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[VIP]Embryo Riven


Crypto Whale Tracker
M Rep
M Vouches
LEVEL 1 300 XP
In game:
How to use:
0. Basic moving
It use implanted OrbWalking module. My recommendation is turn off other Orbwalking(except SAC).
And it allways moving to your mouse cursor, if enemy in AA range then attack. (<- remember this if you miss your mouse then her lost way)
If you clicked enemy then that enemy got circle and set to main target. If you got main target then all AA and skill need that target should be in range then use AA and skills else no AA no use skills.
1. Targeting on Enemy
Default is 'near mouse' - Main target is near mouse enemy so if you approached to enemy and closed then need hold your mouse cursor stick to enemy.
It depend on your setting. find other options for your taste.
Target Select Range: Set range for TARGET Enemy.
2. Q skills
cast Q to TARGET: Auto use Q with setting key. Default is 'Space Bar'
AA cancel Delay: It add AA cancel delay. Recommendation is '0'.
use with Passive #under: auto use under # passive. Remember if # setting is 2 and you have 2 or 3 passives then don't use this skill.
use Q for KillSteal: Default is On, work with cast Key.
use Q for farm: need explain?
Gap Close with Q/Q Gap Close range: If enemy position is out of range with Riven's Q then use Q or not options.
3. W skills
use W for KillSteal: Default is On, work with cast Key.
use with Passive #under: auto use under # passive. Remember if # setting is 2 and you have 2 or 3 passives then don't use this skill.
3. E skills
cast E to TARGET: Auto use E with setting key. Default is 'Space Bar'
use with Passive #under: auto use under # passive. Remember if # setting is 2 and you have 2 or 3 passives then don't use this skill.
Gap Close with E/E Gap Close range: If enemy position is out of range with Riven's E then use E or not options.
InClose E to TARGET: If enemy closed then use E or not.
4. R skills
Cast R1: Auto use R with setting key. Default is 'Space Bar'
^Auto activate R1: R1 Auto activate option.
KS Auto R2 to TARGET: need explain?
ER1Q Combo: If it turn on and can use E, R1, Q then Riven use this combo - R activate cancel. It make very smooth use R1 and moving.
ER2Q Combo: If it turn on and can use E, R2, Q then Riven use this combo - R activate cancel. It make very smooth use R2 and moving.
#enemy for R2: It use R2 when enemy in R2 range over that # number. (It don't care enemies health %. Only check head count)
5. Item Use All with Combo
Item Use All with Combo: need explain?
use Timat after W: need explain?
use Timat after E: need explain?
use ignite: need explain?
6. autoTravel
autoTravel: If this on then u click far a way then it auto activate.(and OnMyWay ping it global ping interval is 30sec)
Destination Distance: far a way distance setting.
Stop Range by Creep: If meet a enemy creep in this range then stop use Q & E skills
Stop Range by Enemy: If meet a enemy in this range then stop use Q & E skills
7. Farmming setting
Jungle Creeps: need explain?
Lane Clear: need explain?
8. Skill range drawings: need explain?
9. Orbwalking setting: it miss naming...
Auto E barrier: Tower aggro or some skill attack you then use auto E to mouse cursor.
Animation Cancel Method: Skill animation cancel methods.
Minion Marker: Auto target creep and enemy drawing.
10. Key Bindings
Orb2Enemy: Focus enemy to Target.
Orb2Creep: Focus creeps to lane clear & Jungle sweep.
LaneHold: Focus low HP enemy creep for last hit.
Flee or Dash: Auto Q and E for Flee or approach to enemy(it real fast)
AutoJump: auto jump over the wall. Hold this key and second Q use in circle. Download:
Requires these Libraries:
- The script will automatically download these libs, but if the auto-download fails, download them manually.
old2dgeo = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/livewa/Core/master/Common/old2dgeo.lua
Sourcelib = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gbilbao/Bilbao/master/BoL1/Common/SourceLib.lua
spellDMG =
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view hidden text.
VPrediction = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/livewa/Core/master/Common/VPrediction.lua
Eneko =https://raw.githubusercontent.com/livewa/Core/master/Common/ENEKOE.lua Script DownLoad Link:
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view hidden text.
Save as [name].lua and put in your [BoLFolder]\Script\
ex) [BoLFolder]\Scripts\Embryo_Riven.lua



