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The Self Improvement Guide √


Turn-Based Strategist
T Rep
T Vouches
LEVEL 1 100 XP
After a few months of research on the topic of self-improvement, I can guarantee you'll improve at least one aspect of your current life through this process. It's completely free so give it a read, you've got nothing to lose.
Now, before we even get started on the basics, I need you to understand the different sides to the self-improvement rabbit hole. On the one side of things, there is the BLACK pill. This approach focuses on there being almost no hope if you're under 6ft or don't have them fuckin hunter eyes where you look like you could murder someone with one stare-down. This is not the fixed mindset we'll be focusing on, as all this does is make you believe there is no point in improving on any aspect of your life and that you should give up. Instead, we'll be focusing on the RED pill. This is the belief that there is no limit to how much you can improve yourself and therefore making you push further than you ever have before. Whilst this explanation is brief, there's a more in-depth debate on Youtube which I'll link below.
Looksmaxxing is a checklist that will help you improve your looks to your genetic potential, pretty self explanatory. Whilst this checklist is in fact a BLACK pill concept, I've adapted it to be used for more. Lookxmaxxing includes:
  • Body fat %
  • Muscle Mass
  • Hair
  • Skincare
  • Person Hygiene
  • Dental Hygiene
  • Fashion
  • Nutrition
  • Supplements (such as Testosterone etc.)
  • Tongue Posture and Overall Posture
  • Plucking that damn Monobrow.
Whilst these are not all of the checklists for Looksmaxxing, they are the ones I deem to be most important to improve on as they'll skyrocket your physical attractiveness. You may think you've already done all of these but I can guarantee you've missed out on 1 or 2.
Yes, no-fap. Don't skip this one as it'll probably be the most important for you. No-fap consists of you not fucking your left or right hand 3-4 times a day. Not only does porn damage your mental health it damages your ability to blow a fat one. Your mindset has been damaged by that milf porn you've been watching, that shit aint real bro. Porn brings down your sexual performance, brings down your mood and damages your sleep. I've left a link to a YouTube video below which goes in-depth on the actual science behind it.
Mental Health
Mental health. A touchy subject for most people. Ive left a link below to a mental health assessment provided by the british health service, it'll only take 10 minutes to do and I highly suggest that you do it.
Most people who can't control their habits will score highly. Scratch that, most of you will score highly. Don't be ashamed of the fact that you scored highly. Instead, Ill help you improve that shitty mental health. Meditating will help you a lot. You don't even have to meditate a lot at the start, 5 minutes a day at most. Just increase this by 5 minutes next week, then 10 minutes the week after. Before you even say meditating is for monks and shit, just try it. Journaling your day Is also another massive way to improve your shitty mental health, now again, don't bash it until you've done it constantly for 2/3 weeks.
If my steps don't work, then please seek out professional help, you might think you don't need it but you probably do if you scored extremely high.
Video Games
I'll assume you spend 2/3 hours a day on video games. You may probably spend more than 2/3 hours, but I'm just assuming. My question to you is, why spend that time levelling up in video games, when you could do that in the real world? Just don't play them, there's so much more productive shit you could be getting on with. Instead of getting global elite on Cs:go, get global elite in social skills you caveman.
Final Words
The main point I'm trying to get at is that you should be looking back at the past and thinking "damn, I'm glad I'm not him anymore". Levelling up yourself is better than sitting inside doing nothing all day. Whilst I understand this guide is pretty short, I'll probably make a more in-depth version if this has much interest. Whilst I create the more in-depth version, please go and do some independent research on the topics I've covered, I promise you'll benefit from it. Fuck your excuses, just do it.
?Please read: The paid guide should be released soon, I've been working on it since this post. It will contain the a good amount of high-quality content and will only be $15. So it will definitely be worth more than the price tag.



