Anime OST Collector
1000 XP
Here are some tips on how to avoid getting your lol account reported duo to being "toxic"
Lets call the Tips "rules", it's easier to list them this way ... im weird
1./mute all if you get annoyed in any way or just do it at the start of the game
2. Just move chat off screen and never use it again
3. Don't cry in chat about someone being op ( let's say leblanc one shots you with one ability at lvl 8 ... just ignore it (you were most likely out of position considering you weren't in the Fountain))
4. DO NOT PROVOKE ( if you see someone is using /all very often they're most likely tilted do not try to make them more tilted with replying just camp them
Lets call the Tips "rules", it's easier to list them this way ... im weird
1./mute all if you get annoyed in any way or just do it at the start of the game
2. Just move chat off screen and never use it again
3. Don't cry in chat about someone being op ( let's say leblanc one shots you with one ability at lvl 8 ... just ignore it (you were most likely out of position considering you weren't in the Fountain))
4. DO NOT PROVOKE ( if you see someone is using /all very often they're most likely tilted do not try to make them more tilted with replying just camp them