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[Tutorial] How To Get Out Of 'elohell'


Mockery Master
I Rep
I Vouches
LEVEL 1 300 XP
I will be giving advice and help on how to get out of elohell
1) With scripts
If you are stuck in lowelo or elohell and have started to use scripts then there are many things you need to do that can help you and increase your chances.
-Understand how they work and use them wisely, for example if you use Bot of Legends and want to use a dodging script like 'Dancing Shoes' make sure you don't make it so you dodge everything and that unnecessary skillshots won't be dodged like Nasus' E ability. If you are playing as the ADC or the Midlaner then using a dodging script is understandable but if you are playing tanky roles like a jungler with cinderhulk or a beefy maokai toplane then there is no reason to use dodging scripts because of your tankiness in the game and if you have to dodge do it manually.
-Configure to your liking.
Some scripts come nice a neat and everything is done well and exactly how you want them to be, using the Dodging script as an example again, if you want it to ignore some skillshots then configure it rightly to do so.
-Use champions that work well with scripts.
If you want to use scripts and stay unbanned then don't use obvious champion scripts like Xerath. I would go for like Gnar top or Kalista ADC because they won't cause suspicion because they don't have a lot of skillshots and everything done on those champions are easily doable without scripts.
-Duo Que
Duo Que with a friend that you know is good, this counts with or without scripts. Reasons this is helpful is because you can rely on someone else and communicate with them easily especially if you are in a skypecall or teamspeak.
2) Without scripts
If you are trying to climb elos without using scripts then you should try do many of the following
-Master a champion / role
Make sure that you are REALLY good with one champion atleast so there will be games you can carry with him no matter the team.
-Make sure you can play each role well.
Making sure you can play each role sets you up for any lane and it helps a lot if someone else wants to pick your lane.
-Don't try a champion first in ranked.
This may work for some people, but that is an off chance. If you don't have the LP and Elo to do it. Dont. Risk. It.
-Be friendly.
If you are being nice to your team they will be nice and helpful to you. They will give you kills and overall, give you elo.
-If you lose. chill.
If you just lost an intense game, chill for sometime, watch some videos and talk to your friends and whatnot. Jumping right in is not good.
I hoped this came in helpful and if it did please +1
If you need further assistance feel free to send me a message and I can try to help you in my free time



