Social Media Storyteller
100 XP
1. Build FUD silent *.chm (Help-File) Download & Execute Exploits 2. Build FUD silent *.vbs (Visual-Basic-Script) Download & Execute Exploits 3. Build FUD silent *.vbe (Encoded-Visual-Basic-Script) Download & Execute Exploits 4. Build FUD silent *.hta (HTML-Application) Download & Execute Exploits 5. Build FUD silent *.bat (Batch-File) Download & Execute Exploits 6. Build FUD silent *.cmd (Command-File) Download & Execute Exploits 7. Build FUD silent *.wsf (Windows-Script-File) Download & Execute Exploits 8. Build FUD silent Microsoft Office Word Download & Execute Macro Exploits 9. Build FUD silent Microsoft Office Excel Download & Execute Macro Exploits 10. You can choose Download Folder(%AppData%, %ProgramFiles%, %Windir%, %Temp%, %HomeDrive%) 11. You can choose any kind of Url 12. You can choose every File Type (*.exe,*.txt,*.jpg,*.Cert,*.rtf,.......) 13. It have a Build-In USG which generate every time when you press the "Compile" button 99% unique exploits 14. You can choose random UpperCase, random LowerCase and random Numbers for the USG 15. You can use a Custom String Encryption which will be 99% unique on every click on the "Compile" button too and it will Encrypt every String in the Exploit File with a unique password doesnt matter which kind of Exploit. 16. HTML-Application/Help-File Body Editor 17. They dont let UAC Pop up means they bypass it New added in v1.5 18. Build FUD silent *.htm (HTML-File 1) Download & Execute Exploits 19. Build FUD silent *.html (HTML-File 2) Download & Execute Exploits 20. Compile Macros explicit for x64 New added in v.2 21. Build FUD silent *.ps1 (Powershell-File 1) Download & Execute Exploits 22. Build FUD silent *.psc1 (Powershell-File 2) Download & Execute Exploits 23. Build FUD silent *.exe (Executable-File) Download & Execute Exploits 24. Build FUD silent *.pif (Program Information-File) Download & Execute Exploits 25. Build FUD silent *.scr (Screensaver-File) Download & Execute Exploits 26. [0day] Build FUD silent *.lnk (Shortcut-File) Download & Execute Exploits - Include an Icon Changer with all Windows Icons for the Shortcut File 27. Windows Shortcut Exploits with File Converter/Make Your File to (*.txt, *.rtf, *.ini, *.gif, *.png, *.bmp, *.avi, *.mp3, *.dll, *.hlp, *.mid, *.jpg) and an Icon Changer with all Windows Icons is included too 28. Optimized the Macro Engine and added 2 New Macro Engines which you can select and both support Full Unicode and 32Bit & 64Bit and they are FUD New added in v2.5 29. The *.htm/*.html exploit work now perfect and without any problems on 'Internet Explorer 5 - Edge' 30. Build FUD silent *.url (Internet Location File) Download & Execute Exploits 31. New stronger and better Unique Encryption 32. 6 New Types of Private Unique Macro Exploits 33. Macro Editor with that you can create your own Private Macro Exploits or modify them 34. Windows Shortcut Exploits with File Converter got this new extensions (*.pdf, *.doc, *.xls, *.pptx, *.rar, *.ppt, *.xml, *.jnt, *.zip, *.log, *.ico, *.ocx) 35. Some other small changes New added in v3 36. Build FUD silent *.com (Command-File 2) Download & Execute Exploits 37. Added Base64 Encoding 38. Added 2 New Types of Private Unique Macro Exploits 39. Windows Shortcut Exploits with File Converter got this new extensions (*.php, *.cpl, *.msi, *.msp) 40. Some other small changes Lifetime Package with Support: 300 $ Download: https://www21.zippyshare.com/v/1wv5sVkE/file.htmlOptions:
VT: https://virustotal.com/de/file/7326...965b1b5f983047f2a2672846/analysis/1461876329/