Witty Banter Specialist
100 XP
So this thread is going to be all about the user @ and what the fuck is up with them.
This user is known for being very controversial by posting basically nonsense stuff and opening whole threads about something literally irrelevant.
To answer to question is ClaireLovely a girl? No sorry simps, he isn't and I can say that with 100% certainty.
Why is this user acting like a girl and shitposting all day then? That's what this thread is about!
The thread where its like the most obvious to me is the thread in which he said "One sex activity that I like to engage in is putting my tongue between a girl's hair straightener.", what's wrong with that you may ask? Well why the fuck would you say "between a girl's hair straightener." Do you say "I like to smell boxer shorts" or do you say "I like to smell on boys boxer shirts" as a boy you would say the 1st one and as a girl you would say the 2nd one because why would you have to mention that its a girls hair straightener?
"Oh well that's not really a point" yea we just started with this thread...
Something else notable is the users custom title: "She / Her / Slut / Bitch" there is no point in telling everyone you are a girl in every way possible because if you are a girl you don't have the urge to prove that you are one by making it visible everywhere.
Another great example of that is where the whole purpose of the thread is to show the point that he is a girl, in this thread something else caught my eyes: "naughty slut trans foid" some other threads supporting the fact that he is a trans-female (born a man) are
where in pic #1 he is chilling in the Reddit of "r/transmaxxing", yet another thread supporting this theory is
this thread doesn't support it as much as the other threads do, but why would you be against religion? Ofcause, if you are transsexual you are against religion since religion doesn't support you. (at least most religions don't)
Another worth-to-mention thread is which gives me megalomaniac vibes just like where the whole story is about a girl coming from nothing and becoming a king but we will leave that in the back of our heads for now too.
So now, lets make a conclusion/resolvewtf is wrong, so considering he is not a lil kid as we can think when looking at his offered service: why does he make such "weird" and unnecessary posts like well I am going to say the issue is that this user is actually an Incel (he has no idea how to talk to women/never had pussy) and is a complete social wrack probably without any friends, another point supporting that theory is that in his last 6 pages of his posts he used the word "Incel" 5x times, doesn't seem too much but why would you use that word? No-one else is using that word like ever, of cause this could just be his "slang" but its still worth to mention, from reading through all his threads he seems to be Bipolar or some type of that energy which is supported by the 2 threads given in the chapter above, he is basically having no social live and posts about being a king once in a while... seems a lil weird to me.
Some theories:
Theory one being he does it only for the attention, why not get attention with something else you may ask, well considering he is Bipolar or has manic depression or just depression, he is trying to be spoken of as much as possible by doing controversial things which get a lot of traction from a lot of users, this is something I have definitely seen online before.
Theory two could also come with theory one but could also be standalone, he is gay.
Why the fuck you may ask now, well acting like a girl IS NOT NORMAL, so to cope with the fact that he is gay he just acts like a girl online, this is highly supported by yea you could buy gay ewhoring traffic but there simply is no point in doing so, if you are ewhoring you are getting 99% more profit by "scamming" straight males and not gay males, considering he is an Incel and he doesn't go outside and is gay, he probably copes with not being able to date a real man by flirting with men via Dating platforms and fake profiles since that is what I have also seen mostly people who can't outlive their gay sexuality do.
So why is he acting like a girl?
He is acting like a girl to cope with the fact that he is either trans or gay and probably also Bipolar and/or has manic depression, and a fucking Incel that can't live his sexuality so he goes around acting like a girl to basically be gay without saying he is.
What to do against him?
Well no matter what the issue is, the only thing keeping him alive is the attention he gets, replying to a hate comment with "sure boyfriend" makes him feel better and noticed which is exactly what he wants, you could say your thread is doing exactly that but I taught this just has to stop, PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO HIS FUCKING POSTS EVER, its crazy no-one ever taught about that but saying "please logout" is probably more attention than what he gets by any human in real life during a week.
Small edit since I didn't read the title right last time:
this thread is not only supporting that he is just a fucking crazy Incel, but wouldn't make any sense considering he is a female...? (Why tf would you make a thread about how women are bad in relationships and just want your money and that kills men, if you are a female? Firiendly fire? No just a fucking incel!!!!)
