Sales Engagement Architect
200 XP
Discovered this through trial and error, 100% effectiveness to instantly get discount without any of the customer support rep bs
Step 1: Head to this link:
Step 2: Complete it with the following answers:
Are you 16 years or older? - Yes
Why are you getting in touch? - There's something I'm not happy with
How can we help? My Order
Please select one of the following categories Quality
Write a menu in the box: Any item of significant value, I usually go triple cheeseburger
Are you contacting us in regards to a specific visit? Yes
Which of our restaurants did you visit?* > Select one near your location / near your current VPN
Where did you make your purchase? Drivethrough where possible, if not Inside the restaurant
Date of visit: Today/Yesterday
Enter your comments below: Mention how the meal was bad quality in some way, if possible express some anger and threaten not to eat there again
Details: Enter whatever details you like, they aren't checked/verified in any way (If you use the email more than a few times a month I got a follow up asking for more info)
Then Submit!
Within 12-48 hours you'll receive a QR code via email that you scan at checkout, no details or validation is performed, its just a code in QR form
This method is very harmless, just saving yourself a few quid on your next order and probably not even costing them any money just forcing them to break even, stay safe yall
Step 1: Head to this link:
Step 2: Complete it with the following answers:
Are you 16 years or older? - Yes
Why are you getting in touch? - There's something I'm not happy with
How can we help? My Order
Please select one of the following categories Quality
Write a menu in the box: Any item of significant value, I usually go triple cheeseburger
Are you contacting us in regards to a specific visit? Yes
Which of our restaurants did you visit?* > Select one near your location / near your current VPN
Where did you make your purchase? Drivethrough where possible, if not Inside the restaurant
Date of visit: Today/Yesterday
Enter your comments below: Mention how the meal was bad quality in some way, if possible express some anger and threaten not to eat there again
Details: Enter whatever details you like, they aren't checked/verified in any way (If you use the email more than a few times a month I got a follow up asking for more info)
Then Submit!
Within 12-48 hours you'll receive a QR code via email that you scan at checkout, no details or validation is performed, its just a code in QR form
This method is very harmless, just saving yourself a few quid on your next order and probably not even costing them any money just forcing them to break even, stay safe yall