Cryptographic Vulnerability Auditor
100 XP
So yea I am currently in a situation in which I have to choose between a school I dont like the subjects of (I dont hate them extremely hard tho) but all my friends go there and a school I do kinda find the subjects interesting but none of my friends go there, not even people I know (except for 1, but I dont really like him and he already has friends there). So yea where would you go if you also consider that you dont really know how to make friends (sounds retarded ik but I havent been in a situation to make friends since kindergarten or sth like that). Pls let me know why you chose your answer
Update (for anyone who is interested): so I chose the school with the subjects and I gotta say, although I really miss my friends, I think it was the right decision. I didn´t manage to make any friends yet but it doesn´t seem like it will be like that for more than a week. Also the classes are pretty "fun" for school standards (didn´t expect myself to say this ever). But I am only 2 days in so maybe its too early to already make conclusions
Update (for anyone who is interested): so I chose the school with the subjects and I gotta say, although I really miss my friends, I think it was the right decision. I didn´t manage to make any friends yet but it doesn´t seem like it will be like that for more than a week. Also the classes are pretty "fun" for school standards (didn´t expect myself to say this ever). But I am only 2 days in so maybe its too early to already make conclusions