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Today we will talk about the Tier List of Patch 5.13, ie the strongest champions of the Patch Current.
If you disagree with something, well ... Comment too. But of course ... With education right? I hope you enjoy it and find champions who are on a Win Rate High, champions that are causing quite an impact in the game and champions who have been frequent victims of bans.
Things you should know:
Everything is in BOLD have an explanation below.
Everything is underlined may have been incorrectly evaluated because few games have been analyzed.
Within the Tiers has an order of Left to Right. Who comes first on the Left are stronger. However, in most cases they are in a very evenly-matched level.
This Tier List is made based games of all Tiers.
Winning percentages have a certain influence on the strength of the champion.
The Creator of this list is Diamond!
Changes in Patch:
Buffs: Ekko, Kayle, Singed, Thresh
Nerfs: Jayce, Nautilus, Rek'Sai, Xin
Changes: Khalista
Tier List Patch 5.13
Tier God [Much Influence]:
Mid-Lane Gods: AHRI, Annie, Lux
Jungle Gods: Warwick, Shyvana, Diana, Amumu
AD Gods: Jinx, Ashe, Sivir,
Top Lane Gods: Wukong, Irelia, Riven, Shen
Support Gods: Janna, Nautilus, Blitzcrank
Tier 1 [Picks Strong]:
Mid-Lane: Diana, Talon, Ezreal (AP) Malzahar, Twisted Fate, Anivia, Morgana, Xerath, Cho'Gath, Swain, Vladimir, Varus, Brand, Heimerdinger, Viktor, Karthus, Wukong, Karma, Kayle, Kennen,
Jungle: Kayle, Xin Zhao, Nidalee, Rek'Sai, Nunu, Udyr, Nocturne, Nautilus, Vi, Shaco, Pantheon, Sion, Wukong, Volibear, Evelynn, Maokai
AD Carry:Vayne, Draven, Graves, Kog'Maw, Kalista, Caitlyn
Top Lane: Tryndamere, Fiora, Malphite, Vladimir, Akali, Nasus, Renekton, Sion, Ryze, rengar, Heimerdinger, Diana, Cassiopeia, Jarvan IV, Swain, Kayle, Singed, Aatrox, Yasuo, Rumble, Cho'Gath, Lulu, Teemo, Rek'Sai, Pantheon
Support: Sona, Leona, Soraka, Lulu, Morgan, Brand, TARIC, Nami, Zyra, Thresh
Tier 2 [Viable]:
Mid-Lane: Katarina, Ziggs, Orianna, Akali, Lulu (AP) Mordekaiser, Kog'Maw (AP), Fizz, Azir, Yasuo, Zed, Nidalee, Galio,Vel'Koz, Pantheon, Zyra, Cassiopeia, Corki, Lissandra, Ryze, Teemo,
Jungle: Hecarim, Jax, Sejuani, Skarner, rengar, Gragas, Aatrox, Fiddlesticks, Lee Sin, Fizz, Cho'Gath, Jarvan IV, Kha'Zix, Poppy, Irelia, Zac, Rammus, Malphite, Master Yi, Trundle
AD Carry: Varus, Miss Fortune, Corki, Twitch, Quinn, Tristana, Ezreal, Lucian
Top Lane: Kennen, Hecarim, Gnar, Nautilus, Ekko, Poppy, Xin Zhao, Urgot, Morgana, Maokai, Garen, Gangplank, Mordekaiser, Lissandra, Darius, Karma, Malzahar, Nidalee, Jax, Volibear, Warwick, Zed, Quinn, Trundle, Udyr, Lee Sin, Gragas, Jayce, Galio, Olaf, Yorick, Viktor, Kha'Zix, Vi
Support: Braum, Vel'Koz, Alistar, Bard, Annie, Lux, Karma, Xerath,
Explanation Champions
Alistar [Tier 2 Support] - The champion is very good in itself, but it carries a suicidal effect (Lee Sin Style) in his back that takes a long time for the player not the same mistake several times.
