Virtual Reality Pioneer
200 XP
WTS best accounts on,warmane(blakrock) old Arena Tournamnet, all realms(x1-x30-x125-FUN)
First acounts description.
1) account FUN. holy paladin 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Paladin have pvp taitle Furius gladiator, Gladiator,Rival,Challenger,Duelist. Exp 2s 2600, 3s 2300. Mount ( Magic Rooster)
- two paladin 4 of 5 a8. Exp 2s 2350. Mount ( Magic Rooster)
- three paladin 4 of 5 a8. Exp 2s 2300. Mount ( Magic Rooster)
2) account FUN. Arms warrior 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Warrior have pvp taitle Deadly gladiator,Gladiator,Rival,Challenger,Duelist. Exp 2s 3130 3s 2200. Mount ( Magic Rooster)
3) account FUN. holy paladin 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Paladin have pvp taitle Gladiator,Rival,Challenger,Duelist. Exp 2s 2400 3s 2200.
4) account FUN. Warlock 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 3084 3s 2550.
5) account FUN. Warlock 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Warlock have pvp taitle Deadly gladiator,Gladiator,Rival,Challenger,Duelist. Exp 2s 3369. All Warlock what i sell best on
-two rpal 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 2300.
6) account FUN. Warlock 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Warlock have pvp taitle Brutal gladiator. Exp 2s 3200 3s 2400.
-Warlock 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 3450 3s 2450.
-Warlock 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Warlock have pvp taitle Merciless gladiator. Exp 2s 3200 3s 2360.
-Warlock 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Warlock have pvp taitle Furius gladiator. Exp 2s 2880 3s 2200.
-Warlock 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 2760.
-Warlock 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 2700.
-Rogue 4 of 5 a8. Exp 2s 2100
-And last Trash pve balance druid
7) account FUN. Shaman elem 5 of 5 s8 full gired. Shaman have pvp taitle Brutal gladiator. Exp 3s 2400.
8) account FUN. Shaman elem 5 of 5 s8 full gired. Shaman have pvp taitle Relentles gladiator. Exp 3s 2500.
9) account FUN. Arms 5 of 5 s8 full gired. Warrior have pvp taitle Deadly gladiator and Relentles gladiator. x2 r1 3s! Exp 2s 2950 3s 2500.
10) account FUN. Hpal 5 of 5 s8 full gired.Hpal have pvp taitle Relentles gladiator. exp 3s 3050.
11) account FUN. Hpal 5 of 5 s8 full gired.Hpal have pvp taitle Deadly gladiator. exp 3s 2800.
12) account FUN. Hpal 5 of 5 s8 full gired. Hpal have pvp taitle Deadly gladiator and Relentles gladiator. x2 r1 3s! exp 3k.
13) account x10. Shaman full bis Elem, Restor, Enx. Shaman have all pvp and pve things. All weapon pvp,pve for elem, enx, restor. Exp 2s 2664 3s 2400. Mount ( Magic Rooster) and many other.
14) account x10. Paladin full bis Holy,Proto,Retribution. Paladin have all pvp and pve things. All weapon pvp,pve for holy,proto,retribution. Exp 2s 3000. 3s 2100. Mount 10 page. 70k kills. 9380 achievement points. 33 tiatle.
-Mage x10 gired only pve full bis 6557 GearScore
-Rogue x100 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Have full gired pve.
-Mage x100 gired only pve full bis 6464 GearScore
-Hunter x5 gired only pve full bis 6442 GearScore
15) account x10. Arms warrior 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 3200 3s 2370.
16) account x10. Arms warrior 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 3000 3s 2400. Mount ( Magic Rooster) and many other.
17) account x10. Arms warrior 5 of 5 a8 full gired.
18) account x10. Arms warrior 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 2100 3s 2200.
19) account wow.cirlce FUN. Death Knight 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 2700 3s 2200.
-Elem Shaman 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 2450 3s 2200.
-Frost Mage 4 of 5 a8. Exp 2s 2100.
