Token Liquidity Expert
300 XP
Coin name: Valorbit Symbol : VAL https://valorbit.com/signup/V-HypzyilJDEJNUw8eKGXw The Valorbit coin is Distributed By Humans (DBH) Socially distributed by you on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and over email. You have the power to decide who gets more not just some mining hardware. Deservedly get valorbit referral rewards from your Valorbit coin Network. Step 1 : Get a signup gift from Valorbit.com or from friends. You can get a gift even after you signup with email. Signup now using this special link for 300 Diamond gifts https://valorbit.com/signup/V-HypzyilJDEJNUw8eKGXw Step 2 : Collect the gifts The gifts are denominated in valorbits and can be collected anytime by adding Facebook to your Valorbit.com account. Gift valuation is higher for SMS verified Facebook accounts. Step 3 : Receive valorbits for collected gifts, some instantly and some over time You get a Valorbit address , just like on Bitcoin, and valorbits are transferred daily to your addresses. Right now you can move the received valorbits out of Valorbit.com and into your Valorbit desktop or paper wallet. Web based transfers will be added asap. Step 4: Get more valorbits sharing gifts with friends by email and on social networks Sharing on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are supported at the moment. You get credited with a gifting pool of valorbits to share gifts with friends. Track your valorbit marketing campaigns on all distribution channels (clicks, signups, collections ). The higher your trust level on Valorbit.com the larger your gifting pool. Add Facebook for increased trust levels. Step 5: Friends collect gifts with Facebook to receive valorbits. Just press the [ Collect with Facebook ] button after your login to https://valorbit.com Step 6: You get referral rewards for the gifts that your invited friends collect. Ultimately this is how you can make a lot more than just the signup gifts. You are distributing valorbit coins to humans and that is something worth rewarding. You only get referrals from directly invited friends whom collect the gift with Facebook. Watch your gifts and referrals fully vest into your account and give the market a bit of time to assign VALue to your contribution to the Valorbit coin network. Gift reward multiplier This feature is meant to fairly reward the real people distributing the coin and minimize the incentives for opening multiple accounts. How does it work? The gift valuations you can get from opening multiple accounts is a lot less than what you can get by adding an SMS verified Facebook account and by inviting friends whom are also SMS verified. Both you and your friends get a gift reward multiplier for collecting with SMS verified Facebook. Activate at any time by adding SMS verification to your Facebook account and signing into you Valorbit.com account using Facebook. Once activated the reward multiplier applies to all gifts, past and future. You do not loose anything by adding it at a later time ( other than time of course ). You can mine valorbits in classic PoW(scrypt) and PoS(2%) modes. These supported distributions are however secondary by volume to the DBH method. Resources Primary distribution platform https://valorbit.com/signup/V-HypzyilJDEJNUw8eKGXw Official Wallets https://valorbit.com/downloads Digitally signed wallet MacOSX 64 bits Wallets not yet digitally signed Windows 32 and 64 bits Ubuntu 64 bits Source code (GitHub)
CPU miner
CoinMarketCap.com Work in progress :-) Exchanges Working on getting this young coin on the exchanges. Technical aspects Understood By Humans Valorbit humanely uses just 2 decimal digits. E.g. : VAL 9.12 Primary distribution method 1% pre-mine Distributed By Humans over email and social networks. You have the power to decide who gets more not just some mining hardware. You get valorbit referral rewards from your invitees network. Secondary distribution methods: 2% PoS annual interest 128 years of PoW Scrypt mining Valorbit (Un)Block Explorer http://unblock.valorbit.com/( ABE based )[/size] Block time= 4 minutes Coinbase maturity = 250 blocks Minimum PoS age = 8 hours PoW block awards Year 0 : 50 000 VAL Year 1 : 100 000 VAL Year 2 : 200 000 VAL Year 3+ : 400 000 VAL Max Money
Because of using only 2 decimal digits the MAX_MONEY is 92 233 720 000 000 000 VAL The premine is 1% SEED_MONEY = MAX_MONEY/100; and the current money supply is 922 338 021 654 889 VAL As notsofast made a good point below, this would translate in the world of 8 decimal bitcoin as 922 millions.
Edited by TheSpamLulz, 30 January 2016 - 10:16 PM.
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Edited by TheSpamLulz, 30 January 2016 - 10:16 PM.