Darius [Top Tier 2] - Top Darius remains extremely viable for those who like it.
Ezreal (AP) [Mid Tier 1] - Ezreal came close to securing a spot in Tier God, but their percentage of victory was greater only in LOW ELO. High on link, players learned to play against Ezreal Mid AP, you can simply wipe / burstar it with some killers - Or with a Mid Jarvan by Example.
Kayle [Tier 1 Jungle] - The New changes in the "Devourer" were absurdly good for Kayle.
Shen [God Top Tier] - The ninja is back! Shen is with a good base damage at the time and he returned to his place. Shen can master certain lanes and boot pressure map for much of the game. Players with enough mechanics are able to perform amazing moves with Taunt Flash.
Shyvana [God Tier Jungle] -Again, the Devourer came to impact the game! The Shyvana has a gigantic synergy with the item and it can after the end it be a Shyvana Killer or even a Shyvana Tank.
Tahm Kench [Tier 3 Support] - The Champ has a certain potential and have a kit of interesting skills. Still, their skills are quite confused and confuse even their allies. Remember the Bard enough.
Talon [Mid Tier 1] - Changes the AP items caused murderers like Talon could return to the current goal. He is one of the best counters of Ezreal Mid.
Varus [Mid Tier 1] - A AD champion who can carry a huge poke! Varus Mid is one of the most viable choices of Mid Lane. It carries a great advantage in being a poke champion and AD. AP champion suffers for Aegis in early game, Varus not have this problem.
Vel'Koz [ Mid Tier 2 ] -The Price increase in the Void Staff , Rylai and other items rather hurt the Vel'koz .
Warwick [ God Tier Jungle ] - If anyone gained enough with changes in the Devourer , that someone is the WW . We are again at the time of Warwick causing instakills with his ultimate .
Xin Zhao [ Tier 1 Jungle ] - Even WW scheme, Shyvana and Kayle . The item has benefited the Xin Zhao .
If you disagree with something, well ... Comment too. But of course ... With education right? I hope you enjoy it and find champions who are on a Win Rate High, champions that are causing quite an impact in the game and champions who have been frequent victims of bans.
Things you should know:
Everything is in BOLD have an explanation below.
Everything is underlined may have been incorrectly evaluated because few games have been analyzed.
Within the Tiers has an order of Left to Right. Who comes first on the Left are stronger. However, in most cases they are in a very evenly-matched level.
This Tier List is made based games of all Tiers.
Winning percentages have a certain influence on the strength of the champion.
The Creator of this list is Diamond!
Changes in Patch:
Buffs: Ekko, Kayle, Singed, Thresh
Nerfs: Jayce, Nautilus, Rek'Sai, Xin
Changes: Khalista
Tier List Patch 5.13
Tier God [Much Influence]:
Mid-Lane Gods: AHRI, Annie, Lux
Jungle Gods: Warwick, Shyvana, Diana, Amumu
AD Gods: Jinx, Ashe, Sivir,
Top Lane Gods: Wukong, Irelia, Riven, Shen
Support Gods: Janna, Nautilus, Blitzcrank
Tier 1 [Picks Strong]:
Mid-Lane: Diana, Talon, Ezreal (AP) Malzahar, Twisted Fate, Anivia, Morgana, Xerath, Cho'Gath, Swain, Vladimir, Varus, Brand, Heimerdinger, Viktor, Karthus, Wukong, Karma, Kayle, Kennen,
Jungle: Kayle, Xin Zhao, Nidalee, Rek'Sai, Nunu, Udyr, Nocturne, Nautilus, Vi, Shaco, Pantheon, Sion, Wukong, Volibear, Evelynn, Maokai
