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The Devolution of Video game communities


Deception Technology Expert
B Rep
B Vouches
LEVEL 1 300 XP
When online gaming started to emerge communities were filled with caring, helpful, and empathetic people and it was an amazing thing to be a part of these communities, but as time goes on, they get worse and worse to the point where interactions are just down right hateful, I first started noticing when playing Rust, and I just assumed it was the nature of the game that caused it, So I moved on to other games I had played in the past that were known for having good communities, but they are infected as well. Is this just a consequence of the declining morals IRL? I don't understand why people have begun being so cruel and hateful, I literally can't play video games online anymore without being so disgusted with the way people behave, and its so sad, It literally takes my favorite part of online gaming out of the game, When did it become cool and acceptable to act like a degenerate who only enjoys themselves when putting others down, or ruining their gameplay? I just don't understand it... When did it become ok to greif, when did killing someone that you have a ridiculous advantage over and bragging about it become the norm? I enjoy winning FAIR competitions, and understand the "shit talking" when you prevail via skill, but now the world is full of people who simply have a massive advantage and brag about it (i.e. a level 60 killing a level 40 in World of Warcraft) and when a fair fight comes along they either attack their character as a person, or simply just get off the game instead of trying to improve via fair play. What the hell is going on in the world that is causing everyone to have such fragile egos? Gamers used to stick together, but now its just simply disgusting, is it just the direction the gaming community is going, or is it a reflection of morals IRL? I'd like to have a discussion about it, I would like to understand why the world is full of people with fragile egos that aren't having fun unless they are insulting someone else or ruining their time? When did we stop treating others as human beings?? I was alive when the internet first came out, I remember the talk that happened in the chat rooms and such, but it's like the more common it becomes, the more people are accepting it, and partaking in it as well. I draw enjoyment from actually getting better at the game, When did defeating someone who has no chance in hell to win begin justifying bragging rights??? I just don't get it at all!!! Is it just the NA players, or is it everywhere? Im so perplexed and disgusted, Im thinking about giving up gaming all together, This degeneracy literally makes something fun, turn into an awkward chore.



