Guild Leader
700 XP
Hello Nulled
Me and a group of people started working on a new project , a new Cryptocurrency , its purpose is to make charities and donations more transparent , so no more fake charities.We are creating an open source platform and all the work and transactions will be controlled by smart contracts
we are launching our airdrop app in 6 days, which is going to help reduce the coronavirus cases by convincing people to stay at home and make money through our app. the App will be an Airdrop that lets you claim 1CovCoinif you are at home , 1 CovCoin = 1$ (that's gonna change based on the market) , we will send the coins to all wallets once the coin will be available in the market.
our new Cryptocurrency COVCoin is based on ERC20 Ethereum technologie .
If you want to ask questions and get to know our long term objectif . please check the links
Website :
Twitter :
Email :
Telegram Group :
Telegram Channel :
Airdrop :
White Paper :
Edit 1(25/3/2020):
The app is finally here , you can download the apk here:
the app will be an airdrop , so we are giving away the tokens which then can be traded to another Cryptocurrency or money . the demand for this coin will very promising since most of the charities and campaigns are not transparent enough . so this would solve a lot of problems . which means demand => coin price rises and will be tradable
Edit 2 (27/3/2020):
Added FAQ , in the website , Added Speed up feature in the app , fixed some app bugs , added free 2 coins (2$) when you use a referral coin , and 10% when your friends claim using your referral code.
Edit 3(31/3/2020):
We Have finally deployed the white paper , please check our website for the white paper , We have also added new contact feature in case You want to tell us something or report a bug .
Edit 4(4/4/2020):
for all those people calling us scammers and hating on us , this is our first day distributing the coin and we already have over 10+ (as for 4/4/2020) exchanges , current price is $0.0140 :
Edited by Agent0ne, 04 April 2020 - 04:50 PM.
Me and a group of people started working on a new project , a new Cryptocurrency , its purpose is to make charities and donations more transparent , so no more fake charities.We are creating an open source platform and all the work and transactions will be controlled by smart contracts
we are launching our airdrop app in 6 days, which is going to help reduce the coronavirus cases by convincing people to stay at home and make money through our app. the App will be an Airdrop that lets you claim 1CovCoinif you are at home , 1 CovCoin = 1$ (that's gonna change based on the market) , we will send the coins to all wallets once the coin will be available in the market.
our new Cryptocurrency COVCoin is based on ERC20 Ethereum technologie .
If you want to ask questions and get to know our long term objectif . please check the links
Website :
Twitter :
Email :
Telegram Group :
Telegram Channel :
Airdrop :
White Paper :
Edit 1(25/3/2020):
The app is finally here , you can download the apk here:
Edit 2 (27/3/2020):
Added FAQ , in the website , Added Speed up feature in the app , fixed some app bugs , added free 2 coins (2$) when you use a referral coin , and 10% when your friends claim using your referral code.
Edit 3(31/3/2020):
We Have finally deployed the white paper , please check our website for the white paper , We have also added new contact feature in case You want to tell us something or report a bug .
Edit 4(4/4/2020):
for all those people calling us scammers and hating on us , this is our first day distributing the coin and we already have over 10+ (as for 4/4/2020) exchanges , current price is $0.0140 :
Edited by Agent0ne, 04 April 2020 - 04:50 PM.