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Tips on how to play Vayne!


Data Pipeline Engineer
W Rep
W Vouches
LEVEL 1 500 XP
Hello community
I know que vayne is mechanically quite challenging for some. But I wanted to give a small set of tips to help anyone who is struggling or interested in Vayne.
Items * Normal ADC start. *Try to farms so that you at least have enough for a vamp scepter. *If you have enough to go back and grab your Bilgewater cutlass you are able to have a much easier time dueling other adc's *Once you have for the rest of Blade of the Ruined King go back and get it. This item is able to help vayne out a lot in fights and also later in the game which helps her become the hyper carry she is. *From here you can choose to go either Phantom Dancer, Last Whisper or Infinity Edge. Any of those items are good but personally I go with Phantom dancer because of the AD steroid you get with your ult. *For defense Items I would recommend Banshees Veil because of the stats it gives and the useful passive. *If you are ahead and have finished your build, you can sell the boots for a Zephyr for the extra stats it gives and the tenacity amount also. *Your build should look something like this. Blade of the Ruined King, Phantom Dancer, Last Whisper, Infinity Edge, Banshees Veil and Beserker Greeves. Laning *Start with Q (helps with the cs'ing for the first few levels). Don't forget it resets your auto attack animation which helps get that extra auto in. *Try to stay safe and out of reach from most poke until either your supp is ready to get some hard cc on the enemy adc or your jungler is ready for the gank * *Try to use your Q to position yourself so that you may be able to use your E to condemn your target into a wall to stun them and also get a lot of free damage off on them. *If you support is more of the cc heavy styled support be sure to follow up with a Q to get the extra bit closer and extra aa damage . *Once you and your laning partner hit 6 you should be able to start dueling pretty well. *When you have activated your ult make sure you make a good use of the brief invincibility you get from your Q. There have been many different times where the invisibility has saved me from situations where I would have been killed or had some from of cc used on me. Teamfights *When a teamfight breaks out be sure to stay at the back like most adc's should be doing and keep hammering them with empowered aa's from your R and Q. *If your team is being initiated on, make sure too kite back with R, Q, and your Blade of the ruined king. If you also need to you can use your E to push back any unwanted attention. *Your R also gives you a boost on your passive that boots your move speed by 90 if your chasing an enemy which is very useful for chasing any stragglers that cut from the group. *AUTO,AUTO, TUMBLE, AUTO until enemy is dead. People to watch to see how they play Vayne SKT T1 Piglet Lolgeranimo Anklespankin Doublelift TSM Wildturtle
Thanks for reading the small guide play Vayne!
See ya!
Edited by daavi003, 23 August 2015 - 02:52 PM.



