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Working at Mcdonald's - $8.00 - 13.00 an hour (Earn More than betting, trading, or eWhoring)


Whimsy Wizard
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LEVEL 1 400 XP
Working at McDonald's is likely to earn you more money than most methods posted in this forum. In this thread I will show you how to apply for a job at McDonald's.
What are the Benefits of Working at McDonald's?
Some of you may be asking why someone should work at McDonald's when there are methods and guides promising hundreds to thousands of dollars a day. The reality is that many of these guides are selling dreams of getting rich with little effort to unsuspecting users, especially teenagers and children. The likely income from many of these is $0 or even losing money.
So what actual benefits can you get from McDonald's? We can look online to find the hourly wages.
Source: https://www.indeed.com/cmp/McDonald's/salaries
At McDonald's if you are hired, you are likely to start out with at least $8 an hour. This means that after 8 hours of working, you will earn $64. In a week you can earn $320, and $1,280 in a month. Stability is important and you want guaranteed income rather than relying on methods that only work for an elite few or are constantly changing.
At McDonald's you also get the benefits of receiving free meals from the menu!
How to Apply?
This all sounds great. But how do you actually apply for a job at McDonald's? First, understanding the requirements is key. A good understanding of English is required, and speaking Spanish can increase your chances of getting hired. You should be able to interact with customers and be able to remain calm under pressure. You may at times be required to lift about 40 lbs.
The great thing is that to work at McDonald's you do not need a degree or advanced education. What you will need though is a demonstration that you are willing to work and perform on the job.
To increase your chances of being hired, having a proper cover letter and resume is recommended.
Zety has a great guide on how to create resume tailored specifically for McDonald's:
Since this would be your first time applying, you wouldn't be able to include experience from past McDonald's. What you can get out of the Zety examples though is the formatting of your education and skills. Presenting an organized resume can show your prospective employer that you are ready for the job.
Having a cover letter isn't always required but definitely recommended because it will increase your chances of getting the job. Zety will also show you how to plan your cover letter and make a good presentation for your employer:
When you are ready, you may apply at the official McDonald's career site:
You can also ask if your local location is hiring the next time that you eat there.
The Interview
If you make it to the interview process, congratulations! You are now one step closer to getting the job. It is important to study for this process because there are many different questions they will ask and you will want to be ready for them.
Like applying to any job, you want to show them that you have researched the company and its processes. You will likely have to answer questions about the company, why they should hire you, any weaknesses you have, your availability. If you prepare for the interview ahead of time, you will be confident and ready for anything that they ask you.
I found a nice guide that showcases many common interview questions and the best responses to them:
This lady has also made a video on the process of the interview.
After Being Hired
If you manage to get accepted to the job, congratulations! You are well on your way to additional successes. McDonald's has many opportunities for promotions, and with time you could be making $20 an hour or more.
Remember to show up on time and to treat your coworkers and customers nicely. I recommend further networking and getting to know the people you work with.
You will likely learn many skills here including:
- Customer Service
- Cooking
- Finances
- Restaurant Operation
- Cleaning
What About the Social Stigma?
You may wonder about the negative attitudes that have some towards McDonald's workers. Isn't this a low paying and degrading job?
The answer is that you are providing a valuable service to many. Fast food is in heavy demand, and without people to cook, serve it, and provide a great customer service experience, bringing this food to customers would not be possible.
Furthermore, you have a form of stable employment, discounts on foods, and possibly benefits like health and dental insurance. Additionally if you are full time, you may be eligible for 3 weeks paid vacation.
Also, you don't have to pretend that you're something you're not. Look around on TikTok and Instagram these days and even this forum, people claim they have all kinds of methods that are making them ultra wealthy when we all know this is likely not reality. It's easy to claim a million dollar lifestyle, but how often do people really show the receipts? Grey members constantly search for the next get rich quick scheme and plenty will sell it to them, but deep down they know they just need to work.
People dream of luxury, the flashy lifestyle they can show others. This can cause them to take dangerous risks to get it. But what about human connection and the reality of life for most people? Most of us will not be very wealthy, that's just statistical facts. But there's nothing wrong with that, because it's really about the friends we make and the experiences that we share.
If you are happy and fulfilled with what you do, that's ultimately the only thing that matters.



