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[Xerath Challenger Guide] Xerath to Challenger


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LEVEL 1 300 XP
Hello everyone, I am Challenger middle main and I'm here to give you my experience on how to hit minimum high diamond with Xerath. This guide will be updated slowly, as I am hoping to cover every aspect of Xerath that I can think of.
(Rough overview
Xerath is a very strong champion in solo q (because of champion mastery i.e scripts)
He is an immobile caster.
He is NOT a burst champion!
I need to put extreme emphasis on this point. A lot of players play Xerath as a burst champion. He is not. You need to abuse your poke before a fight. Often times I hit a Q and then I ult one the enemy carries (assuming their not scripting). Kicks them out of the fight, which allows our team to get the objective or to win a team fight.
I would say that you can pick Xerath into any matchup. But if team has very strong engage and your team lacks a solid disengage you can end up losing (this would only happen in higher elo)
Xerath in my opinion in not a snowballing champion (get one kill; win the game) He relies on a competent team for peel and doesn’t have the immediate deadliness of a champion like Annie.
If you are forced to fight without a prior poke to the enemy team. You will lose. Positioning is extremely important. You have no escape. You get caught you die. Your team dies.
You are not a duelist. You have kite potential. But you are not the conventional run into another person hit spacebar and win (I have died 1 v 1 to a support). Be careful out there.
A Xerath of your team means that you have excellent Siege. Late game 1 q can clear the full wave~!
The most important part of climbing in mind set. Only play league of legends in ranked on your main account when you are in the right mind set. If you are on tilt you need to stop playing. Winning your first two games every day is much better than winning 3 losing 2. Remember that it is just a game don’t let your emotions get too caught up in it. If you want an excellent example of how to take the game watch C9 Sneaky he is extremely calm in the game. If the team screws up he doesn’t let the events bother him.)
Laning Phase: (Middle Lane)
At 1:30 with Xerath you will want to creep up and start your harassing. This is important as your Q is on a very long cool down and you want to ideally shut down champion who have a level two power spike (this is how you beat leblanc). Spam your Q as much as possible and auto attack the enemy later to receive mana back. Don’t wait too long with your passive up. If you can’t immediately auto attack the enemy champion attack a minion (you want to maximize this passive as its extremely important). If you enemy champion is mele you want to bully them with your ranged autos as much as possible. If the enemy is ranged try to trade an auto and see if they trade back (free damage is a large advantage). Don’t trade auto with every champion (learn when and when not to). An Annie will just destroy you with a 625 range Q.
The ideal Runes and Masteries
The Script that I recommend is EL Xerath. jQuery has done an excellent job continually updating his script.
The only problem is that the tap to ult doesn't work but that is minor.
This is your standard item build that you will build 90% of your games.
Since you are scripting you are going to want to maximize your damage output and minimize your defense (You should be dodging every skillshot; especially if you are position at the back of a team fight hourglass provides you with all the peel you need).
Start Dorans ring 2 pots (Do not deviant from this. Unless you are vs an extremely hard counter. I can't think of any who really counters you...)
First item you want is the Morellonomicon.
This is an excellent item because it provides you with mana regen and more importantly cooldown reduction. Chalice can be a replacement if you are vs very strong ap such as kat. Still she shouldn't be able to get to you. You are going to want to start (codex or totem first back if possible). If you check on Probuilds.com most challenger start chalice... the reason for this is that they are not as competent as you when dodging skillshot or instantly stunning the kat the second she ults. You can always go another dorans if you are having problems especially if you are against an assassin who is able to get firstblood off your jungler or during a level 1 invade ( the health and manaregen and ap is much too good to pass up). If you are vs a zed or a talon and you messed up and brought ignite over exhaust. You can build seekers... it delays your powerspike because you are able to get 20% cdr for the roughly the same price. But remember its better to not die then to lose a little a power early.
Second item is boots ( I don't care if you have a needless rod)
Third item that you would want to have has to be deathcap or ludens (or hourglass). If you team is crap and the other team is able to get to you. It also destroys zed, talon, kat, ect). I prefer deathcap especially since the Ludens' nerf. Deathcap is overall an extremely powerful item it increases you ability power by 30% (its being buffed soon) and it allows you to do more damage in a teamfight. Ludens does aoe damage and is great if you want to poke first.
Ability Order
Is the standard build order.
A cool trick that I do is start q go either w or e (depending on the laner) then at level 3 level up q again. This gives you added power as you have much greater poke. W doesn't deal as much damage and is much harder to hit. With Xerath you normally can't get level 3 blood so this skill order is more effective. I prefer to get a level 2 e if they have a strong laner because it gives me time to re-position myself. For example they have a Leblanc your auto e allow you to win almost all trades. Also your e is really your only self peel off an enemy jungler coming to gank you. Slowing the jungler by a small amount isn't as effective as stunning them.
Any questions please comment below or private message me . If you can't wait you keep losing to one matchup and you really need to know how to play it.
Edited by User2Hell, 10 August 2015 - 11:29 PM.



