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1.1. Content can be ANYTHING videos. these popular “Slide Shows” going around tiktok
1.2 same as 1.1 if u do not have the time go away now, dont even bother this requires a lot of work and time. it isnt as easy as people think…
1.3 is it worth it? Defiantly i grew an account to almost 200k followers in under a month and sold it for 600$ and since u can post from your phone, computer search ipad etc, u can post everywhere so ig it counts as passive income (just remember to post)
1.4 defiantly u can automate it, lets say u got only a day to post instead of posting 10 videos at a time spread it out. so u also have some videos to post on the days u dont have a lot of time
2 Content and trends, ALWAYS look for the newest trends. To discover the latest TikTok trends, I recommend opening the TikTok app and exploring the “Discover” or “For You” page, where you’ll find a curated feed of popular and trending content. Additionally, you can follow popular creators, and see what they do!
2.1 what u post is important. but post something u like and what u are interested in, if it memes makeup cosplay etc IT DOESNT MATTER but always think “Do i wanna watch this?” like nobody is gonna watch a video of a pringle can so always have
that in the back of your mind. post what u wanna see. personally i chose a meme tiktok page since everybody likes to laugh and everyone likes memes!
2.2 chat-gpt can be a life saver sometimes. out of ideas? ask it! example “What can i post on my meme channel?” and it will guide you
2.3 Hashtags may be one of the best ways to hit the for you page (which is our goal) so DO NOT post any videos without hashtags but its also important to know which hashtags lets say u posted about food and u put this hashtag #Cinema then
it would do as good as if u example used these hashtags #DIYFOOD #FOOD #TASTY #HEALTHY etc here chat-gpt can help you once again
2.4 before i talked about hashtags. u might be asking “Where do i put them?” so to answer that u put then in your caption of each video. A caption is just as important as the video. its basically a short description of your video. lets say u made a video
where u show how to make example tacos then your caption could be “Spicing up Taco Tuesday with these mouthwatering creations! ?? #TacoTuesdayDelight #TacoTime #FoodieFiesta #TastyTacos #FoodLove #SavorTheFlavor #FoodieLife #MexicanCuisine #FoodGasm #HomemadeGoodness”. That would be a GREAT caption! now lets talk about sounds. lets say u run a cooking tiktok page then u want a slow paced song or beat just running in the background without disturbing too much so turn it down a bit. also use popular sounds. go on your for you page and find a video with many likes and press the sound there it will say how many has used that sound. (always use popular sounds and songs)
2.5 the naming is important! like u cant name it “Meme Central” and post cooking videos find an appropiate name lets say u chose a cooking channel then u could name it “FoodBy(yourname)” or “FoodCentral” etc be creative!
2.6 editing. people loose interest quickly so dont have too long videos we need their attention and we dont wanna loose it so cut all weird stuff out and only keep the important in u can use any video editor, but a free good one would be CapCut
3 Audience, when u begin to grow a little audience ALWAYS engage with it taking ideas etc from comments.
3.1 KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE, lets say u post memes and then SUDDENLY u upload a video of you drawing your audience followed you to see memes not your drawing so stick to one thing but if u really want to mix those things do it this way
“Drawing Memes day 1” or just draw memes and then post what meme after u drew
3.2 be creative! think of new things. make ur own memes. your own dishes, your own drawings. instead of stealing other peoples memes!
3.3 Engange in other peoples videos too. if u see a video u like let them know! i do this often i either compliment other peoples videos or write something funny either way they will like the attention and other people will see and think “Hes a funny guy let me check out his profile” and we want that
I hope u like this tutorial these steps helped for me. and i am now running 3 accounts all 3 doing good! so if i can you can too have a nice day!
1.2 same as 1.1 if u do not have the time go away now, dont even bother this requires a lot of work and time. it isnt as easy as people think…
1.3 is it worth it? Defiantly i grew an account to almost 200k followers in under a month and sold it for 600$ and since u can post from your phone, computer search ipad etc, u can post everywhere so ig it counts as passive income (just remember to post)
1.4 defiantly u can automate it, lets say u got only a day to post instead of posting 10 videos at a time spread it out. so u also have some videos to post on the days u dont have a lot of time
2 Content and trends, ALWAYS look for the newest trends. To discover the latest TikTok trends, I recommend opening the TikTok app and exploring the “Discover” or “For You” page, where you’ll find a curated feed of popular and trending content. Additionally, you can follow popular creators, and see what they do!
2.1 what u post is important. but post something u like and what u are interested in, if it memes makeup cosplay etc IT DOESNT MATTER but always think “Do i wanna watch this?” like nobody is gonna watch a video of a pringle can so always have
that in the back of your mind. post what u wanna see. personally i chose a meme tiktok page since everybody likes to laugh and everyone likes memes!
2.2 chat-gpt can be a life saver sometimes. out of ideas? ask it! example “What can i post on my meme channel?” and it will guide you
2.3 Hashtags may be one of the best ways to hit the for you page (which is our goal) so DO NOT post any videos without hashtags but its also important to know which hashtags lets say u posted about food and u put this hashtag #Cinema then
it would do as good as if u example used these hashtags #DIYFOOD #FOOD #TASTY #HEALTHY etc here chat-gpt can help you once again
2.4 before i talked about hashtags. u might be asking “Where do i put them?” so to answer that u put then in your caption of each video. A caption is just as important as the video. its basically a short description of your video. lets say u made a video
where u show how to make example tacos then your caption could be “Spicing up Taco Tuesday with these mouthwatering creations! ?? #TacoTuesdayDelight #TacoTime #FoodieFiesta #TastyTacos #FoodLove #SavorTheFlavor #FoodieLife #MexicanCuisine #FoodGasm #HomemadeGoodness”. That would be a GREAT caption! now lets talk about sounds. lets say u run a cooking tiktok page then u want a slow paced song or beat just running in the background without disturbing too much so turn it down a bit. also use popular sounds. go on your for you page and find a video with many likes and press the sound there it will say how many has used that sound. (always use popular sounds and songs)
2.5 the naming is important! like u cant name it “Meme Central” and post cooking videos find an appropiate name lets say u chose a cooking channel then u could name it “FoodBy(yourname)” or “FoodCentral” etc be creative!
2.6 editing. people loose interest quickly so dont have too long videos we need their attention and we dont wanna loose it so cut all weird stuff out and only keep the important in u can use any video editor, but a free good one would be CapCut
3 Audience, when u begin to grow a little audience ALWAYS engage with it taking ideas etc from comments.
3.1 KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE, lets say u post memes and then SUDDENLY u upload a video of you drawing your audience followed you to see memes not your drawing so stick to one thing but if u really want to mix those things do it this way
“Drawing Memes day 1” or just draw memes and then post what meme after u drew
3.2 be creative! think of new things. make ur own memes. your own dishes, your own drawings. instead of stealing other peoples memes!
3.3 Engange in other peoples videos too. if u see a video u like let them know! i do this often i either compliment other peoples videos or write something funny either way they will like the attention and other people will see and think “Hes a funny guy let me check out his profile” and we want that
I hope u like this tutorial these steps helped for me. and i am now running 3 accounts all 3 doing good! so if i can you can too have a nice day!