AI Whisperer
300 XP
Hey, this "Guide" will help you get a good guess what your account is worth and why.
I won`t give you a formula such as "x*y^3+Z-A" to calculate it, rather a readable version of what to look at you and how buying/selling in general works. Server
There are two possible reasons to choose your Server: 1. To play with the lowest ping possilbe 2. to play your friends together
If you got an Account on NA / EUW, you`re pretty lucky, those are the Servers with the biggest Playerbase and you will have an easy time to find someone who wants to buy one.
Accounts on other Servers will have a smaller customer reach and take much longer to sell, hence = lower price.
Note that you can easily transfer your Account with 2600 RP (which costs about $12,50-15€ depending on where you buy) and that you should always consider this when finding a price.
(otherwise there are people offering cheaper RP cards (from amazon, for good prices)
There are two big levelspikes that influence an Accounts worth i´d say.
The first is Level 20.
For someone who doesn`t play lot of rankeds you can be pretty fine with buying a level 20 + Account and playing it up to 30 so you get it cheaper.
After Level 20 you get your Keystone already and T3 Runes are availables (all rune slots aren't) but you can pretty much enjoy playing league and dont feel like a cripple skid without runes masteries.
Keep in Mind that riot has half the xp needed for level 30, and with double XP boost you can get from 29-30 with 2 wins(!) people sometimes tread <30 As if they are complete shit.
Which is simply wrong.
The next Levelspike is 30, if you want to play ranked immeditietly this is the account you should look for!
All Mastery Points, Runeslots are enabled and you can play a Champ to its max potential (account-wise)
If an Account has a verified E-mail, which you don`'t have acces to, you have the following options.
1. Ignore the Account
2. Try to Recover it trough the support
1. If you decide to play on a League Account which is verified, then you are a complete moron. You can`t change the Passwort and someone else can in a matter of second.
Its fine if you wanna try out a champ, troll, or play for 1 week but else its simply a waste of effort to play on such an account.
2. it quite tricky, i'm not gonna go on details, theres quite some stuff online already
(hint: this will be my next guide, after some more experiments of trying to recover accounts, very detailed, with pro tips!)
An Account should be unveriifed, or you should be able to change the accounts e-mail to yours (by having acces to the currently verified e-mail )
else there is no fucking saftey with buying that account, but the E-mail isnt the most important factor of keeping one account, it`s Activity!
If i ever gonna see someone sell an active account, without a warning aobut it im gonna open a scam report and dox him and some some russian to crack his skull, seriously.
selling an active account is just a waste of effort, for everyone invovled (becides if you want to scam)
what will happen if you buy an active account: easy, the one who cant acces his account anymore will open a ticket ,riot will see that the e-mail/pw got recently changed and without waiting a single second will ban the account firstly, then the guy who opened the ticket has to verify himself as the acc owner(which he will easily do) and then he got his account back, you got nothing, and we all just wasted time/money.
so, theres is one Rule about account activity for me(!), open your league of legends account checker, check the date of the first purchased champ, and the last purchased champ.
Time of Inactivity = Playtime = Safe Account.
If someone played on an account for 3 months, and didnt play on it since 4 months, it`s a perfectly fine account.
if someone played on an account for 3 years, 2 months of inacitity is NOTHING, you may be able to use that account for like 1-2 weeks, and then it gets recovered.
and as always, it depends on what you want to do with your account, if you want to keep it as your main (because your main got permabanend and you just want one replacement) then you should follow my step.
if you just wanna play a week league of legends take what ever the fuck you want, then theres no reason to bother aobut it, oyu will fill easily (even free) accounts for that.
Let`s talk about Champions, Two Things are important: How many Champions - Which Champions:
It´s important to know that there are differtent kind of players, some just wanna pick a champion (and have a lot of variety what they can pick) and play it ,
some wanna pick THEIR Champion and only play like 2-3 Champs anyway.
its important to keep in mind that you can either buy a champion for their respective amount of IP, or RP and that is it never worth to buy more than 5 champs with RP (rather buy a more expensive acc then)
if you only wanna play for like one month buying a botted account with 30k IP may be the best solution for you, since its gonna get banned, only questoin is when.
else unverified ,inactive acc with 10k IP also ocassoinally exist, and those are 99,9% safe, so rather ask a seller for one like this.
