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LEVEL 2 700 XP
- The meaning of Ass (Script) L # 1. Evade #: Almost everyone knows about it (Evade skill) 2. ezEvade: Like Evade, as well as dodge skill. It's hard to leave it a better one dc. 3. Tracker #: Show time of launch, of skill, of the spell, the eye position plug. 4. Oracle #: Self enabled Item In combat, healing skill (combat and survive) 5. LeagueSharp Streaming Mode: Well, then the stream with L # mún You need this to turn off all traces of assem go (1 crazy ideas even when using stream tool: 3) 6. J-Project - Auto jungler bot: Then just go auto thui forest which, at the time not spent dc, do not hope for it will give you disappointed 7. AIM - Smart Bot Aram: Aram also to the auto acne, then how far away the game is not 8. AutoSharpporting: Auto plow IP = SP, the only thing it ngáo bit, but who cares, these guys will not put sp ngáo ngáo to 1 victory easily as porridge Advanced 9. Turn Around #: It resists petrification of cass, of trym W, E of Shaco (Generally the effects need conditions ten . FakeClicks: Generally, forged effect click the stream, one form of fake mad locomotive shield member L # 11. Universal GankAlerter: Create 1 red line between ourselves and the enemy + 1 ping so you can run for the life or or pressed it for the money:> 12. Universal Leveler: Set the + skill at lvl (adjusted from 1-4 in order of fragmentation +) 13. Universal MinimapHack: Tells you the last position when it found out the enemy + dc to nowhere 14. Universal RecallTracker: Who turned on? . turn on or not?, with fake mad abandon b hiding variables groves rùi no, do not be afraid. Following hot line deal (normal 8s, 4s with 3ron offline) 15. SAwareness: Synthesis countless things you can think of, but if it is tui tui will not be installed, it will make you drop in FPS it, tui travel information. You regret seeeeeeeeee 16. KaiHelper: Synthetic 1 numbers in the ones on there, at least it used forest look pretty good time. 17. Anti Camper: As the name, it helps you flood Jungle have them carry tents, camping tamarind your pallet. of course if it's throwing bodies still ragged as often 18. EscapeEloHell: how escape Elo hell -> Please use it, it banning chat all the remaining 9 months (phenomenal play with owls), it supports 1 line early in the game and chat last game. Correction chat: in% AppData% \ RelaxedWinner 19. Meta Smite: As the name, everything to punish. 20. BlackFeeder: oh, it will help you feed all costs, run speed buff, auto shop and donate speed plunge into the suicide of hungry office. Islam made in the State Catholic (IS) 21. Damage Indicator: Simple to understand, the orange indicator will lose if you take blood-winning skill. 22. Killability: Oh, like the above, but in the form of the old village (do not understand why two guys are illustrated DEV = annie eh, maybe not the same loli SM is a movement, their own more like the S ^. ^) 23. Shared Experience: this is something I would love to, it will tell you How many people share the same first enemy EXP (meaning that if you go 1-1 but it press 2, then surely now 100% forest boy hiding dust then). add and file viewer will understand. 24. God Jungle Tracker: said state park monsters, safe, are attacked, dead, bla bla .... 25. Nice-guy Sharp: Customize notifications when you kill 1 -> 5, and your allies. Correction in% LEAGUESHARPFOLDER% \ NiceGuysharp 26. Exp tracker: Tracking EXP people 27. trinket Exchanger: timing on when to buy it automatically switches between 3 dishes accessories (eye totem, scanners, lenses) 28. AutoLantern: self press thresh lanterns, small as they thresh who prepared pentakill lanterns and you toss it away from the reach penta kaka 29. PerfectWard: the wall jack through the CMN determined eye. 30. daYMANs Sidebar: add 1 row see everything about the enemy 31. Auto Buy Starting Items: Looking name out rùi ha 32. Mata View: Very good, watch time is the time SKIL. For example, the tryn R, W of zed 34. Universal Pings: Report ping + name the boy somehow disappear from view mini map

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