20) account FUN. Holy paladin 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 2500 3s 2200. Mount ( Magic Rooster)
-Holy paladin 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 2200 3s 2430. Mount ( Magic Rooster)
-Holy paladin 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 2545 3s 2150. Mount ( Magic Rooster)
-Holy paladin 4 of 5 a8. Exp 2s 2300. Mount ( Magic Rooster)
-Restor Shaman 4 of 5 a8. Exp 2s 2200.Mount ( Magic Rooster)
Warmane(Old Arena Tournament) ( Blackrock)
1-AT-Account two warrior one Gladiator 3s 2.3, two Battlemaster 2.7 soloq.
2-AT-Account Paladin Gladiator 3s 2.3 and warrior 2.1 soloq.
3-AT-Hpal 2.4 soloq.4-5 s8 full nonset
4-AT-Two Restore druid first full 2.9 soloq and two Restore druid 2.4 soloq.
5-AT- 4 shamans elems 2.3 soloq,2360 soloq,2.4 soloq,2.1 soloq.
6-AT- Warrior full and nonset 284 2.3 soloq.
7-AT- Death Knight full s8 and nonset three wiapon (Shadows Enge-Bryntroll-t1 pvp) exp 1.8 3s-2.1 soloq.
8-AT- Hpal full s8 and nonset pvp-pve wiapon pvp-pve 2.2 soloq and Proto pal 2 pve and nonset pve 1.9 soloq
9-AT- Shaman elem full s8, full nonset pvp-pve two wiapon pvp-pve exp 2.1 soloq and two rpal 4-5 s8 full wiapon pvp-pve
10-AT-Three hpal
-hpal full s8 and nonset 2s 2.2 soloq 2.4
-hpal 2-5 s8 and full nonset 284 soloq 2.6
-hpal full s7 and full nonset pvp-pve 2360 soloq
All accounts have mail.
There are many accounts on all realms x1,x30,fun,x125 all full bis Gladiators.
I can also find more accounts old now Blackrock)
I can show accounts in the game. Who will buy.
I accept payment for PayPal-VISA-MASTER CARD.
My contacts Skype: U mad brah?
Discord: Sergio#3331
First acounts description.
1) account FUN. holy paladin 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Paladin have pvp taitle Furius gladiator, Gladiator,Rival,Challenger,Duelist. Exp 2s 2600, 3s 2300. Mount ( Magic Rooster)
- two paladin 4 of 5 a8. Exp 2s 2350. Mount ( Magic Rooster)
- three paladin 4 of 5 a8. Exp 2s 2300. Mount ( Magic Rooster)
2) account FUN. Arms warrior 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Warrior have pvp taitle Deadly gladiator,Gladiator,Rival,Challenger,Duelist. Exp 2s 3130 3s 2200. Mount ( Magic Rooster)
3) account FUN. holy paladin 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Paladin have pvp taitle Gladiator,Rival,Challenger,Duelist. Exp 2s 2400 3s 2200.
4) account FUN. Warlock 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 3084 3s 2550.
5) account FUN. Warlock 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Warlock have pvp taitle Deadly gladiator,Gladiator,Rival,Challenger,Duelist. Exp 2s 3369. All Warlock what i sell best on
-two rpal 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 2300.
6) account FUN. Warlock 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Warlock have pvp taitle Brutal gladiator. Exp 2s 3200 3s 2400.
-Warlock 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 3450 3s 2450.
-Warlock 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Warlock have pvp taitle Merciless gladiator. Exp 2s 3200 3s 2360.
-Warlock 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Warlock have pvp taitle Furius gladiator. Exp 2s 2880 3s 2200.
-Warlock 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 2760.
-Warlock 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 2700.
-Rogue 4 of 5 a8. Exp 2s 2100
-And last Trash pve balance druid
7) account FUN. Shaman elem 5 of 5 s8 full gired. Shaman have pvp taitle Brutal gladiator. Exp 3s 2400.
8) account FUN. Shaman elem 5 of 5 s8 full gired. Shaman have pvp taitle Relentles gladiator. Exp 3s 2500.
