Tactical Sniper
300 XP
Download below.
Everything below is in the instructions.txt in the download file.
This is a Three-layer bot based of off pokemobbot plus a manual pokemon sniper and a soft-unbanner.
What it does is that it will initially catch a bunch of pokemon serving as a xp grinder, then it grinds pokeballs and berries(doesnt catch pokemon), then finally it nonstop snipes pokemon.
Firstly click on the auth file in the config folder of PokeCatcher, PokeGrinder, and PokeSniper.
You can then edit the config to your requirements, be sure to edit the same thing in all of the bots.
Double press START.bat to start the bot.
This is the code in start.bat
\ /
@ off
cd PokeCatcher
start /b PokeMobBot.exe
timeout /t 1200 > null
taskkill /f /im PokeMobBot.exe > null
cd ..
cd PokeGrinder
start /b PokeMobBot.exe
timeout /t 800 > null
taskkill /f /im PokeMobBot.exe > null
cd ..
cd PokeSniper
start /b PokeMobBot.exe
timeout /t 300 > null
taskkill /f /im PokeMobBot.exe > null
cd ..
goto begin
After that, this bot will automatically switch modes after a certain period of time.
To edit the time in terms of how long a certain part of the three layer bot functions, edit the START.bat and change the number in ""timeout /t (number) > null"".
For example if you change the # to 60, then the bot will function for 60 seconds then switch to the next part of the bot.
You can delete a certain part of the bot; for example if you do not want the bot to catch XP/Pokemon, delete...
cd PokeCatcher
start /b PokeMobBot.exe
timeout /t 1200 > null
taskkill /f /im PokeMobBot.exe > null
cd ..
You can also change the order in how the modes exectues; for examp,le if you want it to gring a bunch of pokeballs and xp first, and the catch a lot of pokemon do the following:
This is initial.
@ off
cd PokeCatcher
start /b PokeMobBot.exe
timeout /t 1200 > null
taskkill /f /im PokeMobBot.exe > null
cd ..
cd PokeGrinder
start /b PokeMobBot.exe
timeout /t 800 > null
taskkill /f /im PokeMobBot.exe > null
cd ..
cd PokeSniper
start /b PokeMobBot.exe
timeout /t 300 > null
taskkill /f /im PokeMobBot.exe > null
cd ..
goto begin
This is after changing order.
@ off
cd PokeGrinder
start /b PokeMobBot.exe
timeout /t 800 > null
taskkill /f /im PokeMobBot.exe > null
cd ..
cd PokeCatcher
start /b PokeMobBot.exe
timeout /t 1200 > null
taskkill /f /im PokeMobBot.exe > null
cd ..
cd PokeSniper
start /b PokeMobBot.exe
timeout /t 300 > null
taskkill /f /im PokeMobBot.exe > null
cd ..
goto begin
Dont forget to use quickspin, if you get banned. Open up unbanner folder edit the user file. then run Quickspin.
Also you can manually snipe while you bot. First you have to pause bot. by pressing CTRL + A. Double click on ManualSniper. Duble click on user and edit prefreneces. Double click on registerURL.(You have to open registerurl every time you turn on you pc.
Double click on pogolocationfeeder.gui. Wait some time then click on the circle button on the left of the picture off the pokemon to snipe the pokemon. It wont always work. If the pokemon keeps running away, that means you are banned. Use quickspinner to unban you.
If you have any questions ask in the forum or topic(whatever it is called).
Lastly, if you liked the bot and the guide, you know where to click on nulled that would make my day(OPTIONAL). :-)
Edited by XxDdosingDosaxX, 11 August 2016 - 11:57 PM.
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This is a Three-layer bot based of off pokemobbot plus a manual pokemon sniper and a soft-unbanner.
What it does is that it will initially catch a bunch of pokemon serving as a xp grinder, then it grinds pokeballs and berries(doesnt catch pokemon), then finally it nonstop snipes pokemon.
Firstly click on the auth file in the config folder of PokeCatcher, PokeGrinder, and PokeSniper.
You can then edit the config to your requirements, be sure to edit the same thing in all of the bots.
Double press START.bat to start the bot.
This is the code in start.bat
\ /
@ off
cd PokeCatcher
start /b PokeMobBot.exe
timeout /t 1200 > null
taskkill /f /im PokeMobBot.exe > null
cd ..
cd PokeGrinder
start /b PokeMobBot.exe
timeout /t 800 > null
taskkill /f /im PokeMobBot.exe > null
cd ..
cd PokeSniper
start /b PokeMobBot.exe
timeout /t 300 > null
taskkill /f /im PokeMobBot.exe > null
cd ..
goto begin
After that, this bot will automatically switch modes after a certain period of time.
To edit the time in terms of how long a certain part of the three layer bot functions, edit the START.bat and change the number in ""timeout /t (number) > null"".
For example if you change the # to 60, then the bot will function for 60 seconds then switch to the next part of the bot.
You can delete a certain part of the bot; for example if you do not want the bot to catch XP/Pokemon, delete...
cd PokeCatcher
start /b PokeMobBot.exe
timeout /t 1200 > null
taskkill /f /im PokeMobBot.exe > null
cd ..
You can also change the order in how the modes exectues; for examp,le if you want it to gring a bunch of pokeballs and xp first, and the catch a lot of pokemon do the following:
This is initial.
@ off
cd PokeCatcher
start /b PokeMobBot.exe
timeout /t 1200 > null
taskkill /f /im PokeMobBot.exe > null
cd ..
cd PokeGrinder
start /b PokeMobBot.exe
timeout /t 800 > null
taskkill /f /im PokeMobBot.exe > null
cd ..
cd PokeSniper
start /b PokeMobBot.exe
timeout /t 300 > null
taskkill /f /im PokeMobBot.exe > null
cd ..
goto begin
This is after changing order.
@ off
cd PokeGrinder
start /b PokeMobBot.exe
timeout /t 800 > null
taskkill /f /im PokeMobBot.exe > null
cd ..
cd PokeCatcher
start /b PokeMobBot.exe
timeout /t 1200 > null
taskkill /f /im PokeMobBot.exe > null
cd ..
cd PokeSniper
start /b PokeMobBot.exe
timeout /t 300 > null
taskkill /f /im PokeMobBot.exe > null
cd ..
goto begin
Dont forget to use quickspin, if you get banned. Open up unbanner folder edit the user file. then run Quickspin.
Also you can manually snipe while you bot. First you have to pause bot. by pressing CTRL + A. Double click on ManualSniper. Duble click on user and edit prefreneces. Double click on registerURL.(You have to open registerurl every time you turn on you pc.
Double click on pogolocationfeeder.gui. Wait some time then click on the circle button on the left of the picture off the pokemon to snipe the pokemon. It wont always work. If the pokemon keeps running away, that means you are banned. Use quickspinner to unban you.
If you have any questions ask in the forum or topic(whatever it is called).
Lastly, if you liked the bot and the guide, you know where to click on nulled that would make my day(OPTIONAL). :-)
Edited by XxDdosingDosaxX, 11 August 2016 - 11:57 PM.