Sales Funnel Architect
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If you are interested scripts, add me skype Tbag_1337 I accept payment PayPal and Master card. Here is my channel on YouTube. You can see the work of some scripts assemblies. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv-QXfd5R5mO6RgtmhpLd9Q Now I have a better scripts. Below is a description of my new scripts. P/s sorry my bad Eanglish. I will describe some scripts below. W A R R I O R - A R M S : - "Overpower" on every Cast/Channel. - "Bash"/"Pummel" First/Last Second. Interrupted Spells: * Healing Spells; * CC Spells; * Important Dps Spells ("Vampiric Touch", "Immolate", etc.). - Interrupt-Spells not Usable if: * "Aura Mastery"/"Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/etc. is up; * Target is not Casting/Channeling. - Healing Spells won't get Interrupted, if "Overpower" is available. - "Spell Reflection": If "Shield" is equipped, a CC Spell is casted on You and Interrupt not in Range. - "Shattering Thrown": Is being used to remove "Ice Block"/"Hand of Protection"/"Divine Shield" - "Vanish": If any Arena1-3 Rogue uses "Vanish" You will catch him (15-20yards). - Succubus: If "Seduction" is up on Party1-2: * Interrupt Succubus. - If in Range; * "Charge" Succubus. - If not in Interrupt Range; * "Intercept" Succubus. - If not in Interrupt Range and "Charge" is on Cooldown. - "Intervene": If "Scatter Shot" is up on Party1-2 You will "Intervene" to him. - "Shadowfiend": If "Shadowfiend" is an existing/ranged Arena1-3Pet You will "Fear" it. - "Charge"/"Intercept": If Your current Target is about to die: * "Charge" Arena1-3 Healer to break his current Healing Spell; * "Intercept" back to Your Main-Target. * "Disarm" on "Bladestorm" ("Intervene" being used, if needed) - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell. W A R R I O R - P R O T E C T I O N : - "Shield Bash" Last Second. Interrupted Spells: * Healing Spells; * CC Spells; * Important Dps Spells ("Vampiric Touch", "Immolate", etc.). - Interrupt-Spells not Usable if: * "Aura Mastery"/"Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/etc. is up; * Target is not Casting/Channeling. - "Spell Reflection", if "Shield Bash" is not in Range on: * CC Spells; * Important Dps Spells ("Vampiric Touch", "Immolate", etc.). - "Heroic Throw" Silence if: * "Spell Reflection" not Usable * "Shield Bash" not Usable - "Shattering Thrown": Is being used to remove "Ice Block"/"Hand of Protection"/"Divine Shield" - "Vanish": If any Arena1-3 Rogue uses "Vanish" You will catch him (15-20yards). - Succubus: If "Seduction" is up on Party1-2: * Interrupt Succubus. - If in Range; * "Charge" Succubus. - If not in Interrupt Range; * "Intercept" Succubus. - If not in Interrupt Range and "Charge" is on Cooldown. - "Intervene": If "Scatter Shot" is up on Party1-2 You will "Intervene" to him. - "Shadowfiend": If "Shadowfiend" is an existing/ranged Arena1-3Pet You will "Fear" it. - "Charge"/"Intercept": If Your current Target is about to die: * "Charge" Arena1-3 Healer to break his current Healing Spell; * "Intercept" back to Your Main-Target. * "Disarm" on "Bladestorm" ("Intervene" being used, if needed) - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell. D R U I D - F E R A L _ R O T A T I O N : - Stopcasting "Cyclone", if Target has "Spell Reflection"/"Grounding Totem" up and "Fearie Fire" it. - "Instant Cyclone" not Usable if: "Divine Shield"/"Anti-Magic: Shell"/"Spell Reflection"/etc. is up. - FakeCast: * "Kick" on "Shadowstep". * "Pummel". - 'Remove Curse" being used to dispel "Hex" on Party1/2. - AutoRotation: * DMG-Rotation * "Cyclone" being used to counter Heal- and CC-Spells * "Maim" being used to counter Heal-Spells * "Cat Form" being used on Slow-Effects. - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell. M A G E: - "Counterspell" Last Second for Arena1-3. Interrupted Spells: "Hex"/"Polymorph". - "Counterspell" not Usable if: "Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/"Grounding Totem"/etc. is up. - "Deep Freeze" not Usable if: "Anti-Magic: Shell"/"Ice Block"/"Grounding Totem"/etc. is up. - Stopcasting, if your Target has "Spell Reflection"/"Grounding Totem" up and "Ice Lance" it. - Stopcasting "Polymorph", if "Shadow Word: Death" is Casted on You or any friendly ArenaTarget. - FakeCast: * "Kick" on "Shadowstep". * "Pummel". - "Ice Barrier": Being used if it's not up anymore and Arena1-3 