax causing certain guides to fail to load. All current guides for both factions load properly now. LEVELINGFIX: Sell tab is now correctly using user's selected stack size x count. FIX: "Post" button only appears as active when not currently posting items. * FIX: items bought out are now properly re-enabled on the Gold Auction list. CHANGE: buttons for adding items to shopping list are now disabled if the item is already on the list. UI: "1 stack of 5" is now singular. UX: AH Sell screen now allows for entering any stack count+size, it will just prevent posting. The Post button's tooltip informs of this. CHANGE: All edit boxes now get selected on click (consistent with default UI). DUNGEONS Fixed Leveling zones - Burning Crusade, Howling Fjord, Borean Tundra: Fixed many steps that had multiple goals splitting them into separate steps. Fixed a few caves that were not working properly adding tags to correctly show the locations within these caves. Added enter and leave cave lines. Added stickysteps where needed. Updated Leveling Zones - Burning Crusade, Howling Fjord, Borean Tundra: Updated syntax DAILIES Updated Pet Battle Caverns - Fixed a few scenario goal steps and updated a pathing step for the Pet Battle dungeon Wailing Caverns Updated Lich King Dungeons - Updated a few Lich King dungeons, fixing scenario goals and a few pathing steps Updated Tomb of Sargeras - Deceiver's Fall, updated the spawn in location. PETS/MOUNTS Fixed The United Front - Fixed the Location for killing the demons, the amount of demons needed for the quest, and added a 2nd demon that can be killed. Added World Quests - Unscratched Hippogryph Scale. Updated Full Fel - Added a way point to the 2nd objective to this world quest ACHIEVEMENTS Updated Mounts - Updated format of the Mounts guides [H] Updated Mounts - Updated the following mounts informing players that these are no longer bought with Honor points but are instead bought with Marks of Honor: Black War Wolf, Red Skeletal Warhorse, Swift Warstrider, Black War Raptor, Black War Kodo, Frostwolf Howler, Black War Mammoth [A] Updated Mounts - Updated the following mounts informing players that these are no longer bought with Honor points but are instead bought with Marks of Honor: Black Battlestrider, Black War Elekk, Black War Mammoth, Black War Ram, Black War Steed, Black War Tiger, Stormpike Battle Charger Added Mounts - Added the following mounts: Heavenly Golden Cloud Serpent, Primal Flamesaber, and Crimson Deathcharger. Added Mounts - Added the following mounts: Warmongering Gladiator's Felblood Gronnling and Pond Nettle Updated Mounts - Updated a few older mounts that are no longer available to get Updated Pets - reverted the Item ID for Twilight back to the correct ID. Quote[H] Updated Accessory-Eyes - Added individual class collecting for the following: Warrior, Paladin, Hunter, Rogue, Priest, Shaman, Mage, Warlock, Druid. Added Dungeon Achievements - Added the following achievement: Dark Souls and Bingo Fixed Legion Achievements - Fixed a few Achievement descriptions and keywords TITLES Quote[A] Added Conqurer of Orgrimmar - Added title [H] Added Liberator of Orgrimmar - Added title Added The Bloodseeker - Added title Added The Dissector - Added title Added Hellscream's Downfall - Added title Added The Locust - Added title Added The Lucid - Added title Added The Manipulator - Added title Added The Poisoned Mind - Added title Added The Prime - Added title Added Storm's End - Added title Added The Swarmkeeper - Added title Added The Wind-Reaver - Added title Added Fire-Watcher Added Gorgeous Added Khan Added Shado-Master Added The Stormbreaker Added The Proven Assailant Added The Proven Defender
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