Sarcasm Ninja
300 XP
- If you gradually grow by yourself, that's one good thing but if you have a reliable team that you've built from the ground up, that is something to take note of and accept as a high priority achievement in itself.
- I genuinely believe if you trap yourself with the same guys you grew up with as friends or close friends or best friends, whatever may be the case, you will realize you all have to do what you have to until the end, and this will make a long continuation of a journey that you will build so far and not realize how far you've truly come.
- If I were to guess, this website could probably be a great example in fact. Someone started this with someone close they knew and passed it down by meeting other people with the same interest, without realizing time has gone by, years down the line, a brotherhood was created, and they run the site together with moral correction and rules applied that ultimately gave them a chance to keep this ship alive.
- Experiencing this phenomenon myself gives a truly different perspective, I'd like to thank this site as apart of it, people I met along the way, it kept me going where I had most of my strengths at in computers, I liked the environments, had my ups and downs and kept it pushing. Thing is I stayed though and accept this part of me. So, I'd like to thank the site owners, moderators, trial moderators, staff, and even long-time people who stuck around and did what they had to make it feel like a community.
- All in all, brotherhood is important, although you may feel like you can do it all on your own, you may can but that extra 200% you could've gone is not applied, ideas, thinking, and progressing with unity is what created this place you live in, and have lived at before recently. So thank you.