Kawaii Master
1000 XP
Introduction Champions viable Talent Tips Tips Runes General Tips Champions viable Top-God [Greater Influence]: Rumble, Renekton, Shyvana, Yorick, Sion, Hecarim, Irelia, Maokai, Gnar Top Tier 1 [Strong / preferred choices]: Kennen, Lissandra, Fizz Top Tier 2 [viable / Balanced]: Vladimir, Fiora, Singed, Cassiopeia, Diana Top Tier 3 [Need more Experience]: Shen, Master Yi Yasuo, Talon, Ryze, Fizz Top Tier 4 [serves to ***** no] Azir, Kassadin, Soraka Talent Tips Top ad Talents used by SK T1 Impact and several other toplaners the OGN, it is not recommended to take the 3 points of resistance talent even when facing other ADs in the top because he is VERY good. AP TOP Self-explanatory, and as the AD, it is not worth taking resistance even against ADs because it is VERY good, really. Tips Runes Top Lane AD with Resistance -9 Attack damage marks -9 Armor Stamps by level -9 Magic resistance Glyphs -3 Quintessence of attack damage AP Top Lane Tanks (Maokai, Singed) -9 Magic penetration marks -9 Armor Stamps by level -9 Magic resistance per level -3 Ability to power quintessences Top Line (Dr world and Shyvana) -9 Hybrid penetration Marks -9 Armor Stamps by level -9 Glyph reducing the recharge time or magic resistance -3 Life regeneration quintessences Jax and Irelia -9 Attack damage marks -9 Armor Stamps by level -9 Glyph magic resistance level -3 Quintessence of attack damage General Tips 1 - Learn to Perform Exchanges: This tip is super valuable knowledge exchange at the right time is something of great importance. You know that guy who chose a champion only because he is counter enemy champion and lost? Well if it changed at the wrong time it may have missed a phase lane that could be easy. The exchange is a simple math, all trades that you lose more life and / or uses more resources than your opponent it is bad for you. But you have to analyze coldly as was the exchange Example: You went out with 100 life unless the opponent but he spent Ignite (Firefox) and you have not spent anything. It was an exchange gain! Now if anyone has spent nothing, you missed the return. Pretty simple, right? WHEN know change can guarantee you victory in most exchanges, especially in lower links where the player has a sense of small return. OK! But how do I know when to change and how to change? There are a number of moments you can not change damage .. How When: - You have some skills on cooldown. - The wave of minion opponent is bigger than yours. - The tower can beat you. - The Jungler enemy is near. - Do you have much less life than your opponent There are these and more reasons, they all vary by time it is up to you whether it is good or a bad time to make the switch. Ideally, you abuse of enemies errors, force changes when the opponent using skills to farm, can seem like a silly tip but it will render you many kills. 2 - Do not be in doubt about any decision: Decision-making in the top lane is very difficult and complicated. When pulling? When making a split push? When to go Bot? When using the Teleport in Bot? When using Teleport on Top? These and others are very common questions that you do all the time when you play in the top and decisions so often comes when you kill the top opponent! The important thing is you are not in doubt, if you go down pro Dragon, come down! Do not start down the river and come back later. If his decision was to break the tower, push the lane and do it! Start down pro Dragon and midway decide to take the Tower would be better to simply waste time to gain a goal. 3 - Learn and Learn Snowballar behave in Snowball opponent: The concept of Snowball comes snowball when a snowball is rolling it will only increase and getting bigger, so does the Top Lane. When you begin to die several times the chance you will die again even greater, so when you get to kill his opponent several times and becoming more items and experience it. This is the second most situations that occur with any player in the top. 8 or 80, Weak or Strong. Learn to behave of two ways. You are much stronger than the Top opponent? Try to take this impact for the rest of the game and not just start to die making gambles. You are much weaker? Relax, do not start giving Rage with his team for its failures, buy items that will help you stay alive and wait for the opponent to make a mistake (HE WILL COMMIT!). In both situations you have the game in your hand, in a you can help your team win it as soon as possible. The other if you make a mistake you can deliver every game. 4 - Vision Win Game Buy Wards, Look Mini Map, see the movement of Jungler enemy, Pinks Buy, Swap Your Trinket by Lens. It sounds simple, but many people do not do any of that and when purchasing Ward uses it badly. Do not place the ward in a place where you will see the jungler enemy already on your side, try to predict where the enemy will Jungler gank you and ward in a place where you can get out of a danger zone with ease. You came back from the base, has a ward at hand. You see the minimap and the other 4 players of the opposing team are in Bot Lane, there you go and warda the bush. By doing so you lose 30 seconds for most of his Ward, Ward function is not staying in the bush, her function is to give you sight! If you already have vision hold her! And buy a pink every game, she'll get it in Matinho for 30 minutes and can decide the match. 5 - Builds, runes and masteries. Search! See what the professionals use, test combinations in a normal game. Learn against whom it is good to go with a certain champion 9/21 and against whom you can go 21/9. The top lane is the lane that need more knowledge of the game. Know what runes are good to face a Lulu or Ryze and which are good to face Shyvana is something very important. As well as masteries and builds. When starting with King's Sword and when to start with resistance in Shyvana can you render various phases lane. Buy one item wrong after killing an opponent can take all your advantage, you will buy this Vampiric Scepter was better to buy the pick and another Pot?