IoT Deployment Strategist
400 XP
Today we will see how to earn about 30k of satoshi every 2 hours!
Register at this link:
I advise you to top up your account with at least 20 euros (so you have much higher earnings)
Run this script ...
to activate it click on your browser: Inspect -> console -> and paste the script
Run for 5 minute every 1 hour
Run this script
<<<<<<<Remember turn off antivirus, sometimes antivirus detect the script as malware>>>>>
var minstake = 0.00000100; // valor base
var autorounds = 99; // n° de rolls
// if (profit > profit_max) {
// error_title = "Maximum profit exceeded";
// error_info = "Maximum profit: " + number_format(profit_max, devise_decimal);
// error_value = "Maximum profit exceeded - Maximum profit: " + number_format(profit_max, devise_decimal);
// error = true;
// }
// else if (amount > balance) {
// error_title = "Bet amount";
// error_info = "Maximum bet: " + number_format(balance, devise_decimal);
// error_value = "Bet amount - Maximum bet: " + number_format(balance, devise_decimal);
// error = true;
// }
var handbrake = 1.0000000; // valor lose pause game
var autoruns = 1;
// else if (amount > bet_max) {
// error_title = "Bet amount";
// error_info = "Maximum bet: " + number_format(bet_max, devise_decimal);
// error_value = "Bet amount - Maximum bet: " + number_format(bet_max, devise_decimal);
// error = true;
// }
// else if (amount < bet_min) {
// error_title = "Bet amount";
// error_info = "Minimum bet: " + number_format(bet_min, devise_decimal);
// error_value = "Bet amount - Minimum bet: " + number_format(bet_min, devise_decimal);
// error = true;
// }
function playnow() {
if (autoruns > autorounds ) { console.log('Limit reached'); return; }
setTimeout(checkresults, 1000);
function checkresults() {
if (document.getElementById('double_your_btc_bet_hi_button').disabled === true) {
setTimeout(checkresults, 1000);
var stake = document.getElementById('double_your_btc_stake').value * 1;
var won = document.getElementById('double_your_btc_bet_win').innerHTML;
if (won.match(/(\d+\.\d+)/) !== null) { won = won.match(/(\d+\.\d+)/)[0]; } else { won = false; }
var lost = document.getElementById('double_your_btc_bet_lose').innerHTML;
if (lost.match(/(\d+\.\d+)/) !== null) { lost = lost.match(/(\d+\.\d+)/)[0]; } else { lost = false; }
if (won && !lost) { stake = minstake; console.log('Bet #' + autoruns + '/' + autorounds + ': Won ' + won + ' Stake: ' + stake.toFixed(8)); }
if (lost && !won) { stake = lost * 2.1; console.log('Bet #' + autoruns + '/' + autorounds + ': Lost ' + lost + ' Stake: ' + stake.toFixed(8)); }
if (!won && !lost) { console.log('Something went wrong'); return; }
document.getElementById('double_your_btc_stake').value = stake.toFixed(8);
if (stake >= handbrake) {
console.log('Handbrake triggered! Execute playnow() to override');
setTimeout(playnow, 1000);
© 2017 Exsom Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Enjoy Free BTC
Edited by MrScarfac, 18 July 2019 - 11:54 PM.
Register at this link:
I advise you to top up your account with at least 20 euros (so you have much higher earnings)
Run this script ...
to activate it click on your browser: Inspect -> console -> and paste the script
Run for 5 minute every 1 hour
Run this script
<<<<<<<Remember turn off antivirus, sometimes antivirus detect the script as malware>>>>>
var minstake = 0.00000100; // valor base
var autorounds = 99; // n° de rolls
// if (profit > profit_max) {
// error_title = "Maximum profit exceeded";
// error_info = "Maximum profit: " + number_format(profit_max, devise_decimal);
// error_value = "Maximum profit exceeded - Maximum profit: " + number_format(profit_max, devise_decimal);
// error = true;
// }
// else if (amount > balance) {
// error_title = "Bet amount";
// error_info = "Maximum bet: " + number_format(balance, devise_decimal);
// error_value = "Bet amount - Maximum bet: " + number_format(balance, devise_decimal);
// error = true;
// }
var handbrake = 1.0000000; // valor lose pause game
var autoruns = 1;
// else if (amount > bet_max) {
// error_title = "Bet amount";
// error_info = "Maximum bet: " + number_format(bet_max, devise_decimal);
// error_value = "Bet amount - Maximum bet: " + number_format(bet_max, devise_decimal);
// error = true;
// }
// else if (amount < bet_min) {
// error_title = "Bet amount";
// error_info = "Minimum bet: " + number_format(bet_min, devise_decimal);
// error_value = "Bet amount - Minimum bet: " + number_format(bet_min, devise_decimal);
// error = true;
// }
function playnow() {
if (autoruns > autorounds ) { console.log('Limit reached'); return; }
setTimeout(checkresults, 1000);
function checkresults() {
if (document.getElementById('double_your_btc_bet_hi_button').disabled === true) {
setTimeout(checkresults, 1000);
var stake = document.getElementById('double_your_btc_stake').value * 1;
var won = document.getElementById('double_your_btc_bet_win').innerHTML;
if (won.match(/(\d+\.\d+)/) !== null) { won = won.match(/(\d+\.\d+)/)[0]; } else { won = false; }
var lost = document.getElementById('double_your_btc_bet_lose').innerHTML;
if (lost.match(/(\d+\.\d+)/) !== null) { lost = lost.match(/(\d+\.\d+)/)[0]; } else { lost = false; }
if (won && !lost) { stake = minstake; console.log('Bet #' + autoruns + '/' + autorounds + ': Won ' + won + ' Stake: ' + stake.toFixed(8)); }
if (lost && !won) { stake = lost * 2.1; console.log('Bet #' + autoruns + '/' + autorounds + ': Lost ' + lost + ' Stake: ' + stake.toFixed(8)); }
if (!won && !lost) { console.log('Something went wrong'); return; }
document.getElementById('double_your_btc_stake').value = stake.toFixed(8);
if (stake >= handbrake) {
console.log('Handbrake triggered! Execute playnow() to override');
setTimeout(playnow, 1000);
© 2017 Exsom Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Enjoy Free BTC
Edited by MrScarfac, 18 July 2019 - 11:54 PM.