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let's Start Toutorial What is combos Combos
Combolist is actually info that you need to put into a Login page to access the account! we have 2 type of combos!
Email:Password = yourname@
User:Password = yourname:admin123
you need to use E:P for the site's that you need an email to log in at it same about U:P combo!
E:P to site's like origin, facebook, Spotify, Uplay, ETC
U:P to site's like Steam, Instagram, and also you can use both E:P and U:P to same site's! like Instagram, origin, and more
we have 3 methods to get ComboList!
1- dumping combo's from Databases User SQLI Dumper!
2- You can take it from the link at the top of the men who raise it on the forum almost daily!
3- buy combo's from guys who sell it!
for the first metho we looking after this post!
It's a bit complicated but you can not explain it by talking. You need to see everything you have to go to YouTube and look for how to make combo with sqli dumper and you will find a lot of videos explaining this
How you choose the good combo to crack website you want First website is https://www.alexa.com/
Unfortunately this site is not free but he easy to use
Second site is https://www.similarweb.com
I suggest this site is easy and fast
Type in the search box in the site you want
You will see results such as the top of the search country and other things and this has a Pro subscription gives you more information than more domain entry such as Yahoo or Gmail etc.
From here you can see the percentage of countries and the number of visits based on this you choose your combo. This does not mean I other countries will not give you a hit but this to ensure to get a quick hits to save time
And other things give you almost everything about the site
another way you can search on google and see the location for this website and other websites you can do this
all you have to do is just search
I hope this will help you even a little and I also hope you can appreciate this
Enjoy guys
Combolist is actually info that you need to put into a Login page to access the account! we have 2 type of combos!
Email:Password = yourname@
User:Password = yourname:admin123
you need to use E:P for the site's that you need an email to log in at it same about U:P combo!
E:P to site's like origin, facebook, Spotify, Uplay, ETC
U:P to site's like Steam, Instagram, and also you can use both E:P and U:P to same site's! like Instagram, origin, and more
we have 3 methods to get ComboList!
1- dumping combo's from Databases User SQLI Dumper!
2- You can take it from the link at the top of the men who raise it on the forum almost daily!
3- buy combo's from guys who sell it!
for the first metho we looking after this post!
It's a bit complicated but you can not explain it by talking. You need to see everything you have to go to YouTube and look for how to make combo with sqli dumper and you will find a lot of videos explaining this
How you choose the good combo to crack website you want First website is https://www.alexa.com/
Unfortunately this site is not free but he easy to use
Second site is https://www.similarweb.com
I suggest this site is easy and fast
Type in the search box in the site you want
You will see results such as the top of the search country and other things and this has a Pro subscription gives you more information than more domain entry such as Yahoo or Gmail etc.
From here you can see the percentage of countries and the number of visits based on this you choose your combo. This does not mean I other countries will not give you a hit but this to ensure to get a quick hits to save time
And other things give you almost everything about the site
another way you can search on google and see the location for this website and other websites you can do this
all you have to do is just search
I hope this will help you even a little and I also hope you can appreciate this
Enjoy guys