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[Tutorial] How to BYPASS CloudFlare in OpenBullet


Quantum Network Specialist
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LEVEL 2 900 XP
Alright so after a request on my recent thread I have decided to create a CloudFlare bypass tutorial.
I have tried making this as simple as possible for you to understand so if you still need help send me a DM or join my Discord.
Thank's for all the recent supports on my threads and because of that tomorrow I will be releasing a guide on how to by pass AKAMAI!
What will you learn today?
What is CloudFlare?
CloudFlare is a DDOS protector. This is what you see after about 9PM on Nulled, it slows down DDOS traffic and can sometimes even STOP the attackers. (IT DONT ALWAYS WORK
  • OpenBullet cannot correctly run if promted with a security warning.
  • False "SUCCESS" and "FAILURE" hits.
  • Can't create a working Config for the site at all.
How to make a CloudFlare BYPASS Config?
1. Open CMD and type:
ping www.YourSiteGoesHere.com
2. You should now have a IP address which is getting sent DATA, now copy this IP address and paste it inside of Google's search bar (It must load the IP as a URL)
3. Now just create the Config (This method DOES NOT work for every single website)
Part 1: Request Block
1. To start of go to the website you want to crack (on there login page)
2. Now Copy the website URL
3. Open OpenBullet and create a new config
4. Now press the "+" under "Current Stack" and select the "REQUEST" block.
5. Now paste the URL we copied earlier in the "URL:" tab.
6. Now make sure the "Method:" is "GET"
1. Now press the "+" under "Current Stack" and create a "BYPASS CF" block.
2. Now press the little arrow which is Pointing Up (under the "Current Stack" options)
3. Paste the same URL we copied earlier in the blank box next to "URL:"
4. Go back to the website you want to crack press "CTRL, SHFT, I" and go to the network tab.
5. Now login to a invalid account.
6. Now look for the "Request Mode: POST" once you are in there scroll down to the bottom to check it is the correct page (if your account details are there it is)
7. Now scroll threw that "POST" section and look for "user-agent:" and copy the useragent there.
8. Now re open OpenBullet and paste it in the "User-Agent:" box
PART 3: Creating The Config
1. Do this in the same config as we started with.
2. Now go to the login page of the website which you want to crack and press "CTRL, SHFT, I" at the same time, once it pops up at the side of your screen go to the "Network" tab.
3. Now you want to type some INVALID account details on the website you are trying to crack.
4. Now press the little cross next to the red icon and it will make all the tabs under "Name" dissapear.
5. On the site your cracking press "Login, Submit" etc
6. Now under "Name" look for a "Request Method: POST" (you will know its the write one as if you scroll down your account details are there.)
7. Now re-open OpenBullet press the "+" under "Current Stack" and add a "REQUEST" block.
8. Now go back to the website you are trying to crack and in that "POST" tab we found earlier you want to copy the "Request URL:" and paste it in the "URL:" section on OpenBullet.
9. Now swap the "Method:" from "GET" to "POST"
10. Now re-open the website, go back in that "POST" tab and look for "Origin" and "Referrer" you want to copy them so they look like this:
11. Now re-open OpenBullet and paste the "Origin" and "Referrer" in the "Custom Headers:" on a new line underneath all the other text.
12. Now re-open the website go back to the "POST" tab and find "USER-AGENT" and you want to copy everything so it looks something like this:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4103.106 Safari/537.12
13. Now go back to OpenBullet and replace the premade "User-Agent" with your one. (Make sure there is a space between "User-Agent:" and your UserAgent.
14. Now go back to your website go to the very bottom of the "POST" tab and you will see your USER:PASS or MAIL:PASS. Now press the "View Source" on that section you want to copy this so it should look something like this:
15. Now paste that in a notepad file and replace your USER or MAIL with "<USER> (even if its a email use that)
16. Now replace the password with <PASS>. This is what my final result looks like:
17. Now copy it out the NotePad file and paste it in the "POST Data:" box (in OpenBullet).
Part 4: KeyCheck
1. Add a new block by pressing the "+" under the "Current Stack" text, then select "KEY CHECK".
2. Now swap the "Type:" to "Failure"
3. Now go back to the website sign into an invalid account and copy the ERROR message. For Example:
Password Incorrect
Email Invalid
Unsuccessful Login Attempt
4. Open OpenBullet press the "+" after "Keys:" and then a new box should appear.
5. Now in the blank box paste the error code you got earlier.
6. Now press the "+" in the "Keychains:" box.
7. Now swap the new block to "SUCCESS" to do this press on the "FAILURE" text and select "SUCCESS"
8. Now sign into a working account on the website.
9. Now copy something that has changed on the site for example:
My Account:
Successful Login Attempt
10. Now open OpenBullet again and paste this in the empty box (on the green block)
11. Now swap your "DeBugger" view to "Data" and type in some invalid information in the "Data:" box. Then press start.
12. Now let it run, if done successfully it should say FAILURE.
13. Now try swapping the Incorrect login details to a working account and press "START"
14. Now wait and if it says SUCCESS your config is working!
Have an amazing day good luck cracking

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