Game Balancer
900 XP
Only supports the 64-bit version of WoW. 1.Persistent smart player morphing (i.e. you can shift in and out of forms as a druid) 2.Special race morphing with support for Pandarens 3.Race appearance customization 4.Persistent mount morphing 5.Item morphing 6.Weapon enchant morphing 7.Spell animation morphing 8.Title morphing 9.In-game command system 10.Underlying Lua API Requirements: 1.Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 (vc_redist.x64.exe) 2.64-bit version of WoW (Wow-64.exe) 3.Must be run with Administrative privileges Usage Examples To morph yourself into a troll pirate: Code: .morph 25041 To morph into another race (Pandaren, in this case): Code: .race 24 Race IDs: Code: 1 -- Human 2 -- Orc 3 -- Dwarf 4 -- Night Elf 5 -- Undead 6 -- Tauren 7 -- Gnome 8 -- Troll 9 -- Goblin 10 -- Blood Elf 11 -- Draenie 22 -- Worgen 24 -- Pandaren To swap genders after a race morph: Code: .gender The following commands allow you to change the appearance of regular races: Code: .skin 2 .face 1 .hair 6 .haircolor 3 .piercings 5 To morph an item (where 1 is the inventory slot ID): Code: .item 1 32235 Alternatively, to morph an item into its Mythic variant: Code: .item 1 115542 3 Item version IDs: Code: 0 -- Normal 1 -- Heroic 3 -- Mythic 4 -- Raid Finder 6 -- Stage 1 7 -- Stage 2 8 -- Stage 3 To change a weapon enchant (e.g. Mongoose): Code: .enchant 1 155 To swap a spell animation: Code: .spell 774 139 To morph your mount: Code: .mount 45797 To morph your title: Code: .title 199 FAQ Q: How can I change my various druid forms? A: Create a small WoW add-on using the following code (edit as necessary). Code: local events = CreateFrame("Frame") events:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) return self[event](self, ...) end) function events:UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORM() -- http://wowprogramming.com/docs/api/GetShapeshiftFormID local form = GetShapeshiftFormID() if form == 1 then -- cat form SetDisplayID("player", 1337) UpdateModel("player") elseif form == 5 then -- bear form SetDisplayID("player", 1338) UpdateModel("player") end end if UnitClass("player") == "Druid" then events:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORM") end http://starshipx.github.io/tMorph/ Just extract and run tInject.exe while in-game (as Administrator).
+ http://www.wowmorph.com/
example macro:
.item 1 32235 .item 3 71290 .item 5 71289 .item 6 71258 .item 7 71288 .item 8 69954 .item 9 71350 .item 10 71286 .item 16 32837 .item 17 32838 .haircolor 8 .hair 15 .piercings 0 .face 6 .race 10 ------------------------------------- TuleFTW's super awesome TMorph set for Melee's! Sets race as Undead, Corrupted Fire Hawk mount + Challenger DK gear with a better suited helm, Shadowmourne + Mongoose enchant. Also has the 2500 req. cloak and tabard. Looks like this:
.race 5 .mount 38046 .item 1 73618 .item 3 90055 .item 5 90051 .item 6 90049 .item 7 90054 .item 8 90050 .item 9 90056 .item 10 90052 .item 16 49623 .item 19 98162 .item 15 98336 .enchant 1 2673 Spells/Effects in order of listing: - Changes Pillar of Frost visual for frost DK's to Recklessness - Changes Alliance Tyrannical strength trinket visual to that of Avatar - Makes DK weapon enchant (Rune of the Fallen Crusader) instead show legendary rogue wings - Contains spell ID to make Shadowmourne effect proc from Alliance Surge of Victory (proc PvP trinket) - Changes Icy Touch visual to that of Chain Lightning (Why not
.spell 51271 1719 .spell 126679 107574 .spell 53365 107082 .spell 126700 72523 .spell 45477 421 Thanks for reading!
+ http://www.wowmorph.com/
.item 1 32235 .item 3 71290 .item 5 71289 .item 6 71258 .item 7 71288 .item 8 69954 .item 9 71350 .item 10 71286 .item 16 32837 .item 17 32838 .haircolor 8 .hair 15 .piercings 0 .face 6 .race 10 ------------------------------------- TuleFTW's super awesome TMorph set for Melee's! Sets race as Undead, Corrupted Fire Hawk mount + Challenger DK gear with a better suited helm, Shadowmourne + Mongoose enchant. Also has the 2500 req. cloak and tabard. Looks like this:
.race 5 .mount 38046 .item 1 73618 .item 3 90055 .item 5 90051 .item 6 90049 .item 7 90054 .item 8 90050 .item 9 90056 .item 10 90052 .item 16 49623 .item 19 98162 .item 15 98336 .enchant 1 2673 Spells/Effects in order of listing: - Changes Pillar of Frost visual for frost DK's to Recklessness - Changes Alliance Tyrannical strength trinket visual to that of Avatar - Makes DK weapon enchant (Rune of the Fallen Crusader) instead show legendary rogue wings - Contains spell ID to make Shadowmourne effect proc from Alliance Surge of Victory (proc PvP trinket) - Changes Icy Touch visual to that of Chain Lightning (Why not
.spell 51271 1719 .spell 126679 107574 .spell 53365 107082 .spell 126700 72523 .spell 45477 421 Thanks for reading!