Crypto Gaming Pro
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Here's a tutorial on custom skins.
Let's start
< DANGER > You will change the game files.< DANGER > I'm not responsible for any damage caused to their game. Follow all the tutorial steps to not have problems. Installing Custom Skins Download a third party client called Skin Installer Ultimate (SIU). Skin Installer Ultimate (SIU) is a program made to help you easily install and uninstall skins in the League of Legends video game. Link herehttps://sites.google.com/site/siuupdates/ Step 1 : Once you have Skin Installer Ultimate install create a new folder on your desktop, Open the downloaded file, Select everything in that folder (Ctrl + a), then drag and drop into the newly created folder on your desktop.
Open “SkinInstallerUltimate.exe†Once you open this it’s going to ask you to find your lol.launcher.exe which is located in your Leagueoflegends folder.
have your Skin installer installed and ready to install skins. It should now look like this.
Download/Installing Your Custom Skin Step 1: Find the skin at:http://leaguecraft.com/that you would like to use. Once you find a skin you desire download and move the folder onto your desktop. After moving your skin open your Skin Installer Ultimate client, On the ==Add New Skin== tab click the button add Files then find the folder you download, select it and hit open.
Step 2: Once you have added the files click the button “Add to DataBase†It’s going to ask you to name the skin this can be anything you choose “Hit Okay/Yes for anything that pops up“. After this should move you to the ==Install Existing Skin== Tab where you skin will be displayed. Click the checkbox next to the skin icon.
Step 3: Click install, it’s going to ask you about Install Preferences don’t change anything just hit save. After setting up your Install Preferences it’s going to ask what model do you want to replace, always check Default then click done.
Now your Custom skin is ready to go and should appear in your next game enjoy. How to Uninstall Custom Skins Are you tired of a custom skin you installed well this is how you get rid of it. Step 1: Go into the ==Install Existing Skin== tab and find the skin you wanna get rid of. Once found Check the box next to the champions icon.
Step 2: Once the skin or skins you wanna unintall are checked click the unintall button at the bottom. Notice how the skin still stays there after uninstalling this is just incase you wanna re-install it in the future. Your Client should look like this “Should say No under the Installed subject.â€.
Step 3: You wanna delete the skin for ever sure just check the box next the the champion Icon one last time then hit delete. Now the skin is deleted and wont appear in the list. Skin Is not Working, its broken Everything is broken, My custom skin is f*cked and it has broken everything about the game. Heres a few solutions for fixing any of these problems. Step 1: In the skin Installer Client under the ==Install Existing Skin== tab find the skin that broke everything and check the box next to the champions icon.
Step 2: Once selected click the Fix Skin (Re-path) Button. This will Unintall the skin you have selected and fix all of it’s path hopefully fixing the problem. Solution 2 Step 1: Open your client League legends, click the Help icon in the upper right customer. Once clciked you will see a help window Click Repair and then yes. This basiclly goes through all your league subtitle files to make sure that none of them are corrupt or messed up. Note this will take a very long time but your problem will be fixed.
Well, this was the tutorial! I hope it was useful! Enjoy new skins! See ya
Here's a tutorial on custom skins.
Let's start
Open “SkinInstallerUltimate.exe†Once you open this it’s going to ask you to find your lol.launcher.exe which is located in your Leagueoflegends folder.
have your Skin installer installed and ready to install skins. It should now look like this.
Download/Installing Your Custom Skin Step 1: Find the skin at:http://leaguecraft.com/that you would like to use. Once you find a skin you desire download and move the folder onto your desktop. After moving your skin open your Skin Installer Ultimate client, On the ==Add New Skin== tab click the button add Files then find the folder you download, select it and hit open.
Step 2: Once you have added the files click the button “Add to DataBase†It’s going to ask you to name the skin this can be anything you choose “Hit Okay/Yes for anything that pops up“. After this should move you to the ==Install Existing Skin== Tab where you skin will be displayed. Click the checkbox next to the skin icon.
Step 3: Click install, it’s going to ask you about Install Preferences don’t change anything just hit save. After setting up your Install Preferences it’s going to ask what model do you want to replace, always check Default then click done.
Now your Custom skin is ready to go and should appear in your next game enjoy. How to Uninstall Custom Skins Are you tired of a custom skin you installed well this is how you get rid of it. Step 1: Go into the ==Install Existing Skin== tab and find the skin you wanna get rid of. Once found Check the box next to the champions icon.
Step 2: Once the skin or skins you wanna unintall are checked click the unintall button at the bottom. Notice how the skin still stays there after uninstalling this is just incase you wanna re-install it in the future. Your Client should look like this “Should say No under the Installed subject.â€.
Step 3: You wanna delete the skin for ever sure just check the box next the the champion Icon one last time then hit delete. Now the skin is deleted and wont appear in the list. Skin Is not Working, its broken Everything is broken, My custom skin is f*cked and it has broken everything about the game. Heres a few solutions for fixing any of these problems. Step 1: In the skin Installer Client under the ==Install Existing Skin== tab find the skin that broke everything and check the box next to the champions icon.
Step 2: Once selected click the Fix Skin (Re-path) Button. This will Unintall the skin you have selected and fix all of it’s path hopefully fixing the problem. Solution 2 Step 1: Open your client League legends, click the Help icon in the upper right customer. Once clciked you will see a help window Click Repair and then yes. This basiclly goes through all your league subtitle files to make sure that none of them are corrupt or messed up. Note this will take a very long time but your problem will be fixed.