AD Carry:Vayne, Draven, Graves, Kog'Maw, Kalista, Caitlyn
Top Lane: Tryndamere, Fiora, Malphite, Vladimir, Akali, Nasus, Renekton, Sion, Ryze, rengar, Heimerdinger, Diana, Cassiopeia, Jarvan IV, Swain, Kayle, Singed, Aatrox, Yasuo, Rumble, Cho'Gath, Lulu, Teemo, Rek'Sai, Pantheon
Support: Sona, Leona, Soraka, Lulu, Morgan, Brand, TARIC, Nami, Zyra, Thresh
Tier 2 [Viable]:
Mid-Lane: Katarina, Ziggs, Orianna, Akali, Lulu (AP) Mordekaiser, Kog'Maw (AP), Fizz, Azir, Yasuo, Zed, Nidalee, Galio,Vel'Koz, Pantheon, Zyra, Cassiopeia, Corki, Lissandra, Ryze, Teemo,
Jungle: Hecarim, Jax, Sejuani, Skarner, rengar, Gragas, Aatrox, Fiddlesticks, Lee Sin, Fizz, Cho'Gath, Jarvan IV, Kha'Zix, Poppy, Irelia, Zac, Rammus, Malphite, Master Yi, Trundle
AD Carry: Varus, Miss Fortune, Corki, Twitch, Quinn, Tristana, Ezreal, Lucian
Top Lane: Kennen, Hecarim, Gnar, Nautilus, Ekko, Poppy, Xin Zhao, Urgot, Morgana, Maokai, Garen, Gangplank, Mordekaiser, Lissandra, Darius, Karma, Malzahar, Nidalee, Jax, Volibear, Warwick, Zed, Quinn, Trundle, Udyr, Lee Sin, Gragas, Jayce, Galio, Olaf, Yorick, Viktor, Kha'Zix, Vi
Support: Braum, Vel'Koz, Alistar, Bard, Annie, Lux, Karma, Xerath,
Explanation Champions
Alistar [Tier 2 Support] - The champion is very good in itself, but it carries a suicidal effect (Lee Sin Style) in his back that takes a long time for the player not the same mistake several times.
Darius [Top Tier 2] - Top Darius remains extremely viable for those who like it.
Ezreal (AP) [Mid Tier 1] - Ezreal came close to securing a spot in Tier God, but their percentage of victory was greater only in LOW ELO. High on link, players learned to play against Ezreal Mid AP, you can simply wipe / burstar it with some killers - Or with a Mid Jarvan by Example.
Kayle [Tier 1 Jungle] - The New changes in the "Devourer" were absurdly good for Kayle.
Shen [God Top Tier] - The ninja is back! Shen is with a good base damage at the time and he returned to his place. Shen can master certain lanes and boot pressure map for much of the game. Players with enough mechanics are able to perform amazing moves with Taunt Flash.
Shyvana [God Tier Jungle] -Again, the Devourer came to impact the game! The Shyvana has a gigantic synergy with the item and it can after the end it be a Shyvana Killer or even a Shyvana Tank.
Tahm Kench [Tier 3 Support] - The Champ has a certain potential and have a kit of interesting skills. Still, their skills are quite confused and confuse even their allies. Remember the Bard enough.
Talon [Mid Tier 1] - Changes the AP items caused murderers like Talon could return to the current goal. He is one of the best counters of Ezreal Mid.
Varus [Mid Tier 1] - A AD champion who can carry a huge poke! Varus Mid is one of the most viable choices of Mid Lane. It carries a great advantage in being a poke champion and AD. AP champion suffers for Aegis in early game, Varus not have this problem.
Vel'Koz [ Mid Tier 2 ] -The Price increase in the Void Staff , Rylai and other items rather hurt the Vel'koz .
Warwick [ God Tier Jungle ] - If anyone gained enough with changes in the Devourer , that someone is the WW . We are again at the time of Warwick causing instakills with his ultimate .
Xin Zhao [ Tier 1 Jungle ] - Even WW scheme, Shyvana and Kayle . The item has benefited the Xin Zhao .