Immersive Technology Specialist
300 XP
Hey guys, just felt like sharing this with the nulled community its a really good cheat pack for World of Tanks it includes all the most important mods like Aimbot, lasers, redball, destroyed objects, tundra, reload timer, blind hit mod, tracer, enemy direction, always black sky, broken destructible etc..
Here is a picture for preview:
Smash upvote if you like what you see and want me to upload the newest versions.
Just extract, copy/paste res_mods to your game folder and roll out.
-Autoaim Numpad 0
-Black Sky Control+Numpad2
-TundraNumpad 2
-LaserNumpad 1
-AimBot-Shaytan Numpad 9
-Broken destructible NumPad 8
All other commands are adjustable in hangar b4it setting.
Here is a picture for preview:
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-Autoaim Numpad 0
-Black Sky Control+Numpad2
-TundraNumpad 2
-LaserNumpad 1
-AimBot-Shaytan Numpad 9
-Broken destructible NumPad 8
All other commands are adjustable in hangar b4it setting.