Social Engineer
300 XP
Welcome everyone, today we will be discussing; |Dorks|Sqli Dumper|.
First, As you already know,dorksare the key to good cracking withSQLi,
you see these people in All Forums, and they always are getting hundreds ofHQ AccountsHow!!? and why you can't do that too !?.
Well now you can join them, you too can be a successful cracker. some guys talk about using paid programs to getHQ Dorks,
but if you are just a normal guy, who want to make aHQ dorkswithout spending money, then this is for you.
Second, If You are using aDorks GeneratorI will tell you You are Just losing your time. Why!? I tell you!
when 10 peopleGeneredthe same list ofdorksDo not call thisprivate dorksbecause all of you, you will get the sameAddsand the sameCombosSo don't call thatPrivate!!?
Ok Let's Stop Talking And Begin ^^
I will showing you how to get the mostHQ Dorks, GetingHQ Combos, all for free, using smartmethods.
So let us Begin but before I need You To Know That I brought you the bestcomposantsOfDorks[|PageType|pageFormat|],
and i need you to know That thekeywordsare indispensable for GetingHQ Dorks. The question is why!!?
because the [|PageType&pageFormat|] are the most Important inDorks.
i give exemple :
Good Dorks But You will get shity Combos
Good Dorks and You will get HQ LOL combos
* * now i think you understand what i'm talking about. If not the answer is :For games you need A gaming [|pageFormat|] and for other dorks like Shopping, Music, Streaming you need another type of [|pageFormat|].
And don't worry about that too I have separated them.
All Type of[|pageFormat|]uncluding Games
So Here is what we are going to be using today (All are safe, I use all these programs myself, however, you always should be using Sandboxie or a VM):
1-Need a Manual Dorks Maker ( Not Generator) 2- Sqli Dumper 8.3 Modified (Forgot About other versions 7.0, 8.0, 8.5 ...) 3- Premium VPN I'm Using Zenmate Vpn (Forgot About PROXIES SOCKS SSL ELITES ...) You can Get 7 days free trial every new inscription 4- Follow my method Step By Step To Get HQ ADDS On Sqli Dumper And After That You Know What To Do (If not look for a tutorial on how to use Sqli dumper).
1- MAKE HQ DORKS USING Manual Dorks Maker you can Use (SQLi Dorks Generator By The N3RoX) and Past [|PageType & pageFormat|] As on the picture
2-When you Make yourDorksTry ToRandomizethem usingTextUtilsOr Any other method.
3-Now Follow my Stepsthemethodeis simple don't use<strike>proxies</strike>: *Opensqli Dumper 8.3
**Reset thesettings---> deleteURL Trash.txt,URL List.txt,URL Exploitables.xmlfrom |SQLi Dumper\TXT| folder ***Past yourdorksTry using just10K. ****Active yourzenmate vpnthe bestlocations|Germany+poland+sweed+united kingdom +singapore+switzerland| but try first germany *****Star sqli with10 threadsyou will see ( bingadds+ yahooadds...) but keep whatching justgoogle addsit go fasters and gives you fasterHQ adds. ******Now let it go when you see thatgooglestopted gives youaddsthen go tozenmate vpnand change thelocationto "sweed" for exemple and you will see ThatgoogleContinue giving you moreadds. keep working like that just changelocationonZenmate vpnevery google stops and you will see the result.
p.s: with the others version ofsqlilike 8, 8.2, 8.5, you will never seegoogle addsif you did not putPrivate proxies
and they go slow and gives just shityaddsfrombing yahoo rambler... but thisversion 8.3is modified and works awsome just follow my given steps and the result will beHQ. So This is The Method I use to Make my Private Dorks And geting HQAndPrivate ADDS On Sqli Dumper. Proof By : thanks for editing the post with proof
First, As you already know,dorksare the key to good cracking withSQLi,
you see these people in All Forums, and they always are getting hundreds ofHQ AccountsHow!!? and why you can't do that too !?.
Well now you can join them, you too can be a successful cracker. some guys talk about using paid programs to getHQ Dorks,
but if you are just a normal guy, who want to make aHQ dorkswithout spending money, then this is for you.
Second, If You are using aDorks GeneratorI will tell you You are Just losing your time. Why!? I tell you!
when 10 peopleGeneredthe same list ofdorksDo not call thisprivate dorksbecause all of you, you will get the sameAddsand the sameCombosSo don't call thatPrivate!!?
Ok Let's Stop Talking And Begin ^^
I will showing you how to get the mostHQ Dorks, GetingHQ Combos, all for free, using smartmethods.
So let us Begin but before I need You To Know That I brought you the bestcomposantsOfDorks[|PageType|pageFormat|],
and i need you to know That thekeywordsare indispensable for GetingHQ Dorks. The question is why!!?
because the [|PageType&pageFormat|] are the most Important inDorks.
i give exemple :
Good Dorks But You will get shity Combos
Good Dorks and You will get HQ LOL combos
* * now i think you understand what i'm talking about. If not the answer is :For games you need A gaming [|pageFormat|] and for other dorks like Shopping, Music, Streaming you need another type of [|pageFormat|].
And don't worry about that too I have separated them.
All Type of[|pageFormat|]uncluding Games
So Here is what we are going to be using today (All are safe, I use all these programs myself, however, you always should be using Sandboxie or a VM):
1-Need a Manual Dorks Maker ( Not Generator) 2- Sqli Dumper 8.3 Modified (Forgot About other versions 7.0, 8.0, 8.5 ...) 3- Premium VPN I'm Using Zenmate Vpn (Forgot About PROXIES SOCKS SSL ELITES ...) You can Get 7 days free trial every new inscription 4- Follow my method Step By Step To Get HQ ADDS On Sqli Dumper And After That You Know What To Do (If not look for a tutorial on how to use Sqli dumper).
1- MAKE HQ DORKS USING Manual Dorks Maker you can Use (SQLi Dorks Generator By The N3RoX) and Past [|PageType & pageFormat|] As on the picture
2-When you Make yourDorksTry ToRandomizethem usingTextUtilsOr Any other method.
3-Now Follow my Stepsthemethodeis simple don't use<strike>proxies</strike>: *Opensqli Dumper 8.3
**Reset thesettings---> deleteURL Trash.txt,URL List.txt,URL Exploitables.xmlfrom |SQLi Dumper\TXT| folder ***Past yourdorksTry using just10K. ****Active yourzenmate vpnthe bestlocations|Germany+poland+sweed+united kingdom +singapore+switzerland| but try first germany *****Star sqli with10 threadsyou will see ( bingadds+ yahooadds...) but keep whatching justgoogle addsit go fasters and gives you fasterHQ adds. ******Now let it go when you see thatgooglestopted gives youaddsthen go tozenmate vpnand change thelocationto "sweed" for exemple and you will see ThatgoogleContinue giving you moreadds. keep working like that just changelocationonZenmate vpnevery google stops and you will see the result.
p.s: with the others version ofsqlilike 8, 8.2, 8.5, you will never seegoogle addsif you did not putPrivate proxies
and they go slow and gives just shityaddsfrombing yahoo rambler... but thisversion 8.3is modified and works awsome just follow my given steps and the result will beHQ. So This is The Method I use to Make my Private Dorks And geting HQAndPrivate ADDS On Sqli Dumper. Proof By : thanks for editing the post with proof