can't Dispel it. - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell. P R I E S T : - "Shadow Word: Death" (Including StopCast) for: "Polymorph"/"Seduction"/"Scatter Shot"/"Blind". - "Inner Fire": Being used if PlayerHP is 80%+. Else PartyMessage: "Missing: Inner Fire". - FakeCast: * "Kick" on "Shadowstep". * "Pummel". * "Vampiric Touch" on "Spell Reflection". - Pet: * "Shadowcrawl": Being used on PetTarget as soon as it's off Cooldown; * "Fear Ward": Being used on Pet if Arena1-3 Warrior exists. - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell. W A R L O C K_U L T R A: - Stopcasting, if Target has "Spell Reflection"/"Grounding Totem" up then "Curse of the Elements" it. - If any Arena1-3 Rogue has "Shadow Dance" up, is in Meele-Range and has You as Target: * "Demonic Circle: Portal" (Avoiding "Cheap Shot" 99%). - "Spell Lock" in First/Last Second for Arena1-3. Interrupted Spells: * Healing Spells; * CC Spells. - "Spell Lock" not Usable if: "Aura Mastery"/"Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/etc. is up. - Destruction: If You get kicked on Fire-Spells then "Shadow Bolt" will be casted instead. - Affliction: If You get kicked on Shadow-Spells then "Searing Pain" will be casted instead. - Seduction-FakeCast: If Succubus getting SWD'd it will stop the "Seduction"-Cast. - "Death Coil": Not Usable into: * "Divine Shield"/"CoS"/"Ice Block"/"Detterence"/"Bladestorm"/etc; * In "Grounding Totem"/"Spell Reflection" it will use "Curse of the Elements" instead. - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell. - Mouseover "Tremor Totem" for PetAttack at it. D E A T H K N I G H T : - "Mind Freeze" in First/Last Second for Arena1-3. Interrupted Spells: * Healing Spells * CC Spells * Important Dps Spells ("Vampiric Touch", "Immolate", etc.). - "Mind Freeze" not Usable if: * "Aura Mastery"/"Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/"Grounding Totem"/etc. is up; * Target is not Casting/Channeling. - "Horn of Winter": Being used if it's not up anymore. - "Anti-Magic: Shell" on "Death Coil". - "Lichborne": Being canceled if "Anti-Magic Shell" is not up and a Paladin is in range to "Turn Evil". - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell. - Auto update "Bone Shield". - Pet auto kill totems: tremor,graunding. - Auto Leap party1-party2 when hunter gives scatter shot. S H A M A N : - "Grounding Totem" on "Hex". - "Tremor Totem": Being used if a ranged Party1-2 Member is under any "Fear"-Spell. - Stopcasting, if your Target has "Spell Reflection"/"Grounding Totem" up and "Purge" it. - "Cleanse Spirit": Being used to Dispel "Hex"/"Curse of Tongues" off a ranged Party1-2 Member. - "Water Shield"/"Lightning Shield": Being used if it's not up anymore and (NoCast). - "Wind Shear" in First/Last Second for Arena1-3. Interrupted Spells: * CC Spells: "Hex"/"Polymorph"/"Seduction"/"Fear"/"Cyclone"; * Healing Spells: Just if Arena1-3 is not a Warlock/Shaman/Druid or Mage. - FakeCast: * "Kick" on "Shadowstep". * "Pummel". - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell. - Auto update totems. P A L A D I N : - "Turn Evil"/"Holy Wrath" on Arena1-3Pet's (Succubus) "Seduction"-Cast, if it's casted on You. - "Hammer of Justice": Not Usable into /"CoS"/"Ice Block"/"Bladestorm"/"Spell Reflection"/etc. - "Turn Evil": Being used on any ranged Arena1-3 DK with "Lichborne" up. - "Turn Evil": Not Usable into "Grounding Totem". - "Divine Sacrifice" on "Scatter Shot" "Repentance" "Blind" "Gouge". - FakeCast: * "Kick" on "Shadowstep". * "Pummel". - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell. - Auto "Divine Plea". (Protection) - Unstealth "Vanish" with "Divine Storm". (Retribution) - Auto dispel all cc. - Auto Judgment in Vanish. - Auto Judgment in totems "Tremor" "Grounding" Still i have many pqr profiles and pvp, pve best rotation. Hacking GCD HACK - Reducing most of the Spell's cooldowns by 0,4. Work all server 3.3.5 Range HACK - Allows you to gain 7 yards range more on all your spells and basic attacks. Work "Warmane","Sulvus","Uwow.biz". On others server no testing. Auto-Hotkey Script: this script reduces your GCD by approx 10%-15%, increasing your gaming speed by a lot. Basically instead of typing like, FOR EXAMPLE, "1" with keyboard when you press 1, it will type "11111111111111111111111". Gagarin (.exe) - Allows you to move in roots, being immune to knockbacks and more. Modified undetectable premium version.