If you are Gold player, dont buy a diamond Account, you wont be able to play on that elo and just lose games (like, be the reason your teamloses) you will either get frustrated and flame(get banned) or just quit the game.
buy an account that is according to your skill.
if you wanna buy a diamond acc(altough oyu dont deserve ) check which champions got played (cassio, xerath,twitch, kog maw=scripts) those will probably get banned anytime soon, so dont bother to buy those.
id say rank is a pretty important factor in getting the value of an account, since people buy once they are unable to reach something on their own.
you can "buy" levesl with xp boosts, ip with ip boosts, champs,skins with RP, you can basically buy everything (just WAAAAAY more expensive)in an official way, only ranking is not possible.
you either have ot buy an eloboost for oyur own account or buy a boosted account already.
Most people don`t value obtainable skins, (im a seller on ebay with about 1000sales/year) and trust me, if people are fag enough to value skins, they are fag enough to buy them in the store.
what i mean is i rather have a 80 champions acc than a 50 champions acc with 30 skins, since first one is worth much more.
yes if you are waiting long enough you will find that one guy who is willed to pay a lot more becaue of oyur 10-20 skins but most of the time those skins will only up the price by a little bit, and notihing too big.
but theres one thing that breaks the whole "skinmarket" it`s unobtainable skins!
those are worth shit ton, ultra rare skins like original cs riven, pax, urf ww, those are only obtainable by cracking accounts or people selling theirs.(btw message me if you sell any Unobtainable/URS
already explained in the skin tab, this is some legit spicy stuff that will skyrocket your acccounts worth.
(fuck king rammus and ufo corki)
nothing too big, if someone decided to buy an account with many champs, the account should have 4-5 runepages atleast, if not you can simply buy a runepage bundle in the riot store, im a 6 year long diamond player and in the end 3 runepages one for AP/AD/AD+AS is completly fine, (yeah something having one with health/cdr stuff lke that is nice , but needed.
after tier2 runes got reduced to 1 ip each, you can fill 3 runepages for like 50 IP with "solid" runes, its not best in slot but its fine to play with those.
most people dont even mention those when selling an account, so you know that how unimportant this is.
last point: summonericons, they are some rare unobtainable icons (like platin account for season 1, beta player icon etc, but im serious, you rarely see poeple asking ("what runes does the account?", it wont impact your accounts value most of the time.
I won`t give you a formula such as "x*y^3+Z-A" to calculate it, rather a readable version of what to look at you and how buying/selling in general works. Server
There are two possible reasons to choose your Server: 1. To play with the lowest ping possilbe 2. to play your friends together
If you got an Account on NA / EUW, you`re pretty lucky, those are the Servers with the biggest Playerbase and you will have an easy time to find someone who wants to buy one.
Accounts on other Servers will have a smaller customer reach and take much longer to sell, hence = lower price.
Note that you can easily transfer your Account with 2600 RP (which costs about $12,50-15€ depending on where you buy) and that you should always consider this when finding a price.
(otherwise there are people offering cheaper RP cards (from amazon, for good prices)
There are two big levelspikes that influence an Accounts worth i´d say.
The first is Level 20.
For someone who doesn`t play lot of rankeds you can be pretty fine with buying a level 20 + Account and playing it up to 30 so you get it cheaper.
After Level 20 you get your Keystone already and T3 Runes are availables (all rune slots aren't) but you can pretty much enjoy playing league and dont feel like a cripple skid without runes masteries.
Keep in Mind that riot has half the xp needed for level 30, and with double XP boost you can get from 29-30 with 2 wins(!) people sometimes tread <30 As if they are complete shit.
Which is simply wrong.
The next Levelspike is 30, if you want to play ranked immeditietly this is the account you should look for!
All Mastery Points, Runeslots are enabled and you can play a Champ to its max potential (account-wise)
If an Account has a verified E-mail, which you don`'t have acces to, you have the following options.
1. Ignore the Account
2. Try to Recover it trough the support
1. If you decide to play on a League Account which is verified, then you are a complete moron. You can`t change the Passwort and someone else can in a matter of second.
Its fine if you wanna try out a champ, troll, or play for 1 week but else its simply a waste of effort to play on such an account.
2. it quite tricky, i'm not gonna go on details, theres quite some stuff online already
(hint: this will be my next guide, after some more experiments of trying to recover accounts, very detailed, with pro tips!)
