Container Coder
300 XP
Dear Nulled community,
First of all, we want to thank you for keeping up the good work and contributions throughout the past months.
We are happy to be able to keep this forum alive in its current state, in spite of the issues we had to face in early 2016.
Though keeping the community growing, providing content, solving problems and making our users enjoy their stay might seem like a lot of work,
we are happy to come online every day to spend time with our members, whether it's people who just found our site or the old faces lurking the shoutbox!
You are a great community, and we are happy to be your staff, but we would also like to express how grateful we are for your patience and loyalty,
staying with us despite all the problems we are still facing to this day. It can only get better from now on, promise!
A special thanks go out to all the diligent members who are reporting posts, members and threads violating the rules,
without you, Nulled would not be as great as it is today! Keep up the great work
First of all, we want to thank you for keeping up the good work and contributions throughout the past months.
We are happy to be able to keep this forum alive in its current state, in spite of the issues we had to face in early 2016.
Though keeping the community growing, providing content, solving problems and making our users enjoy their stay might seem like a lot of work,
we are happy to come online every day to spend time with our members, whether it's people who just found our site or the old faces lurking the shoutbox!
You are a great community, and we are happy to be your staff, but we would also like to express how grateful we are for your patience and loyalty,
staying with us despite all the problems we are still facing to this day. It can only get better from now on, promise!
A special thanks go out to all the diligent members who are reporting posts, members and threads violating the rules,
without you, Nulled would not be as great as it is today! Keep up the great work