Adventure Mode Expert
400 XP
It really gets much faster once you realize how to do it! Follow this steps: 1) Farm to boss you want to farm on one character (You should ONLY farm on NORMAL difficulty, as you will switch to heroic later). 2) Log out of that saved character you just farmed with. 3) Log onto character you want to share lockout with. 4) Create "Custom" premade with LFG tool, name it whatever you want. 5) Choose "Auto Accept" in the LFG tool. 6) Log out and back onto the "SAVED" character. 7) Look for the Custom premade you created (should show as blue) and sign up. 8) ACCEPT INVITE 9) Log out of saved character and back onto farm character (the same toon that created the LFG group). 10) Not 100% necessary, but Uncheck the "Auto Accept" option in LFG tool just in case some random dude tries to join you. (you should see your saved character offline in your group). 11) Before zoning in, make sure your raid size is set correctly for what you want to farm (10 or 25) and difficulty is Normal. 12) Zone in and accept the lockout!!! (Only AFTER you zone in and accept lockout, then adjust difficulty to heroic, like on LK). 13) Kill Boss! 14) Repeat Steps 3 to 13 for other characters. You can see this video if you get any question:
NOTE: You DO NOT need to disband the party as your offline toon will not get saved. Also disbanding will give you the 60 sec countdown. IMPORTANT NOTE: When doing a raid like ICC, do not clear up to the Lich King in heroic. Clear ICC 10 or 25 in NORMAL mode up to the LK, so your "saved" character is saved to ICC normal at the Lich King. Set it to ICC 25 normal, enter the instance, and then after you are inside the ICC instance and accepted the NORMAL mode 25 lockout, then you set it to heroic.