9) account FUN. Arms 5 of 5 s8 full gired. Warrior have pvp taitle Deadly gladiator and Relentles gladiator. x2 r1 3s! Exp 2s 2950 3s 2500.
10) account FUN. Hpal 5 of 5 s8 full gired.Hpal have pvp taitle Relentles gladiator. exp 3s 3050.
11) account FUN. Hpal 5 of 5 s8 full gired.Hpal have pvp taitle Deadly gladiator. exp 3s 2800.
12) account FUN. Hpal 5 of 5 s8 full gired. Hpal have pvp taitle Deadly gladiator and Relentles gladiator. x2 r1 3s! exp 3k.
13) account x10. Shaman full bis Elem, Restor, Enx. Shaman have all pvp and pve things. All weapon pvp,pve for elem, enx, restor. Exp 2s 2664 3s 2400. Mount ( Magic Rooster) and many other.
14) account x10. Paladin full bis Holy,Proto,Retribution. Paladin have all pvp and pve things. All weapon pvp,pve for holy,proto,retribution. Exp 2s 3000. 3s 2100. Mount 10 page. 70k kills. 9380 achievement points. 33 tiatle.
-Mage x10 gired only pve full bis 6557 GearScore
-Rogue x100 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Have full gired pve.
-Mage x100 gired only pve full bis 6464 GearScore
-Hunter x5 gired only pve full bis 6442 GearScore
15) account x10. Arms warrior 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 3200 3s 2370.
16) account x10. Arms warrior 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 3000 3s 2400. Mount ( Magic Rooster) and many other.
17) account x10. Arms warrior 5 of 5 a8 full gired.
18) account x10. Arms warrior 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 2100 3s 2200.
19) account wow.cirlce FUN. Death Knight 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 2700 3s 2200.
-Elem Shaman 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 2450 3s 2200.
-Frost Mage 4 of 5 a8. Exp 2s 2100.
20) account FUN. Holy paladin 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 2500 3s 2200. Mount ( Magic Rooster)
-Holy paladin 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 2200 3s 2430. Mount ( Magic Rooster)
-Holy paladin 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 2545 3s 2150. Mount ( Magic Rooster)
-Holy paladin 4 of 5 a8. Exp 2s 2300. Mount ( Magic Rooster)
-Restor Shaman 4 of 5 a8. Exp 2s 2200.Mount ( Magic Rooster)
Warmane(Old Arena Tournament) ( Blackrock)
1-AT-Account two warrior one Gladiator 3s 2.3, two Battlemaster 2.7 soloq.
2-AT-Account Paladin Gladiator 3s 2.3 and warrior 2.1 soloq.
3-AT-Hpal 2.4 soloq.4-5 s8 full nonset
4-AT-Two Restore druid first full 2.9 soloq and two Restore druid 2.4 soloq.
5-AT- 4 shamans elems 2.3 soloq,2360 soloq,2.4 soloq,2.1 soloq.
6-AT- Warrior full and nonset 284 2.3 soloq.
7-AT- Death Knight full s8 and nonset three wiapon (Shadows Enge-Bryntroll-t1 pvp) exp 1.8 3s-2.1 soloq.
8-AT- Hpal full s8 and nonset pvp-pve wiapon pvp-pve 2.2 soloq and Proto pal 2 pve and nonset pve 1.9 soloq
9-AT- Shaman elem full s8, full nonset pvp-pve two wiapon pvp-pve exp 2.1 soloq and two rpal 4-5 s8 full wiapon pvp-pve
10-AT-Three hpal
-hpal full s8 and nonset 2s 2.2 soloq 2.4
-hpal 2-5 s8 and full nonset 284 soloq 2.6
-hpal full s7 and full nonset pvp-pve 2360 soloq
All accounts have mail.
There are many accounts on all realms x1,x30,fun,x125 all full bis Gladiators.
I can also find more accounts old now Blackrock)
I can show accounts in the game. Who will buy.
I accept payment for PayPal-VISA-MASTER CARD.
My contacts Skype: U mad brah?
Discord: Sergio#3331