User Interaction Specialist
800 XP
Hey guys! Im back again with another OpenBullet tutorial.
If you need any support with creating configs or using fiddler with Open Bullet join my discord (Link in signature)
What will you learn in this tutorial:
Download Tools needed:
How to set up Fiddler
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If you need any support with creating configs or using fiddler with Open Bullet join my discord (Link in signature)
What will you learn in this tutorial:
Download Tools needed:
How to set up Fiddler
- Open Fiddler and trust all the certificates that it asks you to install or trust.
- Now go to "Tools" and hit "Options" then go to the "HTTPS" tab, In the top right click "Actions" and hit "Trust root certificate". Once that is done, You need to tick all the tick boxes in there too.
- In the "Connections" tab you will need to tick everything except "Use PAC Script". Now hit "OK"
- To start press windows key and type CMD then open it once it is opened you want to type the following commands into CMD: "ipconfig" then it should pull up a load of Local IP addresses.
- So what we need to do now is the following: Press windows key, search "Control Panel", Click "Network and Internet", click "Network and Sharing Centre", now you should see your Internet name and next to it it'll say "Connections:" then the text to the right of it you need to remember for the next part.
- So for me it says "Ethernet 2" so I will remember that.
- Now go back into the CMD box and just search for that text. So in my CMD I found Ethernet 2 and this is what it says:
Ethernet adapter Ethernet 2:
Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fg80::c5db:9253:ca6a:10f%9
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
- Now as you can see my IPV4 address is that is the IP we are going to be using as a proxy on Nox. So what we are going to do is just take note of that in a Notepad or something.
- Now what we are going to do is open up Nox and set it all up for the Config you want to make.
- Then go to the home screen once your there go to: Open the Settings, click "Wi-Fi" then hold left click on your internet name, click "Modify Network, tick "Advanced options", click "Proxy" and put it to Manual.
- Now in the Hostname you need to put your IPV4 address, then in the Port put 8888 then Hit save. So i would put as the Proxy hostname and 8888 as the port.
- Next, open up the "Browser" and in the URL textbox put your IPV4 address:8888. So I would put and hit go
- Now press "FiddlerRoot certificate" and install it onto Nox.
- Now at the top there is a black bar, hold left click and pull it down then click "FiddlerRoot.crt" and name it Fiddler and change the Credential use to "Wi-Fi".
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