Data Lake Architect
700 XP
Hey guys! I bet you all want to know who are the best carrys for League of Legends now. As of season 5, there have been so many changes not only in the jungle, but also the incredible amount of control Bot lane has over Dragon and its many perks.
This is why who your ADC is matters.
Let's start with number 5.
5. Graves
Graves is coming in hot at number 5 for two reasons. His W skill: Smokescreen enables him to escape safely and reduce the vision of the enemy carry or team. His Passive: True Grit is great for all the fighting that is involved during laning phase and outside of lane phase because he gains not only armor, but also magic resistance every second he remains in combat which can stack up to 10 times.
4. Corki
Corki is a strong pick this season. Not only can he safely farm with his ultimate Missile Barrage, but his passive allows him to do true damage as well. Not to mention he has Valkyrie, a great escape that allows him to fly into or out of combat. Think of it as a 26 second Flash summoner spell
3. Lucian
Lucian has always been a great pick ever since his release. And even though he has been nerfed to God knows where, this avenger is still staying strong. Lucian and his passive Lightslinger allows Lucian to shoot twice within 3 seconds. Another reason he has always been a strong and safe choice is because he has an escape in the form of Relentless Pursuit, which allows him to dash away safely.
2. Vayne
Vayne is a tricky one, but if you master her, you can carry any game whether if it is a 4v5 or you are down by a Baron kill and two dragons and several kills behind. This chick is one heck of a character. She was born to carry. Of course, she is not the easiest to play or to use because her skillset is all about mechanics. But a good Vayne will carry hard.
1. Caitlyn
Caitlyn is standing strong at number 1 for various reasons but here are three reasons why:
This is why who your ADC is matters.
Let's start with number 5.
5. Graves
4. Corki
3. Lucian
2. Vayne
1. Caitlyn
- She has the longest starting range. This allows her to not only poke and trade safely, but she can also farm safely as well.
- She has an escape. She can just net herself to safety while attacking you.
- She is a great Mid game carry because she can also be great in team fights and her traps are just too delicious to resist.