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Yesmovies V4.1 - Movie CMS Script 2019


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LEVEL 1 400 XP
The best and most flexible movie script for starting/upgrading your movie website. Need a easy and hassle free way to start your movie website?
Start your own streaming website now.!
Automatically Update Content with the Latest Movies, Tv Shows and Episodes.
The Revolutionary Automatic YesMovies Clone CMS for Movies and TV Shows Includes
1: Add Movies, TV Shows & Episodes Automatically
Our amazing script allows you to sleep while it does all the heavy lifting. Sit back and relax as you see your dream site come to life. Depending on the plan you have there is no need to do any thing adding by self. It is fully automatic with Auto Grabber Plugins. you can have up to 25000 Movies and 3500 TV Shows in just few days. All is Automatically.!
2: Updated Content
By automatic we mean fully automatic. Your site is updated every minute with new content and updating old broken links. Depending on your plan we add the latest Movies, TV Shows and Episodes.!
3: Available Plugin's
Auto Embeds: with this plugin you just need to add TVshow name. it will automatically add all available episodes, thumbnail image, Season, Episodes title, Description, and video watch links with multiple hosts. - [FREE]
Movie Feed: fully automatic mod will add all available movies with full information and video watch links with multiple hosts. in few mints your site will have more then 1000 Movies with watch links. [FREE]
Host Blocker: its a Powerful Mod for Stop adding dead host links to your site for movies or episodes. also u can remove dead host links from all movies and shows/episodes you already added. can remove by 1 click [FREE]
4: Template Clone
We know you like sites like Yesmovies Streaming Sites. So we continuously work on developing them for you. Each paid plan includes one free template of your choice. all template have different features.
5: Powerful Backend
We make it easy so that anyone can run a Streaming site. The back-end is built with plenty of features that makes life a lot easier for administrators to organize their Yesmovies clone site. you can control users, remove or add movies, tvshows, episodes manually, seo setting, make pages, and much more.
6: Users Request Control System
We Make Easy for you to handle all users Movies and tvshows request. if any user request you a movie or tvshows you can add that movie to your site and update the Request status from backend.
7: User Friendly
Our script very user friendly. It includes features that help users keep track of all the shows and movies they watch. users can make list of them favorite Tvshows and Movies.
8: Latest News System
you can add latest news about the upcoming movies and tvshows, or story's about the actors and more.
9:Front Page [Pro Version only]
you can control your website front page as you want. slider, english movies, indian movies, tvshows, you can control them whatever you wanna show on front page. Menu by quality, by year, by country, A to Z Powerful Letter filter, By Top IMDB and Much More
10 : Search Friendly
Powerful Search System. Just type first few later of movie or tvshows autometic search suggest system. filter search system, and Much More
11: Adult Movies [Pro Version only]
Adult Movies Automatically Hidden from Reguler All movies list or from front page. adult movies only will find by click on adult Category
12: JWplayer Supported [Pro Version only]
can play google photos (we will teach you how to get unlimited space.)
13: Regular Updates & Support
We listen to your feedback and we are constantly trying to improve our system to make it more faster, secure and amazing. and give you best support 24/7. and first time installation is totally free.!
[email protected]
Edited by ismael89, 26 April 2019 - 12:12 PM.



