Crypto Tax Advisor
400 XP
Accounts is an Email | Pass generator, or an Email generator all in one! with customizable positions of Numbers, Letters (Upper and Lower cases), and symbols, as well as the new ability to set a custom list in the GUI for the email address or choose to use the predefined list of the most commonly occurring emails, its all in this simple, light, and robust program, generate millions of combos in just seconds!
Key: Bz0n4GmA_2RmpC8QHRMEf-XpDEwowEg8qsuo7heC0LE
If any issues are found, please share so they can be resolved!
BTC Donations Appreciated: bc1q8madz8mjyzgu8e40vek500ygkrnmr7qpqztwa5
Virustotal link https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/4cd215300097be2601a50a08bd99eb983e7848870a49b9ac04772e5335a5f7a8
Accounts is an Email | Pass generator, or an Email generator all in one! with customizable positions of Numbers, Letters (Upper and Lower cases), and symbols, as well as the new ability to set a custom list in the GUI for the email address or choose to use the predefined list of the most commonly occurring emails, its all in this simple, light, and robust program, generate millions of combos in just seconds!
If any issues are found, please share so they can be resolved!
import random
import string
import os
import tkinter as tk
import time
import sys
from tkinter import filedialog
# Get the current directory where the Python script is located
script_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# Define the folder name
folder_name = "Generated"
# Create the folder path by joining the current directory and folder name
folder_path = os.path.join(script_directory, folder_name)
# If the folder doesn't exist, create it
if not os.path.exists(folder_path):
# Define the list of predefined domain names
domain_names = [
"yahoo.com","gmail.com", "hotmail.com", "outlook.com", "aol.com",
"icloud.com", "protonmail.com", "mail.com", "zoho.com", "yandex.com",
"gmx.com", "live.com", "fastmail.com", "tutanota.com", "inbox.com",
"rediffmail.com", "cox.net", "earthlink.net", "mail.ru", "lycos.com",
"rocketmail.com", "sbcglobal.net", "att.net", "comcast.net", "verizon.net",
"me.com", "optonline.net", "roadrunner.com", "juno.com", "netzero.net",
"shaw.ca", "sympatico.ca", "videotron.ca", "rogers.com", "telus.net",
"bell.net", "yahoo.ca", "hotmail.ca", "gmail.ca", "yahoo.co.uk",
"outlook.co.uk", "btinternet.com", "aol.co.uk", "sky.com", "virginmedia.com",
"ntlworld.com", "blueyonder.co.uk", "talktalk.net", "tiscali.co.uk", "orange.fr",
"free.fr", "wanadoo.fr", "laposte.net", "sfr.fr", "bbox.fr",
"numericable.fr", "neuf.fr", "hotmail.fr", "live.fr", "gmail.fr",
# Custom function to generate characters based on the predefined types
def generate_character(char_type):
if char_type == 'n': # Number
return random.choice(string.digits)
elif char_type == 'b': # Lowercase letter
return random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase)
elif char_type == 'v': # Uppercase letter
return random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase)
elif char_type == 'c': # Symbol
return random.choice('!@')
raise ValueError(f"Only use defined letters DO NOT USE: {char_type}")
# Function to generate a random string of characters of a given length
def generate_random_string(length):
return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(length))
# Function to generate a random domain name from a list or a custom domain
def generate_domain(use_default, custom_domains=None):
if use_default:
return random.choice(domain_names) # Randomly choose a domain name from the predefined list
if not custom_domains:
return input("Enter a custom domain: ")
return random.choice(custom_domains)
# Function to generate a string with predefined positions of characters
def generate_string_with_predefined_positions(template):
return ''.join([generate_character(template[i % len(template)]) for i in range(len(template))])
# Define the GUI
root = tk.Tk()
# Define the ASCII art
ascii_art = """
___ __
/ | ______________ __ ______ / /______
/ /| |/ ___/ ___/ __ \/ / / / __ \/ __/ ___/
/ ___ / /__/ /__/ /_/ / /_/ / / / / /_(__ )
/_/ |_\___/\___/\____/\__,_/_/ /_/\__/____/
# Print the ASCII art
# Get the number of accounts to create from the user and convert it to an integer
num_accounts = int(input("Enter the number of accounts to create: "))
# Include the line after printing the input prompt
# Ask the user if they want to generate passwords
generate_passwords = input("Do you want to generate passwords (yes/no): ").lower() == 'yes'
# Include the line after printing the input prompt
print('n=Number v=UpperCase b=LowerCase c=Symbol')
# Get the username template from the user
username_template = input("Enter the username template: ")
# Initialize a list to store custom domains
custom_domains = []
# Ask the user if they want to use a default domain or a custom domain
use_default_domain = input("Do you want to use default adresses (yes/no): ").lower() == 'yes'
# If the user chooses not to use the default domain, ask for the number of custom domains
if not use_default_domain:
num_custom_domains = int(input("How many custom domains do you have? [Enter a Number]: "))
# Ask the user to input each custom domain
for i in range(num_custom_domains):
custom_domain = input(f"Enter custom domain [Do not include the @]{i + 1}/{(num_custom_domains)}: ")
if generate_passwords:
# Ask the user for the password template
password_template = input("Enter the password template: ")
file_name = input("Enter the file name: ")
# Define the file path
file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, file_name)
file_name = file_name + ".txt"
# Define the file path
file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, file_name)
print(" ")
# Generate and write the updated list to the file
with open(file_path, 'w') as file:
for _ in range(num_accounts):
# Generate usernames based on predefined templates
username = generate_string_with_predefined_positions(username_template)
# Generate the domain based on user choice
domain = generate_domain(use_default_domain, custom_domains)
if generate_passwords:
# Generate passwords based on predefined templates
password = generate_string_with_predefined_positions(password_template)
# Write the generated email address and password to the file
# Write the generated email address to the file without a password
# Print a progress bar
print(f"Generating accounts: {int(((_ + 1) / num_accounts) * 100)}%", end='\r', flush=True)
# Print the file path
print(f"Generated email addresses and passwords have been saved to {file_path}")
# Ask the user if they want to generate another list
generate_another_list = input("Do you want to generate another list (yes/no): ").lower() == 'yes'
# If the user wants to generate another list, restart the program
if generate_another_list:
os.execl(sys.executable, sys.executable, *sys.argv)
Virustotal link https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/4cd215300097be2601a50a08bd99eb983e7848870a49b9ac04772e5335a5f7a8