An Account should be unveriifed, or you should be able to change the accounts e-mail to yours (by having acces to the currently verified e-mail )
else there is no fucking saftey with buying that account, but the E-mail isnt the most important factor of keeping one account, it`s Activity!
If i ever gonna see someone sell an active account, without a warning aobut it im gonna open a scam report and dox him and some some russian to crack his skull, seriously.
selling an active account is just a waste of effort, for everyone invovled (becides if you want to scam)
what will happen if you buy an active account: easy, the one who cant acces his account anymore will open a ticket ,riot will see that the e-mail/pw got recently changed and without waiting a single second will ban the account firstly, then the guy who opened the ticket has to verify himself as the acc owner(which he will easily do) and then he got his account back, you got nothing, and we all just wasted time/money.
so, theres is one Rule about account activity for me(!), open your league of legends account checker, check the date of the first purchased champ, and the last purchased champ.
Time of Inactivity = Playtime = Safe Account.
If someone played on an account for 3 months, and didnt play on it since 4 months, it`s a perfectly fine account.
if someone played on an account for 3 years, 2 months of inacitity is NOTHING, you may be able to use that account for like 1-2 weeks, and then it gets recovered.
and as always, it depends on what you want to do with your account, if you want to keep it as your main (because your main got permabanend and you just want one replacement) then you should follow my step.
if you just wanna play a week league of legends take what ever the fuck you want, then theres no reason to bother aobut it, oyu will fill easily (even free) accounts for that.
Let`s talk about Champions, Two Things are important: How many Champions - Which Champions:
It´s important to know that there are differtent kind of players, some just wanna pick a champion (and have a lot of variety what they can pick) and play it ,
some wanna pick THEIR Champion and only play like 2-3 Champs anyway.
its important to keep in mind that you can either buy a champion for their respective amount of IP, or RP and that is it never worth to buy more than 5 champs with RP (rather buy a more expensive acc then)
if you only wanna play for like one month buying a botted account with 30k IP may be the best solution for you, since its gonna get banned, only questoin is when.
else unverified ,inactive acc with 10k IP also ocassoinally exist, and those are 99,9% safe, so rather ask a seller for one like this.
If you are Gold player, dont buy a diamond Account, you wont be able to play on that elo and just lose games (like, be the reason your teamloses) you will either get frustrated and flame(get banned) or just quit the game.
buy an account that is according to your skill.
if you wanna buy a diamond acc(altough oyu dont deserve ) check which champions got played (cassio, xerath,twitch, kog maw=scripts) those will probably get banned anytime soon, so dont bother to buy those.
id say rank is a pretty important factor in getting the value of an account, since people buy once they are unable to reach something on their own.
you can "buy" levesl with xp boosts, ip with ip boosts, champs,skins with RP, you can basically buy everything (just WAAAAAY more expensive)in an official way, only ranking is not possible.
you either have ot buy an eloboost for oyur own account or buy a boosted account already.
Most people don`t value obtainable skins, (im a seller on ebay with about 1000sales/year) and trust me, if people are fag enough to value skins, they are fag enough to buy them in the store.
what i mean is i rather have a 80 champions acc than a 50 champions acc with 30 skins, since first one is worth much more.
yes if you are waiting long enough you will find that one guy who is willed to pay a lot more becaue of oyur 10-20 skins but most of the time those skins will only up the price by a little bit, and notihing too big.
but theres one thing that breaks the whole "skinmarket" it`s unobtainable skins!
those are worth shit ton, ultra rare skins like original cs riven, pax, urf ww, those are only obtainable by cracking accounts or people selling theirs.(btw message me if you sell any Unobtainable/URS
already explained in the skin tab, this is some legit spicy stuff that will skyrocket your acccounts worth.
(fuck king rammus and ufo corki)
nothing too big, if someone decided to buy an account with many champs, the account should have 4-5 runepages atleast, if not you can simply buy a runepage bundle in the riot store, im a 6 year long diamond player and in the end 3 runepages one for AP/AD/AD+AS is completly fine, (yeah something having one with health/cdr stuff lke that is nice , but needed.
after tier2 runes got reduced to 1 ip each, you can fill 3 runepages for like 50 IP with "solid" runes, its not best in slot but its fine to play with those.
most people dont even mention those when selling an account, so you know that how unimportant this is.
last point: summonericons, they are some rare unobtainable icons (like platin account for season 1, beta player icon etc, but im serious, you rarely see poeple asking ("what runes does the account?", it wont impact your accounts value most of the time.