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[Tutorial] How to make Multi-Part Post data config in OpenBullet


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Hello Welcome Back, to another Tutorial guide here on Nulled.
Today I am going to be teaching you how to make a config for a site that requires "Post Data" in "Multi-Parts".
This guide has took me hours to write and even longer to work out how to do it so please DO NOT leech.
What you will learn Today:
How to check if your website is "Multi-Part" or normal Post DATA?
Alright there is two methods you can check if the website you are creating a config for is actually "Multi-Part"
1. The first method is by checking the "Content Type:"
Here is what a Multi-Part "Content Type:" looks like:
ContentType: application/multipart/form-data
Here is what a non "Multi-Part" Content Type looks like:
ContentType: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
2. The second method is by just looking at the "Form Data" source code
This is what a "Multi-Part" source code looks like:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="username"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="password"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="authtype"
This is what a non "Multi-Part" source looks like:
as you can see the "Multi-Part" source is alot more difficult to create a config for but today I will teach you how you can create this config and hopefully you will remember!
How to create a Multi-Part config:
1. Open Open Bullet and go to "Configs" and press "New:" Then call it the website you are cracking
2. Now press the "+" under the "Current Stack:" title, and then select the "REQUEST" block.
3. Now go to the website you know has "Multi-Part" encoding press "CTRL, Shift, I" at the same time and go to the "Network" tab. (Do all this on Login Page)
4. Now you want to type in some INVALID account details.
5. After you have typed them you want to look in the network tab and press the little cross. Now double check the red button (Recording) is still ON.
6. Now press the login button.
7. Once you have done that a bunch of URL's and names should popup in the network tab. Now you want to look for the block with the "Request Method:" as POST. (You will know its the correct one as if you scroll down you will see your USER:PASS or EMAIL:PASS.
8. Now you want to copy the "Request URL:" and open back up OpenBullet and paste it in the "URL:" box.
9. All you want to do now is swap the "Method:" to "POST"
10. Now open back up the website tab we had open earlier and look for "Origin" & "Referer" you want to copy both of these so it looks like this:
11. Now you have copied both of these open OpenBullet and paste these in the "Custom Headers" box. (underneath "Accept: */*"
12. Now go back to the website again and find the "User Agent:" copy this and replace the preset "User-Agent:" in OpenBullet.
13. Now you want to swap the "Request Type:" to "MultiPart" in OpenBullet
14. Now open the website again and swap and look for "content-type" once you find this you need to look for the boundary on this line. Here is an example of how they usually start:
Once you find this copy everything on that block to the end (not including "boundary=")
15. Now open OpenBullet and paste it in the "Boundary (random if empty):" block.
16. Now go back to the website go to the "Form Data" and with this config DO NOT press "view source". Once you are there you want to copy the keyword before the username or email you entered. For me this is "username:"
17. Now re-open OpenBullet and paste it in the "Multipart Contents:" block.
18. Now you want to add this code after it " <USER>" so for me this looks like this:
username: <USER>
19. Now do the same for password but use <PASS> instead of <USER>. Do this on a new line in the "Multipart Contents:" so the final result looks like this:
username: <USER>
password: <PASS>
20. If your website has an auth system you will need to do the same again the website I am on is very simple so the auth is the password so for me this is what my "Multipart Contents:" looks like now:
username: <USER>
password: <PASS>
authtype: password
If you need any help with your authtype just leave a comment on this thread (I check the comments everyday) or join my Discord in my signature.
21. Now you are going to want to create a new block in OpenBullet go to the "+" under "Current Stack" and select a "KEY CHECK" block.
22. Once you have the "KEY CHECK" block you want to press on it. Go to "Keychains:" and press the little "+" next to it.
23. Now you want to swap the "Type:" from "Success" to failure. (if the block is already red ignore this step)
24. Now go back to the website and look for the text you go when you typed in the wrong details. Usually that is something like this:
Email or password is wrong.
Now copy it.
25. Now open back up OpenBullet and select the empty box next to "Contains" and paste the text there.
26. Now you want to open back up the website and sign in with an working account. Once you do that you need to look for something that has changed and added new text, here are some examples:
My Balance:
My Account:
My Games:
Now copy the text.
27. Now open OpenBullet and go back to "Keychains:" and press the little "+" and this time change the "Type:" to Success (ignore this if the block is green)
28. Now you want to paste the text you copied next to the "Contains:" block.
29. Now save your config.
30. Now in the "Debugger" go to the "Data:" block and type in your working account.
31. Now swap the "Debugger" view to "Data" and press start. If done correct it should say "SUCCESS"
32. Now you want to type in FALSE account details and press start.
33. If that says "Failure" you have completed a config for a site that use Multi-Part! Congrats



