Runtime Environment Engineer
400 XP
I know that there are a lot of people who are enjoying Korean in game voices so i thought i'd make this quick TUT on how to apply the patch and change the voice. - I'll be using GARENA server as an example in this tutorial.
This tool supports all of the servers including Garena. Easy & Fast to configure or update. ​Game efficient. Step 1. Download the tool. Step 2. Extract using any archiver. Step 3. Navigate league of legends folder. In my case it's garena and the path is as follows. C:\Program Files (x86)\GarenaLoLTW\GameData\Apps\LoLTW Step 4. Choose the locale corresponding of which server you're playing. Step 5. Click Change! Step 6. Wait for the loader to do it's work and you're done in 5-10 mins. Enjoy your new Korean in game voice!
This tool supports all of the servers including Garena. Easy & Fast to configure or update. ​Game efficient. Step 1. Download the tool. Step 2. Extract using any archiver. Step 3. Navigate league of legends folder. In my case it's garena and the path is as follows. C:\Program Files (x86)\GarenaLoLTW\GameData\Apps\LoLTW Step 4. Choose the locale corresponding of which server you're playing. Step 5. Click Change! Step 6. Wait for the loader to do it's work and you're done in 5-10 mins. Enjoy your new Korean in game voice!