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[Tut]Ratio-Master for trakers


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This guide if for the older version of ratio master but the mechanics are the same DONWLOAD AT THE END Hi, Superbums made an RM tutorial in the past, but with all the recent new versions and deletion of the pics by the image hoster it grew outdated, and so I have decided to make a new one. So, what is the RatioMaster? I'll quote its readme file: RatioMaster is an application designed for spoofing uploads on BitTorrent trackers. It connects to a tracker and behaves like a normal BitTorrent client, but without actually uploading to / downloading from other peers in the swarm. It reports to the tracker that it's uploading (or downloading or both, it's your choice) at a certain rate, thus making it useful for artificially increasing your ratio on certain sites that track a user's overall ratio (total uploaded/total downloaded). In this tut you will learn what all the settings in the RM do, and be given tips for correct usage. Remember the program stores some options on a per-torrent basis.
1. the UI's language. The RM comes bundled with a variety of language files, so you can choose yours here. If it isn't listed, you can take the 1english.lng file and translate it. 2. the path to the torrent file you're going to use to cheat. You can type it manually or click "Browse..." to find it. Also, a list of the most recently used ones is kept, so you can click the â–¼-button to quickly load any of those. 3a. the tracker's announce URL. 3b. the torrent's SHA hash. 3c. the torrent's full size. You don't need to type the first two values, they're loaded from the .torrent file. 4a. the fake upload speed that's going to be reported to the tracker. 4b. the fake download speed that's going to be reported to the tracker. 4c. the finished % that's going to be reported to the tracker. You can use decimal values, but make sure you don't mix commas and dots up - use the decimal separator set in Windows's regional settings. In my case, I have to use commas. 4d. this will automatically stop the torrent after a certain condition is given: "Do not stop": self-explanatory, won't stop the torrent. (Default) "Uploaded": you've uploaded more than X KB/MB/GB. "Downloaded": you've downloaded more than X KB/MB/GB. "Time": after more than X seconds/minutes/hours have passed. X being the value you set. 5a. the total amount of upload that's been faked during the current session. 5b. the total amount of download that's been faked during the current session. 5c. the amount of time that has passed since you started the torrent. 5d. the amount of time left until the next tracker update. Most trackers use intervals of 30 or 45 minutes. If the tracker doesn't return one, the value at Network -> Tracker Update Interval is used. 5e. forces a manual tracker update. Don't use unless necessary. 5f. the total amount of seeders on the torrent. 5g. the total amount of leechers on the torrent. Some trackers may not show the last two unless Network -> Get Seeders/Leechers Stats is enabled. 6a. resets the uploaded, downloaded and finished % counters to 0. Very useful if you've made a mistake when typing and the amount of fake upload has grown to enormous proportions, for example. Careful, it doesn't ask for confirmation before proceeding. 6b. starts the torrent. 6c. stops the torrent. 6d. had enough cheating for today? Use this to exit the RM.
7a. you can choose the BitTorrent client the RM will emulate from this list. 7b. opens the memory reader. 7c. if this is ticked, the RM will generate new peer_id and key values every time you start it. Otherwise, it'll remember those from the last run. This isn't a big deal since you should always use the memory reader anyway. 8a. the peer_id that will be reported to the tracker. A peer_id is a 20-byte unique string that identifies your client to the tracker and peers. In the RM's case, only the former applies. 8b. the key value that will be reported to the tracker. A key is a random string used to "reinforce" a client's identification should the computer's IP change. 8c. the port for incoming connections that will be sent to the tracker. This is also the one the RM will listen on if Network -> Enable TCP Listener is ticked. 8d. the numwant value that will be reported to the tracker. It indicates how many peers the tracker should return on its response. Different clients will use different values. The RM will automatically report this as 0 when stopping the torrent. 9a. when ticked, a new speed (between the two values you set) will be set for your fake upload on each tracker update. 9b. when ticked, a new speed (between the two values you set) will be set for your fake download on each tracker update. Since faking at the exact same speeds for a long time is suspicious, I recommend you enable these. 10a. will show a balloon with the tracker's hostname, uploaded and downloaded amounts, time left and duration of this session when you hover your mouse's cursor over the tray icon:
10b. will automatically check for new versions every time the RM is started. 10c. will minimize the RM to a tray icon instead of the Taskbar when you click the "_" button in the titlebar.
