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Ad Frequency Strategist
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LEVEL 1 300 XP
jg1atr23:v7def4423 | Level: 17 | Champions: 9 | Skin Count :2 | Email Verification: Verified | BE: 948 | RP: 145 | Refundable RP: 0 | Remaining Refund: 3 | checked by @
wanghaowayne:Wall1988 | Level: 6 | Champions: 0 | Skin Count :0 | Email Verification: Unverified | BE: 3041 | RP: 400 | Refundable RP: 0 | Remaining Refund: 3 | checked by @
wangbotao110:eminem89757 | Level: 5 | Champions: 0 | Skin Count :0 | Email Verification: Unverified | BE: 905 | RP: 400 | Refundable RP: 0 | Remaining Refund: 3 | checked by @
saiaungpyae20:aung73298 | Level: 1 | Champions: 0 | Skin Count :0 | Email Verification: Unverified | BE: 0 | RP: 0 | Refundable RP: 0 | Remaining Refund: 3 | checked by @
ppsbboy:alex91125 | Level: 5 | Champions: 0 | Skin Count :0 | Email Verification: Unverified | BE: 1081 | RP: 400 | Refundable RP: 0 | Remaining Refund: 3 | checked by @
romantist0113:0113roman | Level: 2 | Champions: 0 | Skin Count :0 | Email Verification: Unverified | BE: 689 | RP: 0 | Refundable RP: 0 | Remaining Refund: 3 | checked by @
529242721:SHAN0102 | Level: 13 | Champions: 9 | Skin Count :1 | Email Verification: Verified | BE: 2363 | RP: 20 | Refundable RP: 0 | Remaining Refund: 3 | checked by @
kitarou0531:tukumo0531 | Level: 1 | Champions: 0 | Skin Count :0 | Email Verification: Unverified | BE: 0 | RP: 0 | Refundable RP: 0 | Remaining Refund: 3 | checked by @
line26line:line8800 | Level: 1 | Champions: 0 | Skin Count :0 | Email Verification: Unverified | BE: 0 | RP: 0 | Refundable RP: 0 | Remaining Refund: 3 | checked by @
1105720727:zh1994 | Level: 1 | Champions: 0 | Skin Count :0 | Email Verification: Unverified | BE: 1411 | RP: 0 | Refundable RP: 0 | Remaining Refund: 3 | checked by @
joemauer870123:joemauer870123 | Level: 7 | Champions: 0 | Skin Count :0 | Email Verification: Verified | BE: 5609 | RP: 0 | Refundable RP: 0 | Remaining Refund: 3 | checked by @
snowc1996:28813310as | Level: 7 | Champions: 5 | Skin Count :0 | Email Verification: Unverified | BE: 1026 | RP: 138 | Refundable RP: 0 | Remaining Refund: 3 | checked by @
Kakashilightning:asuma123 | Level: 1 | Champions: 1 | Skin Count :1 | Email Verification: Verified | BE: 0 | RP: 0 | Refundable RP: 0 | Remaining Refund: 0 | checked by @
cryptomeria8039:e110149 | Level: 4 | Champions: 0 | Skin Count :0 | Email Verification: Unverified | BE: 1107 | RP: 400 | Refundable RP: 0 | Remaining Refund: 3 | checked by @
47813515:xusuheng67 | Level: 23 | Champions: 32 | Skin Count :14 | Email Verification: Verified | BE: 7800 | RP: 200 | Refundable RP: 0 | Remaining Refund: 3 | checked by @
hosizorake:minamike1 | Level: 5 | Champions: 1 | Skin Count :1 | Email Verification: Unverified | BE: 1076 | RP: 400 | Refundable RP: 0 | Remaining Refund: 3 | checked by @
tida770813:cetr7373 | Level: 1 | Champions: 0 | Skin Count :0 | Email Verification: Verified | BE: 0 | RP: 0 | Refundable RP: 0 | Remaining Refund: 3 | checked by @
rosso2203:lskc09119 | Level: 6 | Champions: 2 | Skin Count :0 | Email Verification: Unverified | BE: 1363 | RP: 0 | Refundable RP: 0 | Remaining Refund: 3 | checked by @
572729720:tt87938052 | Level: 1 | Champions: 0 | Skin Count :0 | Email Verification: Unverified | BE: 868 | RP: 0 | Refundable RP: 0 | Remaining Refund: 3 | checked by @
crlwinner:a123654789 | Level: 17 | Champions: 14 | Skin Count :0 | Email Verification: Verified | BE: 1298 | RP: 400 | Refundable RP: 0 | Remaining Refund: 3 | checked by @
orankarl:800lgc35 | Level: 27 | Champions: 28 | Skin Count :5 | Email Verification: Verified | BE: 630 | RP: 0 | Refundable RP: 0 | Remaining Refund: 3 | checked by @
zlh5438:64306851aA | Level: 22 | Champions: 13 | Skin Count :1 | Email Verification: Verified | BE: 3663 | RP: 5 | Refundable RP: 0 | Remaining Refund: 3 | checked by @
blsb374:stevo321 | Level: 2 | Champions: 0 | Skin Count :0 | Email Verification: Unverified | BE: 295 | RP: 0 | Refundable RP: 0 | Remaining Refund: 3 | checked by @
ekingzhang:8684zhang | Level: 1 | Champions: 0 | Skin Count :0 | Email Verification: Unverified | BE: 0 | RP: 0 | Refundable RP: 0 | Remaining Refund: 3 | checked by @
sq9518mt:chfrank123 | Level: 2 | Champions: 0 | Skin Count :0 | Email Verification: Unverified | BE: 330 | RP: 0 | Refundable RP: 0 | Remaining Refund: 3 | checked by @
a5351333:a5326852 | Level: 3 | Champions: 0 | Skin Count :0 | Email Verification: Verified | BE: 268 | RP: 0 | Refundable RP: 0 | Remaining Refund: 3 | checked by @



