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Welcome To Nulled || A Guide For New Members, Wanting to Stay a While.


Side-Channel Attack Specialist
F Rep
F Vouches
LEVEL 1 200 XP
Intro To This Guide:
I have way too much time on my hands today and I can't stand staying idle so I decided to create this 'guide' for noobies.
I'm sure there are many members that will find it resourceful.
I came across Nulled.to while looking for pirated graphics and while I doubt that I actually found what I was looking for at that time, I'm quite thankful that I landed here anyway.
Shortly after signing up, I became hooked to learning as much as I could while scrolling through the forums. I didn't have any real cracking history, other than back in 2007-2010 when World Of Warcraft cracking was at it's peak and gold prices were around $25/k but shortly after Blizzard changed over to email logins and added the authentication, I ended up leaving the scene. It was mind blowing to see how much cracking has evolved since those days. Anyway, I explain this because it's important that you realize that you can for sure come here knowing very little and either leave more educated than you came, or stay around to pass that knowledge onto others.
For the last couple months, I have been very active (avg 6+ hours a day). I have taken all that I have seen/leaned and bundled into this long ass post to try and help you make the most of your time here on Nulled.
Let's jump right into it!
AllNEON GREEN text is clickable. Be sure to check em out!
Popular Forum Sections:
I'm going to keep this part short and to the point but these are the sections (imo) that make Nulled so awesome.
is the section that most likely brought you to Nulled in the first place. Whether you are looking for a tool, tutorial, config or combo, you're almost sure to find what you are looking for.
to learn more about Social Engineering or E-Whoring? Or maybe you are looking for a guide on how to make a ton of money while doing nothing(good luck). Either way, this is the section for you.
Place: This is the funnest section IMO. No matter if you are a buyer, seller or both, this section can be your best friend and a section you can easily spend your whole day scrolling through.
The Market Place is broken down into a few sub forums that are all pretty self explanatory so I'll just give you the two that I frequent the most.
Sellers: For VIP or better members to sell in. Most of the time, this is the go-to section if you are just wanting to get in and out. While it might seem like people in this section are all legit sellers, please do not assume anything. ALWAYS look for reviews and vouches from other members before trusting anyone and even at that, if you still have any doubts, just use a Middle man.
Sellers: If the seller isn't VIP+, they can only post their sales thread in this section. I feel like there are a lot of great deals that get overlooked in this section so I'm always checking in just to see. I will say this, just because a member isn't VIP+ on Nulled, that does NOT mean that they don't have something of quality to sell. Don't be quick to shoot someone down just because they didn't spend $10 for VIP.
Upgrading Your Account and Why You Should Consider It:
If you don't know anything about the account upgrades, follow this link: Nulled Profile
And check out this thread: Benefits and F.A.Q
I could sit here and try to convince you that there a million reasons to give Nulled your money for an account upgrade but it really just boils down to a few solid reasons you should consider upgrading.
  • Showing your support for whatever it is that brings you here: I am assuming that almost all of us joined Nulled for our own personal gain. For me, it was graphics and later on became much more but when it came time for me to upgrade my account, I did it as a way of showing that I wasn't trying to just be a 'leecher'. I can assure you that whatever graphics I was here to leech, were worth more than then $10 for VIP. While upgrading doesn't automatically convert you from a leech to a contributor, at the very least it shows that you aren't here to just (entirely) take.
  • See : This is a HUGE perk if you don't want to make up a reply for every thread you want to see. Eventually, you run out of clever responses and you look like a robot.
*In order to get a cool moving banner behind your display picture, you'll need to be Aqua or better.
Common Issues New Members Have:
How To Lower Leech Level Rating? : This Guide
Why threads are locked?: You either need to increase your post count, or lower get your leecher level to a better standing.
Why Can't I Talk in Shout Box? :Most likely, it's because you are too new of a member. I don't remember what the required post count is (Someone tell me and I'll edit this) or you have been given a shoutbox ban. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the Rulesto avoid any ban.
Why am I getting down votes + negative rep? : If you are leaving replies like "ty" or any other similar gibberish, there is a good chance that the OP is down voting your spam replies. Or, you are either asking/begging for something or not playing nice with others. I don't think it's too common that a "good member" has terrible likes and rep. If you treat others the way you want to be treated, rep and likes shouldn't be an issue for you.
Are Paid (shortened links) Ok? :No, and you'd be foolish to think that you are the first person to join this forum and think that all you need to do is share a ton of content to make an extra $2 per week. Just as a heads up, we do have a system that auto bans members who share paid links so don't think you might get away with it. And if you try to conceal the link some way, you'll still get banned shortly after. It's truly not worth it...
Making New Friends
When I first joined, it felt like everyone knew each other and I knew no one. The only thing I can suggest to get past this 'noobie' stage is just by being active on the forums. Either by talking in SB or by starting / replying to threads with real content. Eventually you'll start seeing familiar names and from there. My legit first "Nulled Friend" was @ALAABA and that was because both of us were scammed by the same guy haha. So it's always possible to find friends in low places here too.
Just give it time and members will make sense to you and before you know it, you'll have a bunch of people to talk to whenever.
Avoid The Ban Hammer
This might be the most valuable part of this whole thread for new members. While it should be pretty straight forward to avoid getting banned, it seems like the biggest issue is not reading the rules.
Do yourself a favor and take the 5 minutes to read the rules. They are laid out very simply and easy to understand. There's no hidden messages to try and figure out either, just to the point.
  • Rules- The general rules of Nulled.
  • Rules - The Shoutbox rules of Nulled.
  • Rules- The Marketplace rules of Nulled.
Common Rules Broken By New Members (no significant order):
  • Short Links / Paid links- Like stated above, you won't get away with this. Don't bother
  • Multi Accounting- When someone makes a new profile for liking,leeching, reputation abuse, etc. You only need 1 account. Simple.
  • Leeching- If you continue to take from the forums without giving back, you have a better chance at logging into a ban.
  • Sharing or Selling CC / Bank / Paypal Details:Carding is not allowed here. Period. I've seen many members try and call it something else, but just like porn, when you see it, you know what it is. No matter what you try to call it.
**I'm sure I'm leaving something important off this list. Give me input and I'll add*
What's To Come From CreativeHold
I really do look forward to seeing how members respond to this one so I can gauge how much effort to put into my next guides.
There are a few more topics that I would like to waste time on writing, such as
  • How to E-Whore like a gentleman
  • How to dehash your first injected databases.
Let me know what guide you'd like to see the most of first, and I'll do what I can to make them happen sooner!
This thread is over 1,586 words and 8,516 characters long and I'll continue to add to it as time goes on.
It would be appreciated if you could take the minute to leave me real feedback.



