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Loot Hoarder
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LEVEL 1 300 XP
TIPS TO LINK UP! Hello, my name is Nathan and I come today to bring this "tutorial" for you who aims to climb ELO in LoL. These tips I picked up the streamers of challengers and sites that produce content targeted to League of Legends. I hope you enjoy. TIP NUMBER 1. • Keep streams (live broadcasts of League of Legends players) of professional players. - Try to learn from them combos, strategies, builds and etc. This site Professional League of Legends guides - Solomid.net you will find streams, guides, builds and all that concerns the league of legends of better quality. Learn as much as you can with the content of that site and put into practice in regular games (preemptive Competitive Mode). TIP NUMBER 2. • Follow the link system hierarchy. - If you end up with the last pick, just because you said "MID" does not mean that you will have your mid. This is an important point because I've lost a lot of game for people who "Trolla" on purpose just because the guy took the lane that beltrano said, be sure that you will one day be first pick too! TIP NUMBER 3. • Do you play in a team, and not alone. Many people find that the players of his team are Bots, and do not pay for anything you bear that you are feedado. This happens a lot, and it is an error that harms a lot in a game. To communicate, and seek to develop strategies mark the dragons times, barons, sumonners spells among others and especially not just because so-and took them curse firstblood in the jungle, because they do not pay attention or died two consecutive times to the top, do not forget that even the best players in the world have died in the jungle or feedaram your lane again and again, that's a natural thing, which can be prevented, but it can happen when one is prevented. Avoid 100% to RAGE on your team. TIP THE LANES • TOP LANE "This is a very important lane as you will be alone against the other opponent, requires of you a good experience of what it can and can not do, so I advise you to make your choice based on the opposing team. We call this "Counter Pick". When the game begins search based on your items so that you can to farm also usually we start with Cloth armor / 5 pots of life or boot and 4 pots, check out our lane and try to farm, if your hero is capable of giving damage (harass ) the opponent, run to the possibility of zoning your lane (make the opponent miss shy and farm), have to bear in mind that your opponent can do that too. So if you see that your lane this difficult, try to farm as much as possible and avoid taking harass the opponent, so you avoid being zoned. And be very careful with gank the jungle (remember that top lane is usually the first to be gankada, either by red or blue, which facilitates the first blood is jungler be lvl2 and you still lvl1, then look no advance your lane, running last hits to avoid this. • MID LANE "In my opinion the lane more difficult because it requires experience and skills in both its hero and in them, the APcarrys are the champions with the greatest ability to harass, so it's a very violent lane, the one who get harassear your opponent with greater accuracy and quantity will be the winner of the lane, mucking up the opponent and gaining full control of the lane. One important thing the mid lane is the ease of gank the other lanes by the distance that lies between top and bot, so enjoy it when you have the opportunity, even if you are losing a gank can completely change a game, remember this. • BOT LANE "This is a complicated lane because there are the presence of two players on each side, and that support or adc not know what is ultimately hurts your partner. It is also the lane you need more wards, as if a well executed gank you win 2 kills for the team, and also has the presence of the dragon (bot lane there are 2 players rightly so, to defend dragon) an important piece to win a game. Usually what happens is the lane more deaths, so the implementation of the two players together is very important. A detail there is to know when playing media if you do not have much experience with search supports catch heroes with sustein as Soraka, sona, nami. Do not invent trying to play lulu for example (I say this is the support I see more loose game when poorly executed) and say the same for adc, do not use Ezreal, Draven .. if you do not have a PERFECT gameplay and a good track record in games played as adc. • JUNGLE "It is not one lane, and it's kind of hard to miss, but I know some things that might help. Always prepare a route (Wraith, red, top) like that, always keeping yourself organized with a good level, preferably a level most of bot lane. Look gank the first top, it is the most unprotected in the lane early game, look tabém let kills for the proper lane (I know it's tempting to kill but it is better when the kill is for the owner of the lane). If everything goes as planned and you are running a good game, take an oracle to be able to gank more effectively, keeping the opposing team always worried. Press button after level 6, for obtaining a gank successfully dragon will be easy to achieve, delivering an advantage for each team player. Unfortunately I know little about Jungle, but it is necessary to help the team in a match in any link. For remember no good use L # or Bull nor any other program if you do not follow these rules never changed your link. Thank you hope you like it ^^ Rep + who like