Edited by ClopChop, 02 March 2022 - 04:18 AM.
This user is known for being very controversial by posting basically nonsense stuff and opening whole threads about something literally irrelevant.
To answer to question is ClaireLovely a girl? No sorry simps, he isn't and I can say that with 100% certainty.
Why is this user acting like a girl and shitposting all day then? That's what this thread is about!
The thread where its like the most obvious to me is the thread in which he said "One sex activity that I like to engage in is putting my tongue between a girl's hair straightener.", what's wrong with that you may ask? Well why the fuck would you say "between a girl's hair straightener." Do you say "I like to smell boxer shorts" or do you say "I like to smell on boys boxer shirts" as a boy you would say the 1st one and as a girl you would say the 2nd one because why would you have to mention that its a girls hair straightener?
"Oh well that's not really a point" yea we just started with this thread...
Something else notable is the users custom title: "She / Her / Slut / Bitch" there is no point in telling everyone you are a girl in every way possible because if you are a girl you don't have the urge to prove that you are one by making it visible everywhere.
Another great example of that is where the whole purpose of the thread is to show the point that he is a girl, in this thread something else caught my eyes: "naughty slut trans foid" some other threads supporting the fact that he is a trans-female (born a man) are
where in pic #1 he is chilling in the Reddit of "r/transmaxxing", yet another thread supporting this theory is
this thread doesn't support it as much as the other threads do, but why would you be against religion? Ofcause, if you are transsexual you are against religion since religion doesn't support you. (at least most religions don't)
Another worth-to-mention thread is which gives me megalomaniac vibes just like where the whole story is about a girl coming from nothing and becoming a king but we will leave that in the back of our heads for now too.
So now, lets make a conclusion/resolvewtf is wrong, so considering he is not a lil kid as we can think when looking at his offered service: why does he make such "weird" and unnecessary posts like well I am going to say the issue is that this user is actually an Incel (he has no idea how to talk to women/never had pussy) and is a complete social wrack probably without any friends, another point supporting that theory is that in his last 6 pages of his posts he used the word "Incel" 5x times, doesn't seem too much but why would you use that word? No-one else is using that word like ever, of cause this could just be his "slang" but its still worth to mention, from reading through all his threads he seems to be Bipolar or some type of that energy which is supported by the 2 threads given in the chapter above, he is basically having no social live and posts about being a king once in a while... seems a lil weird to me.
Some theories:
Theory one being he does it only for the attention, why not get attention with something else you may ask, well considering he is Bipolar or has manic depression or just depression, he is trying to be spoken of as much as possible by doing controversial things which get a lot of traction from a lot of users, this is something I have definitely seen online before.
Theory two could also come with theory one but could also be standalone, he is gay.
Why the fuck you may ask now, well acting like a girl IS NOT NORMAL, so to cope with the fact that he is gay he just acts like a girl online, this is highly supported by yea you could buy gay ewhoring traffic but there simply is no point in doing so, if you are ewhoring you are getting 99% more profit by "scamming" straight males and not gay males, considering he is an Incel and he doesn't go outside and is gay, he probably copes with not being able to date a real man by flirting with men via Dating platforms and fake profiles since that is what I have also seen mostly people who can't outlive their gay sexuality do.
So why is he acting like a girl?
He is acting like a girl to cope with the fact that he is either trans or gay and probably also Bipolar and/or has manic depression, and a fucking Incel that can't live his sexuality so he goes around acting like a girl to basically be gay without saying he is.
What to do against him?
Well no matter what the issue is, the only thing keeping him alive is the attention he gets, replying to a hate comment with "sure boyfriend" makes him feel better and noticed which is exactly what he wants, you could say your thread is doing exactly that but I taught this just has to stop, PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO HIS FUCKING POSTS EVER, its crazy no-one ever taught about that but saying "please logout" is probably more attention than what he gets by any human in real life during a week.
Small edit since I didn't read the title right last time:
this thread is not only supporting that he is just a fucking crazy Incel, but wouldn't make any sense considering he is a female...? (Why tf would you make a thread about how women are bad in relationships and just want your money and that kills men, if you are a female? Firiendly fire? No just a fucking incel!!!!)
Edited by ClopChop, 02 March 2022 - 04:18 AM.