11a. lets you choose the type of proxy you're going to use, if any: "None": self-explanatory. Won't use a proxy. SOCKS4, SOCKS4a, SOCKS5: for SOCKS type proxies. More info here. HTTP (CONNECT): for HTTP proxies that support the CONNECT method. HTTP: for HTTP proxies that do not support the CONNECT method, for example Ultrasurf. 11b. the proxy's hostname. For example: myproxy.host.com 11c. the proxy's port. For example: 80 11d. the proxy's username. 11e. the proxy's password. The last two are only necessary if the proxy requires authentication. 12a. the update interval used when the tracker doesn't return one, in seconds. Don't touch this. 12b. ticking this makes the RM listen on the port you've set, and thus make you appear as connectable on the tracker's side. It's recommended to enable this unless you're keeping your real client running on the same port. 12c. gets the amount of seeders and leechers to the tracker via scraping. Tick this if the tracker doesn't return them with this disabled and you'd like to see them. 12d. will stop faking when the amount of leechers is lower than the number you set. This won't work if the tracker doesn't return the seeder/leecher counts and doesn't support scraping, and isn't 100% accurate when it does, so don't over-rely on it. 12e. ignores the tracker's "failure reason" sent when something's wrong, and keeps on faking. Not recommended. 12f. ignores tracker connection errors and keeps on faking. Not recommended unless you're having constant timeouts. 12g. selects the IP the RM will bind to. Only necessary if you have more than one network card. 12h. saves the peerlist delivered by the tracker as a text file named peerlist_(Torrent_name_here).txt inside the PeerLists folder. 12i. uses UPnP to forward the port you chose. Only necessary if you have a router that supports this and haven't forwarded your ports. 13. lets you test your network settings. If everything's OK, you should get a message box reading: Connected successfully. Current RatioMaster network settings appear to be working.
14a. enables or disables logging to the log window. 14b. lets you save the log as a text file. 14c. clears the log window.
15a. checks for updates for your current client and language files. 15b. downloads and installs the ones you've ticked in the update window. RatioMaster Rules 1. Always use the memory reader. 2. Don't leech/seed the same torrent you're cheating on. 3. Always emulate the same client you're running. 4. Keep the RM and client files up-to-date. 5. Don't leave the RM faking at high speeds for long periods of time, specially if you aren't there to control things. 6a. It's better to cheat torrents with many leechers. The best way to handle it would be looking at the seed-to-peer ratio: 1:5 (5 seeders per leecher): fine. Be careful 1:4 : good 1:3 : very good 1:2 : great 1:1 : perfect for faking. You may not face many of these, though. 6b. Avoid packs. Always make sure you don't fake on torrents with partial seeders. Thanks to kruk for collecting these. There are also more tips on the RM's readme file: * First of all, don't use very high upload speeds. Some trackers check sessions for very big upload rates. Using a 6 MB/s upload rate when your IP belongs to an ISP who only has a 512 kbps plan is plain stupid. Check the moofdev forums on more info on maximum safe speeds reached by other users on different trackers. * Never spoof uploads on a tracker with few peers. If there are only 2 leechers and they're downloading at a maximum of 300 kB/s, and you're spoofing an upload of 2 MB/s, it will look suspicious. * Keep the software up-to-date. Sometimes bugs are found that may get you banned on sites. RatioMaster includes an automatic version checker and will notify you when a new version is released. Update! * If you're going to take part in discussions on the moofdev forums, or other forums that deal with this sort of software, don't use the same username you use on trackers. We've had instances of tracker admins visiting the forums to see whether any of our users were members on their trackers and... well, you can assume what happened next. * Read the forums. Sometimes users will report that a certain tracker simply cannot be fooled. It's better to stay informed than be banned on your favourite tracker. * Last, but not least, only spoof when you NEED to. By cheating on a torrent, you're disrupting the swarm and going against the spirit of p2p. Unless you really need to increase your ratio and there's no better way (short of paying money - pay2leech trackers are a lot worse than cheating peers), don't cheat. FAQ Q: What are the best settings? A: I'll quote myself from the Extreme Mod tutorial: There are no "best settings". It all depends on the tracker. Those that work just fine at one could get you banned at another. Search our board for the name of tracker you want to cheat on, and read threads carefully. Q: What does the memory reader do? A: It extracts identification values from a real client, making you look more realistic. It's a must before cheating on any tracker. I won't tell you how to use it, since we already have a thread about that: [Mini-tutorial] How to use the RatioMaster's memory reader Q: When do I have to run the memory reader? A: Before you begin using the RM, and after every client restart. Q: What is the Waffles method? A: It's a cheating method consisting on faking at a high speed, stopping before the update, resuming with very low speeds and seeding as much as you can. You can read the full explanation here: A little tutorial on how to cheat on waffles Q: What are client files, and how do I get them? A: Client files are renamed XML files that "tell" the RM the announce formatting, HTTP headers, peer_id and key format, etc. it needs to know to fully emulate a BitTorrent client. RM releases come bundled with the latest ones at the time they're posted, but as new versions of the clients come out, you can get their respective client files from the Moofdev.net forums or the Members section at SB-I, if you have the required Member title. Q: Is this the best tool? A: I'd say yes. At the time of this post, most of mRatio's emulations are detectable, and its development seems to have been paused. On the other side, the RM sends announces correctly, you can emulate almost any client via client files, there's RMeX to extend its capabilities... Q: Is there a way to run more than one torrent per instance? A: No, but you can use RMeX's Manager to keep track of multiple RM instances. Q: Will running the RM along my torrent client make downloads faster? A: No, and you risk getting banned when doing that if you don't use the memory reader or cheat on the same torrent you're leeching/seeding. Q: I get an error when starting the program, and nothing happens afterwards. A: You need the .NET Framework installed to use it. Get it here. Q: I have a suggestion/question that isn't listed here... A: Post it here and we'll reply. credits: http://www.sb-innovation.de/and anon Download Below http://ratiomaster.software.informer.com/download/
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